Those of us who travel

Forewarning this is a woest me thread
So I spent most of my day yesterday figuring out where I wanted to go from OKC the plan was Wichita Kansas and I just kept hearing bad after bad experiences from traveling ladies . Made a few inquiries Then I though MO so I start the search all over. THEN I realized Damn NW Arkansas is just a hop skip and a jump from me YAY... But now its too late to do my search.
We do not just have to worry and search if bust are going on, If some big event is in town high jacking the hotel rates and making sure the quarterly police convention is not being held at your same hotel

Or if there is a maniac targeting girls in the area; but now we got to worry about these damn C-19 numbers and how the hotels are dealing with them.
Some just go way over board. I have been to some hotels that have all doors locked no entrance without a key and want full name and must be on the registration for that room.

I would say stay the hell out of San Antonio until they get their numbers down you can not even go into the BEST BUY. And if you are standing by your car outside they want you to keep your mask on until you get inside your car

HOW ARE They Handling all this SHIT SHOW in NW Arkansas?
Is it relaxed somewhat. I would say Wichita Falls was the most feels like normal city I have been to and their numbers are real low.