Originally Posted by WTF
BBB will have to be rethunk!
Tiny , let's go celebrate.
Although, me thinks, they will come back with something he can support. It will have to be less porkie....except for WV. I bet they sweeten their share!
Hey! Can I get in on this celebration, too?
(Although I'm not sure I want to celebrate very enthusiastically quite yet, lest I look like the NFL wide receiver who spiked the ball on the 5-yard line!)
Originally Posted by WTF
Any bets on it getting passed after it gets modified?
I suspect that it probably will, but hopefully only after it's had most of its most egregious elements deep-sixed.
Democrats will likely put on a full-court press in efforts to get Manchin over the finish line. Remember Robert "Sheets" Byrd? He brought home plenty of bacon for the state.
In the event that you've considered investment in West Virginia paving companies or concrete plants, now's the time!
But when is congress going to start abiding by "truth-in-advertising" principles? "BBB" should be called "Binge Borrow Bigger."