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Old 01-18-2021, 07:33 PM   #1
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Default Bill Maher speaks truth to power

Did Bill Maher just take a position that just might get his ticket punched by the new Progressive Jihadists?

Remember when we were told that there are millions and millions of "good Muslims" and they can't all be judged by a "relatively" smaller number of fanatics that have hijacked the Muslim religion? That is what I believe and have said so from the beginning. As much as I spoke against Muslim fanatics and I did, I was careful not to suggest that all Muslims are fanatics.

So why are 74 million Trump voters being lumped in with a couple thousand fanatics that attacked the capital? Turn of Fox News and every single voice you hear including Carlson, Hannity and Limbaugh, the three voices the fanatics on the left want silenced more than anybody, to a person, condemns what happened in the capital that day and call for the punishment of those that took part in the insurrection and yes, that it what it was. When you go to a protest with zip ties which are for one reason and one reason only, prisoners, you have to call it what it is.

Apparently Bill Maher who I have very big problems with, at least on this matter, shows strength of character that just might cause him very big trouble from those on the left who are calling for anybody that voted for Trump, to be put in education camps or "de-programmed" if you will. And some over at PBS and MSNBC, are saying that might not be enough because what if they have "infected" their children? Perhaps we better "de-program" the little ones just to be safe.

If Joe Biden doesn't move fast to shut down this kind of talk, far from unity, there will be more talk about "fighting for one's right to speech and thought".


Bill Maher defends Trump supporters: Let's not confuse '5,000' Capitol rioters with '74 million' voters

"Real Time" host Bill Maher closed his show Friday night by defending the millions of Trump voters who were NOT involved in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.
"As bad as last week was ... let's not confuse 5,000 people with 74 million," Maher began his monologue. "Yes, even supporting the insurrection in spirit is, well, deplorable. But there's a difference between holding illiberal beliefs and acting violently on them. At least that's what they always told me about Islamic terrorism."
While Don Lemon double downs on what he said.


Maher told his viewers he always "wrestles" the hard question on his show of how all Americans "learn to share a country with a------s you can't stand."
"I've preached, and still do, that you can hate Trump, but not all the people who like him," Maher said. "And as counterintuitive as it may seem, you can like something run by a------s without being one yourself."
The HBO star mocked the "liberal happy talk" assumptions that the events of recent weeks will mark the "end" of the GOP, warning his audience that 2024 will probably be yet another tight presidential election.
"Seventy-four million people are not self-deporting and neither are we," Maher told his audience.
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Old 01-18-2021, 07:47 PM   #2
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Bill Maher is like the fox news entertainers. Bill is just more funny and believable.

I have trumpys as friends also. No biggie. They all paid off when they list biggley though
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Old 01-18-2021, 07:48 PM   #3
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Just as the many thousands of those who marched in the BLM protests over the summer should not be confused with the handful who committed crimes, neither should the overwhelming majority of Trump supporters be confused with the idiots who stormed the Capitol.
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Old 01-18-2021, 09:14 PM   #4
Alyssa XOXO
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Thank you for this thread OP, very interesting read!
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Old 01-18-2021, 09:23 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Tsmokies View Post
Bill Maher is like the fox news entertainers. Bill is just more funny and believable.

I have trumpys as friends also. No biggie. They all paid off when they list biggley though
It feels great also. No more Trumptrain bullshit. No more "4 more years"... Trump losing shut them all up except for them getting a little excited about congress overturning the election. Dumbfucks told me to read the constitution, lol. I'm like "Jan 6" isn't a vote redo. They've all been a little quiet for the last week or so...

Trumptrain derailed off the tracks into a deep canyon.
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Old 01-19-2021, 02:33 AM   #6
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And in other news, water is wet.
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Old 01-19-2021, 05:14 AM   #7
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Damn, Blackman. Still? I was kinda hoping that would be second guessed.
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Old 01-19-2021, 06:24 AM   #8
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It’s so entertaining how all the folks that claimed BLM were terrorists murderers and rioters are now claiming “can’t lump everyone in the same basket” after Trumpys attacked the Capitol and tried to overtake the govt in the name of Trump. Wasn’t that what people were saying all summer. Oh but those were folks they disagreed with so they had to be all bad and all rioters and all destroying property. But now that it’s their friends and neighbors, it’s “everyone is good, except the few people that acted badly”.

Trumpy hypocrisy. Republican hypocrisy. There’s a couple of other nouns but I’ll not get into them.
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Old 01-19-2021, 07:39 AM   #9
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The Trumpite posture certainly has changed in the part week.

But not enough.
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Old 01-19-2021, 08:18 AM   #10
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[QUOTE=Tsmokies;1062335955]Bill Maher is like the fox news entertainers. Bill is just more funny and believable.

I have trumpys as friends also. No biggie. They all paid off when they list biggley



So states above teh 'true believer " in the arrogant anti-freedom and Equality for All under the Law beliefs of the marxist stooge Don lemon!

Anyone who would refer to a true friend in such demeaning terms - of what is likely to be illegal tomorrow under the PC thought police, deludes himself both as to the rrality of the espoused marxism, and the thought of truly having 'friends' Whom One treats as such.
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Old 01-19-2021, 10:01 AM   #11
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So now you're speaking for Tsmokies friends, oeb11?

I, too, have friends who supported Trump. We agreed not to discuss it. Haven't spoken since the daily confirmation of the election results began coming in.

I suppose you're taking it a little harder than most, oeb11.

Breathe deeply. In fact, if you take a day off from using the word "marxist," you'll have an extra 500 to use tomorrow!


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Old 01-19-2021, 10:43 AM   #12
Austin Ellen
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You have friends?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
So now you're speaking for Tsmokies friends, oeb11?

I, too, have friends who supported Trump. We agreed not to discuss it. Haven't spoken since the daily confirmation of the election results began coming in.

I suppose you're taking it a little harder than most, oeb11.

Breathe deeply. In fact, if you take a day off from using the word "marxist," you'll have an extra 500 to use tomorrow!


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Old 01-19-2021, 11:27 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
It’s so entertaining how all the folks that claimed BLM were terrorists murderers and rioters are now claiming “can’t lump everyone in the same basket” after Trumpys attacked the Capitol and tried to overtake the govt in the name of Trump. Wasn’t that what people were saying all summer. Oh but those were folks they disagreed with so they had to be all bad and all rioters and all destroying property. But now that it’s their friends and neighbors, it’s “everyone is good, except the few people that acted badly”.

Trumpy hypocrisy. Republican hypocrisy. There’s a couple of other nouns but I’ll not get into them.

Let me see if I can clear this up for you. All those people that burned and looted were BLM supporters. There are many, many more BLM supporters that did not burn and loot. That doesn't mean that I can't call out those that did just like I call out those Trump supporters that rioted. Most Trump supporters did not. Easiest thing in the world to say.

No hypocrisy here. It's only hypocrisy when you call out one and not the other. I call out both.
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Old 01-19-2021, 11:28 AM   #14
winn dixie
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
So now you're speaking for Tsmokies friends, oeb11?

I, too, have friends who supported Trump. We agreed not to discuss it. Haven't spoken since the daily confirmation of the election results began coming in.

I suppose you're taking it a little harder than most, oeb11.

Breathe deeply. In fact, if you take a day off from using the word "marxist," you'll have an extra 500 to use tomorrow!


Total fear mongering!
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Old 01-19-2021, 11:55 AM   #15
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Bill Maher has always told it like it is. He is a dem that doesn't mind kickin the dems ass as needed as in wake the fuck up

As for my friends losing a few hundred (to me trumpy supporters...they are not the radical ignorant racist clueless redneck kind of people that would go commit felonies and record it lol. They are just normal people like me that will do well no matter what. We can and will discuss world situations after a few. We will always be friends though
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