Originally Posted by berryberry
Americans are horrified by these weekly videos highlighting Biden’s mental state. But hey, maybe the media will keep covering up for and protecting the senile bastard Biden and only cover him when he goes to get ice cream which is about all he is intellectually capable of doing
Oh wait, look a real journalist even is throwing shade at him for this now. About time
"Seems he makes an ice cream pit stop with increasing frequency."
Ask yourself - who the hell is running the country. It sure isn't this senile idiot
Stay on Topic, This article is the truth of how the GOP has been trying and trying to degrade president Biden.
This article is the truth of how the GOP has been trying and trying to degrade a president that is doing everything in his power to get this country back on track. He is trying to get us out of a situation that has caused our whole country to shut down for the past year when there was nothing being done until election time. The GOP doesn’t like to see President Biden succeed and they will try and do and say anything to reverse or at least slow down his progress.
Former Trump used to say that the Republican Party will believe anything he says. He went as far to say
he could "stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and
shoot somebody" and retain all his supporters. That is how most of the GOP thinks. That is what some on this board thinks. It’s a shame people are this gullible.
The GOP is jealous of how great of a job President Biden is doing and they continually make up nothing but lies to try and get their party back on the plus side after losing the presidency, numerous house seats, governors throughout the US and are pulling out all stops. They did the same thing when Obama was running and being president. One of the things was about his birth certificate. Remember that big lie?
In recent years our country has been left in shambles where innocent people were being killed either by riots, trying to take over our own government, starving them by taking away food assist programs where people had to beg for food. There were miles of people waiting in line to get food that common people and churches had to donate to help poor people. All food assist programs were eliminated. They even tryed to kill our Vice President.