Originally Posted by Stevensegal
Chung glad you are back. Man I wish I was there now.
Thanks Steven!
Originally Posted by TheRealMcCoy
What's the deal with them not going topless on stage? I went the other night and thought it was bizarre that they don't show their tits on stage.
Ok.. What!?
I can't remember a Topless Club that ever did that. Way to kill your business!
Is that true on day shift, too? I know day and night shifts can be much different.
If this is standard policy, it must be because there really are lots of Lookie-Lou's, and the problem is persistant.
And/or they are trying to force the big sale, the private dances, that are most accretive to the bottom line.
I suspect the night shift clientele is the nuisance. In almost every club I've been to (many), the night guys are there to drink, party and ogle. The serious guys who go to score, understand that day shift yields many more rewards. With that in mind, I can't imagine day shift keeping their tops on.