I long for the days again. When I could walk up to a table and be someones good luck charm and they just threw me money to stay.
Or planned a designated trip to meet a high roller and spend xxx amount of time at the tables then xx time having fun going to shows etc.
I am going to Vegas id September for Birthday fun and going to a wedding be there a whole week. Finding Richard Gere would be nice

I do not have a significant other to haggle or debate with I can just jump right on in. Not a Demi Moore type More of a Mae West Type Tanya Tucker Mix

Not an alcoholic, far from it but on birthday week end It is going down down baby What goes on in Vegas Stays in Vegas lol

There is an after dark area on a Vegas Message Board I saw but does not look like it is Diamond and Tuxedo Quality.
With these stupid masks can not see my winning million dollar smile be very hard to just walk up to a table and smile real big with my boobs all out=============

Maybe the boobs are enough.
I have a few high roller stories my self since I am Lady Luck and Cajun Luck and at birthday time Birthday luck and other ladies I know have heard a few tall tales but have not heard any from the mans side. Ever take a Lady to be lady luck and you won and had fun?