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Old 08-26-2022, 08:22 AM   #1
Yssup Rider
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Default Conservatives knee jerk reactions to student loan forgiveness plan are as loony as it is hypocritical

The debate in this forum is far more intellectual than the wailing, rage whining and knee jerking by prominent conservatives, especially dipshits like Carlson and Hannity.


And don’t forget the poignant remarks of one of the nation’s all time great educators

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Old 08-26-2022, 08:57 AM   #2
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The problem Yssup is that you end up in what George Soros calls a vicious cycle. Easy-to-get loans lead to higher tuition costs which lead to more and larger loans, which lead to higher tuition, etc. By lowering required repayments to 5% of discretionary income instead of 10%, and by expanding the definition of "discretionary", and by extending the moratorium on loan payments farther into the future, Biden's executive order assures that only a fraction of the principal amounts loaned will actually be paid. Now the borrowers can just pay nominal amounts until the loans are written off after 20 years. Or 10 years for some people.

This undoubtedly will contribute to more scams like Trump University, described in one of your links, as well as just having people end up with four year university degrees that they'll never use, in history and the like.

It's also welfare for the better off among us, who on average have higher income potential than those of similar age who don't have student loans.

I think the system was pretty fair the way it was, where people only had to pay 10% of discretionary income, and "discretionary" was defined where it didn't include everything under the sun. That's not to say the system was working. Unlike when we were in college, people are often not getting value commensurate with the money they spend on education.

Granted though, there's a huge amount of hypocrisy in Marjorie Taylor Greene not paying back her PPP loans and then criticizing this.
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Old 08-26-2022, 12:54 PM   #3
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An entire generation has lived under the flaws of this system.

Until that's corrected, all efforts to provide low-cost higher education to all will be stunted.

No other country has this problem. How do we get out of it?

We could easily offset this by reducing - dare I say ...

But that's not the topic of this thread. It's the wanton apeshittery of those who would politicize a runny nose.
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Old 08-26-2022, 01:53 PM   #4
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I think you're on to something, with the "other country" part. In many, kids get tested around high school age and depending on their scores and aptitudes, they go into educational programs to become mechanics, lawyers, nurses, teachers, whatever. So you don't have as much money wasted on degrees people don't use. And the graduation rates are probably higher. Tuition costs must be lower, and I imagine there are more outright state grants for tuition, instead of the emphasis on loans here. I'm no expert, but whatever we've got in the USA isn't working.

I don't think it's as bad in Texas as other places. I see UT Austin charges $11,500 in state tuition, on average. By the time you take off grants, scholarships part time work and the like, that's probably doable for many, without racking up a lot of debt.

I know people who have borrowed a lot more than they really needed when attending college to support what would have been a lavish lifestyle for me at their age. That's one of the problems with loans that are too easy to get.
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Old 08-26-2022, 02:31 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
rage whining and knee jerking by prominent conservatives

The loudest critics are from Democrats who disagree with the President


Ohio Senate nominee Tim Ryan"Waiving debt for those already on a trajectory to financial security sends the wrong message to millions of Ohioans without a degree working just as hard to make ends meet."

Nevada Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, "I don't agree with today's executive action because it doesn't address the root problems that make college unaffordable."

Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet, "Relief should have been more targeted" should have laid out how they'll pay for it.
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Old 08-26-2022, 02:53 PM   #6
Jackie S
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I tend to agree with the OP.
Without divulging too much personal info, I will say I do not have one second of college, but have personally paid for four complete degrees from various Texas State Universities.

If Biden is forgiving $10,000 , that is hardly a drop in the bucket when considering the amount some of these kids have run up in loans.

It’s just a vote buying scheme. Hell, he probably hopes it will get challenged, and a court declares that he does not have the authority to do it. But he can still look at all of these brain dead “generation what the fucks” and say……”I tried, so vote Democrat anyway”.
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Old 08-26-2022, 05:10 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
The debate in this forum is far more intellectual than the wailing, rage whining and knee jerking by prominent conservatives, especially dipshits like Carlson and Hannity.


And don’t forget the poignant remarks of one of the nation’s all time great educators


Au contraire mon frere!
To begin with, I must say that your ingratiating remarks about the conservative posters on this board don't exactly ring true based on the remarks you've made about most of them in the past. I guess that's to make the rest of this tripe seem more palatable. With all due respect to my fellow posters, the braintrusts of conservative thought in this country won't be found here. Yes, including me.
As for your links, "I stopped reading that horse shit headline after hovering my cursor on the link. Set the tone for what I’m sure was a titillating expose."

All you've done is reeeeeee about not liking conservatives and giving us examples of two of the more bombastic types on network tv to imply that most other conservatives share their views and vitriol. A straw man, in other words.
We could do the same wih Maddow, or Malcom Nance. Let's paint all dems with that brush. Fuck that!

As for the issue being politicized by conservatives, how do you figure? It's a shameless attempt at vote buying ahead of the midterms. Is that not political? Especially since he'd opposed it in the past. It's a pretty big gift to 13% of the population, all voters, in this country. Given how close elections are that's more than significant.
Get outta here with that crap.
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Old 08-26-2022, 06:54 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
I think you're on to something, with the "other country" part. In many, kids get tested around high school age and depending on their scores and aptitudes, they go into educational programs to become mechanics, lawyers, nurses, teachers, whatever. So you don't have as much money wasted on degrees people don't use. And the graduation rates are probably higher. Tuition costs must be lower, and I imagine there are more outright state grants for tuition, instead of the emphasis on loans here. I'm no expert, but whatever we've got in the USA isn't working.

I don't think it's as bad in Texas as other places. I see UT Austin charges $11,500 in state tuition, on average. By the time you take off grants, scholarships part time work and the like, that's probably doable for many, without racking up a lot of debt.

I know people who have borrowed a lot more than they really needed when attending college to support what would have been a lavish lifestyle for me at their age. That's one of the problems with loans that are too easy to get.

Whoa! Tiny haven't you heard? Testing is RACIST!!! Especially that racist MATH! Come on man! This group of Progressive zealots would be all over that sighting past discrimination that leaves people of color unable to take these racist tests. So for now, that is out the window. No testing! It only hurts feelings don't you know.

In all seriousness, well, that was serious but what happened to letting Kamala get at the "root causes" of this ( like she has been assigned finding other root causes ) out of control college costs. One of the most frequent things said about this, is that it is a band-aide and does NOTHING to address the root and future causes that will likely make tuition costs go up even more and what good does it do for people that start incurring debt in say 2024? Do we just allow the whole process to continue but with a new group of suckers and why would any of them pay back a dime after watching what happened to the previous winners?

I wonder if Biden had any idea of how many Democrats and Independents would speak out against this and CNN, are they singing a different tune on this one pointing out just how unfair and unnecessary this is at a time with all this inflation that we are being told by experts and not Joe Biden, is going to get worse, much worse before it is over because the only way to end this, is to keep raising interest rates to a point where it hurts so much that people stop spending money which of course will lead to more lay-offs in which White people will apparently bear the brunt of?

And Biden is talking about how all these students after getting this largesse, will go out and spend more money while the Feds are making purchasing more difficult.WTF?
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Old 08-26-2022, 07:03 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Ducbutter View Post
Au contraire mon frere!
To begin with, I must say that your ingratiating remarks about the conservative posters on this board don't exactly ring true based on the remarks you've made about most of them in the past. I guess that's to make the rest of this tripe seem more palatable. With all due respect to my fellow posters, the braintrusts of conservative thought in this country won't be found here. Yes, including me.
As for your links, "I stopped reading that horse shit headline after hovering my cursor on the link. Set the tone for what I’m sure was a titillating expose."

All you've done is reeeeeee about not liking conservatives and giving us examples of two of the more bombastic types on network tv to imply that most other conservatives share their views and vitriol. A straw man, in other words.
We could do the same wih Maddow, or Malcom Nance. Let's paint all dems with that brush. Fuck that!

As for the issue being politicized by conservatives, how do you figure? It's a shameless attempt at vote buying ahead of the midterms. Is that not political? Especially since he'd opposed it in the past. It's a pretty big gift to 13% of the population, all voters, in this country. Given how close elections are that's more than significant.
Get outta here with that crap.

With past tapes of Biden and Pelosi saying a President doesn't have the right to do this and then looked back at Obama saying the same thing about immigration and went ahead and did it anyway. Remember Obama trying to explain to Hispanics that he didn't have the power to change immigration laws on his own? Pelosi said the same thing "then" but now, she has no problem with Biden doing it on his own.

And using the "Hero's Act" meant to help guardsmen and woman who had to deploy for our forever wars? Young adult's that can't or won't pay back their loans are "hero's"? Only in this Democrat party would anybody have the nerve to make that case. Pitiful.
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Old 08-26-2022, 11:30 PM   #10
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I have the OP on ignore but the headline says it all. "Conservative kneejerk reactions" is more of a half-truth than a headline. Many DEMOCRATS are having problems with the bailout. You just might consider that the majority opinion is right this time and, once again, Biden is on the wrong side of history.
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Old 08-27-2022, 06:27 PM   #11
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It’s a headline.
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