Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
This prez has made so many at the top rich enough to not have to look for work.
The stupidity of this propaganda is astounding.
1) People choose to work, or not work, depending upon the comparative benefit of doing so. Married couples are a perfect example of this at work.
When the benefits of not working are greater than the benefits of working, a substantial portion of the population will choose not to create wealth that is measureable and taxable.
See: Welfare, foodstamp, public housing, obamacare, et.al.
I have a friend who is going to make the amount to not exceed to obamacare threshhold. He is easily capable of creating twice the value for our economy, but chooses not to because the incremental cash he gets is negligible for the effort he would have to apply.
I have many acquaintances that will only work for cash because a real paycheck would be counterproductive.
2) The "good jobs" were not destroyed by Government or corporate malfeasance, they were destroyed by gains in efficiency driven by oversees competition. "Handwork" by Americans is prohibitively expensive as compared to other low developed country populations. That isn't a bad thing, but those handwork jobs are gone, were not saveable, and are not recoverable.
We make more steel now that we did in the 70's, with 15% of the labor(in manhours). Is this a bad thing. You buddy would say so. That is stupid beyond comprehension.
What we need to do is ensure that we have continuous technology development so that the 3rd world labor force adds value to our economy as they add value to their own. The leftist who would destroy this concept(private enterprise and initiative) are truly dangerous, and in my opinion, traitors to our society.