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Old 07-21-2020, 08:57 AM   #1
ICU 812
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Default Tipping Point

Tipping Point

We stand at a tipping point in the evolution of our country. The Pandemic of 2019-2020 has brought significant societal dislocations. Further disruptions have been orchestrated by organizations such as Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA among others. Protests have become violent events oficonaclastic anarchy. Monuments honoring historically notable persons have been defaced, removed or destroyed, ranging from prominent confederate indeviduals to Columbus, various US presidents and even a monument to 9/11 First Responders. It doesn't seem to make any difference who they were or what they did. Civil authority has been usurped in several major cities as protesters have occupied significant portions fo inner citys and excluding all civil authority and emergency services such as Fire an Medical personell. at times through violent confrontation.

State governors and city mayors have allowed these events to happen and have encouraged the protesters and occupiers. They have explicitly refused assistance of any kind from federal authorities. City councils have generally reduced the effectiveness of police , reducing funding, abolishing special crime units and in Minneapolis, disbanding the police department entirely.

The coming election is perhaps more important to the future of the United States than the 1860 election before the Civil War. In his Gettysburg Address, Lincoln described the then raging Civil War as a conflict that would establish that our government or any government, of, by anf for The People " . . . .shall not perish from the earth."

The current unrest is somewhat like another Civil War. The national discussion has moved beyond conflicts over policy, poverty, privilege or civil rights. It is not about abortion rights or the rights of the unborn. It is not about increasing or lowering levels the unemployment or welfare support. It is not about issues involving labor unions and employers. These are all ideas that can be discussed, negotiated, legislated or litigated through the existing framework of our society as it stands now.

This has become about wrecking the structure of the United States as it is structured by the Constitution and its' Amendments. This is anarchy that threatens the existence of the United States as a nation-state.

You may consider yourself a moderate or left of center voter, or even a committed liberal voter, but . . . If the Democrat candidates are elected this fall, from President on down to State and local offices, the country cease to exist. In the twentieth Century, a significant number of oppressive governments have established themselves through an electoral process.

However; If the Republican candidates are elected, from president down to local offices, the country will continue to be. Any societal flaws systemic injustice or dysfunction can still be remediated through the mechanisms that exist.

If you are a committed liberal, a deeply loyal democrat, an independent libertarian, think about what is going on just now. The Democratic Party has been hijacked away from the ideals of President Kennedy President Johnson and Martin Luther King. Anything that you think is wrong with America now can be worked on as we have been doing. This coluntry is very different than it was in 1775, 1860 or 1957. Think of the societal evolution we have undergone since the Millennium. We are moving forward. However, if the Republicans are not strongly supported at every level in the fall, all of that could be swept away in general civil disorder and chaos.

This is no longer a matter of Left-Right, Democrat-Republican or Liberal-Conservative viewpoints in politics. this has become a conflict over the existance of the United States.

Please: think about this before you vote in Novenmber.
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Old 07-21-2020, 09:15 AM   #2
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ICU - Thank you - good sir!!!!
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Old 07-21-2020, 09:47 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by ICU 812 View Post
You may consider yourself a moderate or left of center voter, or even a committed liberal voter, but . . . If the Democrat candidates are elected this fall, from President on down to State and local offices, the country cease to exist. In the twentieth Century, a significant number of oppressive governments have established themselves through an electoral process.

However; If the Republican candidates are elected, from president down to local offices, the country will continue to be. Any societal flaws systemic injustice or dysfunction can still be remediated through the mechanisms that exist.
I can’t believe you took the time to write or copy/paste this. It’s one of the dumbest things I’ve read this weak. Dumbest thing I’ve read today for sure.

New member added to the Idiot Crew though I guess you’ve always been a member but have been a little less vocal in the idiocy.

It amazes me that some of the Idiots, like Wacky, Oeb,Turd, Lev and others have absolutely nothing better to do but spout lines upon lines of ignorance, stupidity and idiocy. The ramblings are somewhat entertaining so keep up the good work.
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Old 07-21-2020, 09:53 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
I can’t believe you took the time to write or copy/paste this. It’s one of the dumbest things I’ve read this weak. Dumbest thing I’ve read today for sure.

New member added to the Idiot Crew though I guess you’ve always been a member but have been a little less vocal in the idiocy.

It amazes me that some of the Idiots, like Wacky, Oeb,Turd, Lev and others have absolutely nothing better to do but spout lines upon lines of ignorance, stupidity and idiocy. The ramblings are somewhat entertaining so keep up the good work.
Spelling week, as “weak”, is pretty fucking stupid.
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Old 07-21-2020, 11:35 AM   #5
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And the amusing thing is that the same local and city govts still want federal funds
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Old 07-21-2020, 11:43 AM   #6
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Seattle will want federal funds to repair the damage done by their terrorist 'Pets" - and to indemnify them for the lawsuits for property damage and the murders committed on the DPST watch.

Let the DisBand their police - and all the law abiding and tax paying citizens leave Seattle - leave a burned out wreck where the terrorists will then whine to Washington DC for bailouts - because Mom no longer wants to pay for terrorist Marxists.

1b1- Glad you have an opinion. Now - get an education not from the Marxist teacher's unions and You might have something other than hate to spew!
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Old 07-21-2020, 12:13 PM   #7
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Disband Antifa and BLM. Two Marxist organizations being propped up by the Democrats and the MSM.
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Old 07-21-2020, 12:14 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Spelling week, as “weak”, is pretty fucking stupid.
Autocorrect won I suppose. Doesn’t make you any less idiotic though. I forgot to add you to Idiot Crew shortlist. Consider yourself added.
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Old 07-21-2020, 12:26 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
I can’t believe you took the time to write or copy/paste this. It’s one of the dumbest things I’ve read this weak. Dumbest thing I’ve read today for sure.

New member added to the Idiot Crew though I guess you’ve always been a member but have been a little less vocal in the idiocy.

It amazes me that some of the Idiots, like Wacky, Oeb,Turd, Lev and others have absolutely nothing better to do but spout lines upon lines of ignorance, stupidity and idiocy. The ramblings are somewhat entertaining so keep up the good work.

Tell us why it is a dumb thing. Convince me that you can articulate what you mean. Anybody can say something is dumb but can you tell us why you think it is dumb. Has civil authority not been usurped in major cities across America? A few days ago even Mayor DeBlasio had to speak up for the police and rightly stated, that no matter what was happening, attacking police while doing their duty, trying to keep civil order, can never be condoned.

Even the "what the fuck were the people of Chicago thinking" Mayor Lightfoot after watching her police attacked and injured, couldn't remain silent.

Are you un-aware of these incidents sir? Do they not trouble you?

This isn't about George Floyd. This isn't even about the deaths of Blacks or the streets of Chicago would be filled with protesters calling out the names of dead Black children. Do you know any of the names of the dead Black children sir? Do you even know about these deaths? Do you care about these deaths or is it only the deaths of Blacks at the hands of police which you can count on one hand that don't involve a weapon?

No, this is about anarchy, anarchy that will not stop as I told my Democrat friend, if Biden is elected because this is about removing police from Black neighborhoods as BLM leaders tell us and if that doesn't happen the day after Biden is elected and it will not because the President has no authority to do such a thing, this anarchy will persist and with a feckless President and cowards for leaders in the Democrat party, it will get worse.

If the new President of the United States doesn't continue to protect federal building like the Mayor of Portland is asking the current President not to do, every federal building, in every major city in the US will burn. If the new President does his duty and says all federal buildings will continue to be protected by federal officers, the violence will continue.

So either way, this will go on if Biden is elected. If you think it won't, please tell us why instead of telling me "that's a dumb thing to say", because if you can't articulate a better response than that sir, you will be the dumb party here.
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Old 07-21-2020, 12:31 PM   #10
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Trump has brought about the deevolution of this country.
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Old 07-21-2020, 12:36 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
1b1- Glad you have an opinion. Now - get an education not from the Marxist teacher's unions and You might have something other than hate to spew!
Buddy Oeb. I don’t hate you or anyone else. I don’t dislike you. I don’t well anything with regard to you or the other Idiot Crew members. I guess that’s not wholly true as I genuinely wish you and others as humans and dudes on the whore board the best, hoping you remain safe and sound during this pandemic whether you believe in it or not and I hope you maybe even get some pussy.

My political beliefs don’t cause me to any animosity toward any of you. Do I think you’re stupid, ignorant, some possibly racist, and absolutely dumb as rocks, yeah I do. But trust me it’s not personal.

I think you and the other Idiot Crew members’ views are way outta step with regular Joes and Janes whether white black yellow green and whatever other color can be grown out, but they are your views to which you are entitled and you proudly spew them day and night on a whore board thinking you’re some kinda intellectuals. I’ll let ya in on a secret, you’re no intellectuals and no one gives a shit what you think, except maybe as an entertaining curiosity.

I don’t know you and I couldn’t care less what you type. I suppose if I did know you. I’d likely feel sorry for you and the other Idiot Crew members. Maybe pity, I’m not sure which is the better description. Anyway, spew more dumbness ignorance and idiocy, I’d like my entertainment to keep coming.
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Old 07-21-2020, 12:37 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Disband Antifa and BLM. Two Marxist organizations being propped up by the Democrats and the MSM.

And also the LSMFT
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Old 07-21-2020, 01:01 PM   #13
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Arguing at length as to why someone’s argument is stupid only serves to legitimize the stupid argument in the first place. So why go back snd forth. I’ll say this though. Since we would be starting from far different facts and points of view scribbling some lines on ECCIE would be insufficient. If you believe that BLM wants the US torn apart and whites hung and no police at all, you’re clearly getting your understanding from the likes of Breitbart Hanity Watters or even worse OANN. Or you’re scouring the internet for some manifesto that no one marching for equity and equality has ever read and believing that forms some kinda guiding principle. The 10s of Thousands marching for Black Lives want this country to treat Blacks with fairness, equality and respect which sadly it doesn’t, in practice even if the laws claim that it should. If you believe otherwise nothing I say will make you understand so there’s no point wasting time trying to open your eyes.

Antifa isn’t an organization. No matter how much Barr, Trump or Cruz try to create a boogeyman, it ain’t real. Do some guys show up to engage Whites with their nazi and confederate flags yep, they do. But they are not a terrorist organization in any way or form. Hell the KKK and other right wing organizations go around public spewing hate in the name of White Rights and White Power but no one has any issue with them. In fact, a few years ago didn’t they march in Charlottesville chanting about white power and not being replaced by Jews. Didn’t one of them run over people on a street. That’s actual violence aimed at our citizens.

Even Steve Scalise spoke to their organization a few years back and took their money. When the govt says those are domestic terror groups then Antifa can be equally grouped in with them.

As for this vast anarchy gripping the country. I don’t see any where I live. Don’t see any where my parents are. Or my friends. Bet there’s none where you are either. So the country is pretty damn safe as far as I can see. Now if Fox Breitbart and OANN have you believing that anarchists are on the next street over from you just about to overrun the govt you’re more gullible than I presumed.
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Old 07-21-2020, 01:32 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by matchingmole View Post
And also the LSMFT

But keep your hands off my OBGYN
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Old 07-21-2020, 03:23 PM   #15
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Not a cut-n-Paste. That OP all came from my early morning coffee-fevered brain.

I really tried to make this rant as neutral as possible. We can all discuss the issues and settle things within the current system. We can even change the system through legislation and amendment; the Constitution provides a set of mechanisms for that.

But none of that can happen if the system is burned to the ground as has been touted publicly., in a violent civil war . . .which is actually happening in some places.

My thanks for the (mostly) civil responses.
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