Originally Posted by Rockydoc
I do not have as much experience as you think. I have just been around a long time and have discriminating taste. I only see well reviewed ladies who are not quick visit lower tier ladies If you see the best you will not post bad reviews. I have been blessed with seeing some amazingly addicting ladies. Must admit that most recently Chloe has captivated my soul. I am sure you understand that, Tuck
Originally Posted by austin88998833
Yeah I believe Tuck may vaguely understand what you are talking about.
I don't have the slightest idea what you are talking about!
You think I fall for a woman's charms that easy??
Just cause I dated her more times than anyone else!
Most days I don't even think of her, but the few days I do think of her are just the days that end in Y. And even on those days I only think of her for about 25 hours.
(Did somebody mention Y?)
Hey, aren't we supposed to be talking about Brittany?