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Old 05-30-2021, 10:59 PM   #1
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Default Texas blows it again.

The most restrictive abortion laws in the USA. A law of the land that was pushed through by Republicans Some 50 years ago taken down by some weird misinformed, mutated, unrecognizable form of Republican that when I was growing up I would never believe to exist.
SAD SAD days. When did Republicans become the party of more and moral government? They used to be the party of more personal responsibility and less government interference. Say what you want the Democrats they haven’t got anything on the restrictions and one’s personal freedoms than their republican peers have.
And the Democrats suck with their cancel culture which doesn’t even come close to what’s going on on the other side of the aisle.
And then about a week later mega voter restriction laws. One of the freest states becoming a NAZI dictatorship. Again SAD SAD Days.
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Old 05-30-2021, 11:02 PM   #2
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Sorry MODS please move to Sandbox.
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Old 05-31-2021, 10:25 AM   #3
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Gun rights? Business Shutdown? More government regulation on environmental policy that's pure virtue signaling ( Paris Accord ) ? Eliminating industry competitiveness via tax increases forcing jobs overseas? Allowing men who identify as women to compete in women's sports ( resulting in loss of scholarship money )?
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Old 05-31-2021, 11:16 AM   #4
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The governor who can't even control his own limbs, wants to control women. What a douchebag
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Old 05-31-2021, 11:44 AM   #5
Grace Preston
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Originally Posted by Crash Dummy View Post
Gun rights? Business Shutdown? More government regulation on environmental policy that's pure virtue signaling ( Paris Accord ) ? Eliminating industry competitiveness via tax increases forcing jobs overseas? Allowing men who identify as women to compete in women's sports ( resulting in loss of scholarship money )?

See.. the "men who identify as women" is a red herring. Nobody is suggesting that men who identify as women should be able to compete as women. People are saying that born males who identify as women and have gone through the hormonal (and perhaps even surgical) process to become a woman should be given the opportunity. Why? A typical born male who is on HRT for more than 2-3 years will often have lower levels of testosterone than women with PCOS or other hormone imbalances. Ergo-- the "competitive advantage" is gone. A born male, properly treated for 2-3 years... will chemically appear to be a female if you are taking a look at their hormone levels. Also- all the virtue signaling about this particular issue completely ignores the other side.. which is born females transitioning to males. Texas had a major issue with a high school wrestler... born female.. but had been on HRT for years to become a male. Was forced to compete with the girls despite looking like and essentially competing like a male.
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Old 05-31-2021, 01:36 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
Ergo-- the "competitive advantage" is gone.
Horse puckey. Testosterone is but ONE difference between males and females. Muscle fiber, density and mass is different, so is the bone density and structure. You can't change a boy into a girl or vice versa... you're just making cosmetic changes, a dude with tits is still genetically a dude, a chick with a man made micro penis still has a uterus and is still genetically a female.

I have zero enmity towards transexuals and they deserve to be treated with the same respect accorded to anyone else, but they DON'T deserve special dispensation to compete with the opposite sex because they made some cosmetic changes even if that involves getting hormones injected.

As for the abortion change... The argument is over when does LIFE begin, not about a womans rights to control her own reproduction. (THEY ALWAYS HAVE THAT RIGHT). When can we say life begins? Surely a heartbeat is a good indication. The lack of one usually indicates Death, Right? Or we can discuss Brain activity.. when is the Human brain formed during pregnancy? (week 6-7)

There are apps that allow a woman to track her ovulation that have been shown to be more effective at BC than taking the pill... don't fuck without a rubber during that 5 day window, and you will NEVER get pregnant. If women have the right to control their own reproductive behaviour, then they ALSO have the responsibility to do so. And that means if they are IRRESPONSIBLE, then they need to bear the consequences... SAME FOR THE FATHER.

Plan B is widely available... there's no reason for abortions to even be necessary... The whole "what about rape?" is ridiculous... report it to the cops, get the hospital physical and give them Plan B. done.

The whole argument about womans rights is misleading. Nothing in the bill affects a woman or her body. A woman wants to not have a baby, she need only tell the guy to wear a rubber. All this bill does is prevent a Doctor from murdering an unborn child.
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Old 05-31-2021, 02:29 PM   #7
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There is no constitutional right to abortion ( there is a protected right to life ).
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Old 05-31-2021, 05:23 PM   #8
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Default Guess it Takes One to Know One...

Originally Posted by mrredcat43 View Post
The governor who can't even control his own limbs, wants to control women. What a douchebag
To Call out an Individual For the Loss of Limb Use caused by an
Accident Thru No cause of their own, is CLASSLESS, and using your own term...
Very Douchebag-esque.

Thanks for Exhibiting the EXACT reason Politics is So Partisan...
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Old 05-31-2021, 06:21 PM   #9
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Regarding the idea of a heartbeat denoting life... Well I think earthworms have a whole bunch of hearts, we should probably outlaw shovels. Oh wait unless you're taking a biblical approach to things where human life is imparted a soul at conception which requires special respect.

However at least when I read it the bible never really says that a soul is imparted at conception though. It says a lot against sex work and sexual pleasure in general for that matter but it really doesn't mention anything against abortion for whatever it's worth.

But in fairness I'm just making assumptions given that probably all of the people voting for this bill consider themselves Christian.

I know someone who may or may not have a condition where if they get pregnant it could kill them. They're waiting for a genetic test that could take months for the result. They have inconsistent periods too. So if they were unfortunate enough to get ruphied and get pregnant unexpectedly they could die because they would not have the medical proof to get an abortion under the current law. I also know someone who was the victim of a perverse family member at the onset of puberty many decades ago. What if God didn't 'bless' them with miscarriages? Under this law they would have been left with the burden of raising a child born in a very unfortunate circumstance. There's really no shortage of real-world examples like this.
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Old 05-31-2021, 06:34 PM   #10
Grace Preston
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
Horse puckey. Testosterone is but ONE difference between males and females. Muscle fiber, density and mass is different, so is the bone density and structure.

You do know a lot of those things are because of hormones, right? I mean.. we've essentially proven this without ever considering transgender folk. Women with PCOS tend to have more muscle fiber, bone density, and center mass.... guess what else they have more of... its testosterone. There are plenty of born females out there built like linebackers.. and plenty of men who can easily pass for women at first glance.

Is testosterone going to make a tiny girl a beefcake man? No. But HRT with estrogen over the course of many years makes many M to F trans have the same bone density issues as their born female counterparts.

I'm not suggesting that the ability to compete should be automatic by any means. I think there should be certain tests applied to it, and it should most certainly be a case by case basis with certain metrics that have to be met. Example-- I don't think that Ms. Jenner has the same structure having converted so late in life compared to say.. the young lady from "My Name is Jazz" who began their transition early on. But I think both sides are in such a hurry to virtue signal on this.. that they're missing the point that a blanket statement is going to leave a lot of folks without a place at the table.

I mean.. lets go back to the Texas wrestler. He was a born female, but had been transitioning for a few years. He looked like a born male, competed like a born male-- and absolutely obliterated the female competition. But Texas still compelled him to compete as a girl, because his birth certificate said "female". Many other girls would forfeit their matches rather than wrestle him.. because they could see the advantage he held... despite not being a "born male".
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Old 05-31-2021, 06:57 PM   #11
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Rene Richards (sp) settled the issue with a gender thing in sports before the current administration ever came to office.
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Old 05-31-2021, 09:28 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
I'm not suggesting that the ability to compete should be automatic by any means. I think there should be certain tests applied to it, and it should most certainly be a case by case basis with certain metrics that have to be met.
A case by case basis? Who is going to make the case by case decision? A High School Coach? The school Principal? Someone on the School Board? Can you imagine the law suits that would generate?

Certain metrics to be met? Who is going to define those metrics? Congress? The State Legislature? The School Board? I doubt you could find three Medical Doctors who could agree on a fair set of metrics that would work in every circumstance.

I suggest a little thought experiment. Suppose there's a boy around 12 years old. He decides he wants to be an athlete, so he starts a vigorous workout routine. After a couple of years of serious work he starts to develop some serious muscles, lung capacity, and all the other characteristics of a competitive athlete. After a few years he decides to start Hormone Therapy, but continues his workout routine to the best of his ability. How long until he loses enough muscle and other characteristics to be competing equally with girls? Does anyone know? Can anyone answer that?

Now suppose this boy has a twin sister, and suppose they begin working out together at the same time doing the same routine. Most likely he will be stronger, faster, in general more athletic than his twin sister. After he begins Hormone Therapy, when will he decay to the point that they are performing equally? Do you think anyone knows or can answer that?

All I'm trying to suggest here is that it would be very, very difficult to define what it means to be fair and compete on an equal basis if you go down this path.
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Old 06-01-2021, 09:17 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Big Ed View Post
Regarding the idea of a heartbeat denoting life... Well I think earthworms have a whole bunch of hearts, we should probably outlaw shovels.
Apples vs. Oranges

Related to the wrestler... She is essentially juicing, whether it's medically approved or not, she is a she on test/roids. So she should be banned from competing against females.
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Old 06-01-2021, 12:51 PM   #14
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I'm just going to leave these here...



This will ultimately put any woman out of competition, in Any sport.

I am ALL for equal rights, for men, women, or however you identify yourself, but somewhere, a line has to be drawn.
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Old 06-01-2021, 01:47 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post

Related to the wrestler... She is essentially juicing, whether it's medically approved or not, she is a she on test/roids. So she should be banned from competing against females.

And there is the problem. You don't want born males competing with women... fine. But if a woman wants to become a man.. you don't want them competing either. So essentially-- you wish to ban all transgender folk from sports... period.
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