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Old 07-10-2019, 02:12 PM   #1
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Default Amp hobby

I never cared much to think of any of these girls are being forced into providing.

Maybe it was me being young and horny or a way to play out a rape fetish of mentally forcing a women to give herself to me.

Lately I’ve been thinking about, “why do these women still provide after many years.” Most of the available ones now are close to their 50’s/ 60’s and still taking a creampie on a daily for a discounted rate due to their old age.

Well what brought up this thread is that I was bored late night and searching for who might be available and up pops up this UTR.

One thing lead me to another and down the rabbit hole of info which leads me to believe that this UtR is a victim of human trafficking.

Not looking to be a hero or try to change anyone’s life. I haven’t seen her in over a year and don’t plan on doing it. Just kind of sad and very real how things are for these people in the hobby.
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Old 07-10-2019, 03:28 PM   #2
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There are lots of not so good things about the hobby. Because guys are the ones paying....sometimes we don't want to think about the "why" women hobby. Lots and lots of reasons for everything....some good...some ok and some just bad.
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Old 07-10-2019, 04:20 PM   #3
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This is the only job that will provide enough funds for their family to survive.
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Old 07-10-2019, 07:13 PM   #4
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Yes sir, lots of times that's exactly the case
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Old 07-10-2019, 10:36 PM   #5
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i know what you mean. I have been wrestling back and forth with going to an amp. I don't know the situation of the women, but I know I don't want to be part of the problem if there are women being forced to work the amps. They are under appreciated and I think not treated as well as they should be, but I cant say for sure. I question the intel I get because when people start talking about fake handles and that girls aren't a certain way, only that they do things they are forced to because of whatever reason, I tend to not think of this as fun.
At the same token, times are changing and unless you have a click , its every man for himself. you ask a "prominent" member for advice or intel and maybe they are upstanding telling the truth, maybe they are not.
Its not even a matter of paying. its a matter of I don't want to go into a meeting thinking a woman is a certain way only to find out she feels as though she has to do something she doesn't want to do. what is fun about that? Maybe that is some dudes kink but its not mine.
Im still wrestling with the idea of going to an amp. right now self control is winning.
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Old 07-10-2019, 11:16 PM   #6
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Go see GGT.....

She's about halfway thru the yearly holiday ham redeaux...boneless, that is.
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Old 07-11-2019, 03:33 AM   #7
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Reality: some women prefer to sell their bodies for $60+ per hour rather than working a normal job for $5-$10 per hour. Be nice to them and treat them with respect. They would rather see you and make money, and bless their hearts for working instead of leaching off the system.

That being said, I try to stay away from young or rotated providers as I think they are much more likely to be trafficking victims.
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Old 07-11-2019, 11:17 AM   #8
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GGT is a good example of knowing where she can make money. She definitely makes more in her services than cutting hair. She's well off and doesn't need to work but enjoys a hard schlong. They say if you love what you do then it's not a job. GGT loves what she does and it reflects in her work. She may be too old for many of you but I've always appreciated her and treat her well.
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Old 07-11-2019, 03:24 PM   #9
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[QUOTE=Jdoe921;1061612126]Reality: some women prefer to sell their bodies for $60+ per hour rather than working a normal job for $5-$10 per hour. Be nice to them and treat them with respect. They would rather see you and make money, and bless their hearts for working instead of leaching off the system.

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Old 07-11-2019, 05:50 PM   #10
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The one thing that always bothered me are the guys who go to places that are clearly not FS Amps or sometimes they're even Licensed places. They go to these and they try to pressure the ladies into servicing them when clearly it's not what they do.

You wouldn't do that at a massage envy but yet you have no problem doing that at small Chinese businesses. Guys like to pretend it's their "game" and "skills" when many times they are just pressuring women who aren't that familiar with American society, don't speak great English, don't know how to deal with assholes, or are just afraid.

One guy on here a while back even told a story about how he went to a family business and complained to the family that the lady wouldn't service him...there's even been news reports about guys whipping their dicks out in the lobby at family owned businesses...

I have always believed that if you are going to hobby, atleast go to providers who make it perfectly clear this is what they do, instead of trying to pressure anyone into doing something they don't want to do (but are afraid to say no). If what you really want is the thrill of testing your game, then go to a social place where that's usually done. Don't force a massage girl to have to deal with you just to get rid of you.

Just because it's the "hobby" doesn't mean there isn't an element of consent involved. The hobby should always be a 2 way street, otherwise it becomes something else, something much worse.
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Old 07-11-2019, 05:58 PM   #11
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Very wise words. I'm ok with the amp ladies that want to play.
If the lady doesn't initiate the play.....I leave the play alone and just enjoy the massage.
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Old 07-11-2019, 06:33 PM   #12
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I am with tbone2u!
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Old 07-11-2019, 09:26 PM   #13
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Agree eXe and tb. Is only enjoyable if her participation is voluntary and engaging. I now avoid the "rotation" shops (didn't in the past), agree with JDoe in earlier post those are much more likely trafficking oriented.
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Old 07-11-2019, 09:34 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by tbone2u View Post
There are lots of not so good things about the hobby. Because guys are the ones paying....sometimes we don't want to think about the "why" women hobby. Lots and lots of reasons for everything....some good...some ok and some just bad.
I've commented on this subject before. Gotten chastised by some thinking I was out of my mind thinking all the girls weren't in it for fun and money, but because they were forced to. But it is a reality unfortunately. My views have changed over time for sure. However, Mr Bone, I don't care to think a good portion of women providing consider it a "hobby" as you say. Perhaps some Indie's do, but I wouldn't say the typical 'spa girl' that can't speak English provides services as a hobby, but either a necessity because of the lack of other opportunities elsewhere with limited experience, language skills or schooling, or as the thread started, because they have to or are forced to, for any number of reasons. Some, perhaps many or most of which are not in favor of the girl in any aspect. My opinion. Peace.
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Old 07-12-2019, 05:27 AM   #15
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Larch, I'm not sure why you think I said a good portion think it's a hobby
That's Not what I intended to convey
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