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Old 07-01-2018, 07:34 PM   #1
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Default The cesspool known as TER.

The cesspool known as TER.

TER is corrupt and has been for years.

As some of you may recall David Elms the founder of TER went to prison and the site was then acquired by an entity in the Netherlands.

Pryor to that, under the original owner, the moderators were just members of the site, who volunteered to be moderators for no pay except for free vip, and seeing the aliases of all the posters.

Now the moderators and admin are employees of the owner. While the server is off shore the mods/admin are in the U.S. they are in the LA area.
These guys, yes all guys, are corrupt. (That is not to say the previous mods who volunteered were not. They too were corrupt. Most notably GaGambler and FuzzyPhallus, two of the worst but there were others too).

The current mods/admin (specifically, but not limited to, the persons who posts as “TERAdmin” and “SportsAdmin’) are engaged in blackmail, bribery and extortion and have been for years.
They control the posting of many ladies and will not allow posts/ad posts unless they get freebies form the ladies. They threaten to out ladies to their friends and family for freebies.

When it comes to posting on the boards the mods/admin play favorites. They will remove posts for no reason or not allow a post to be posted . When asked why a post did not go up or was removed you get a snotty reply or no reply at all, never getting a reasonable answer. If you pursue it or ask often they threaten to ban you.

I’m not going to tell anyone to not post not place ads or not participate in TER but I suggest you be careful and have a back up . I suspect that most who read this, that ECCIE is your primary site anyway. Be careful be safe.
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Old 07-01-2018, 08:32 PM   #2
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Default I hate TER!!

I have always hated TER from denying reviews for credit to the snotty replies from admins, as mentioned. Of course, I would gladly review a lady on TER if she requested butt, I always regretted it later....just awful!!
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Old 07-01-2018, 10:12 PM   #3
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Isn’t TER still unavailable to users from the US?
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Old 07-02-2018, 12:23 PM   #4
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Default you can still get in ....

Originally Posted by robertbeard702 View Post
Isn’t TER still unavailable to users from the US?
with a vpn.. and they are working on coming back, I rcvd an email from them, stating that their legal team is working on the specifics for them to return to the united states very soon .. of course there will be alot of changes
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Old 07-02-2018, 07:34 PM   #5
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Default Hey BigPapasan I see you made it here

Hi friend --he's a good guy to know

Originally Posted by BigPapasan View Post
The cesspool known as TER.

TER is corrupt and has been for years.

As some of you may recall David Elms the founder of TER went to prison and the site was then acquired by an entity in the Netherlands.

Pryor to that, under the original owner, the moderators were just members of the site, who volunteered to be moderators for no pay except for free vip, and seeing the aliases of all the posters.

Now the moderators and admin are employees of the owner. While the server is off shore the mods/admin are in the U.S. they are in the LA area.
These guys, yes all guys, are corrupt. (That is not to say the previous mods who volunteered were not. They too were corrupt. Most notably GaGambler and FuzzyPhallus, two of the worst but there were others too).

The current mods/admin (specifically, but not limited to, the persons who posts as “TERAdmin” and “SportsAdmin’) are engaged in blackmail, bribery and extortion and have been for years.
They control the posting of many ladies and will not allow posts/ad posts unless they get freebies form the ladies. They threaten to out ladies to their friends and family for freebies.

When it comes to posting on the boards the mods/admin play favorites. They will remove posts for no reason or not allow a post to be posted . When asked why a post did not go up or was removed you get a snotty reply or no reply at all, never getting a reasonable answer. If you pursue it or ask often they threaten to ban you.

I’m not going to tell anyone to not post not place ads or not participate in TER but I suggest you be careful and have a back up . I suspect that most who read this, that ECCIE is your primary site anyway. Be careful be safe.
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Old 07-02-2018, 07:41 PM   #6
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if you use a VPN out of the USA
you can get on and if you ask to have your location changed you can get your act to work
but you have to prove you relocated ..

Ya have a fake review about me on there who I know the guy got me mixed up with a friend I used to hang out with .. Every thing he said about me was her to a tea
I asked to have it removed , TER would not and they guy who did the reviews does nothing but do bad reviews
on very one he see ..
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Old 07-03-2018, 08:37 AM   #7
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I never had a problem with TER. I relied on it when I traveled and most ladies were glad I reviwed them. Several Dallas ladies whom I reviewed told me that they got a different clientele from TER who were often visiting Dallas on business and staying in the better hotels. I don't know about the TER politics, but I'll be happy if they return. I lost 23 reviews on TER when they left the US.
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Old 07-03-2018, 11:20 AM   #8
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TER has had more than its fair share of scum and unsavory behind the scenes activities. Just as TBD did. Just as ASPD did. And as I am sure ECCIE does.

You are spot on with the two TER mods you mentioned, both of them--and others--would pressure ladies and trash them if they didn't bow down in homage to them with free gifts. And if guys tried to stick up for specific ladies who were being trashed, they would attack the guys as well. GAGambler and I had more than one very unpleasant run in after they tried to ruin friends of mine on the East Coast.

People tend to forget the almost identical problems TBD had, only they were FL based instead of CA. But just as bad, and was part of the demise of TBD into the non-entity it is today. There were "favorite" posters there who were given access to personal data on ladies and guys so they could extort and blackmail--and some of the mods winked.

The same thing happened at the end of ASPD in parts of TX, and for a while the criminals & thugs were definitely in control of the jail. Fortunately a few wound up with very long forced vacations.

No site will be perfect, but hopefully ECCIE will learn and keep a tighter reign on the dubious characters.
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Old 07-06-2018, 06:48 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
TER has had more than its fair share of scum and unsavory behind the scenes activities. Just as TBD did. Just as ASPD did. And as I am sure ECCIE does.

You are spot on with the two TER mods you mentioned, both of them--and others--would pressure ladies and trash them if they didn't bow down in homage to them with free gifts. And if guys tried to stick up for specific ladies who were being trashed, they would attack the guys as well. GAGambler and I had more than one very unpleasant run in after they tried to ruin friends of mine on the East Coast.

People tend to forget the almost identical problems TBD had, only they were FL based instead of CA. But just as bad, and was part of the demise of TBD into the non-entity it is today. There were "favorite" posters there who were given access to personal data on ladies and guys so they could extort and blackmail--and some of the mods winked.

The same thing happened at the end of ASPD in parts of TX, and for a while the criminals & thugs were definitely in control of the jail. Fortunately a few wound up with very long forced vacations.

No site will be perfect, but hopefully ECCIE will learn and keep a tighter reign on the dubious characters.

I hear ya Old-T

I’m sure most if not all the boards have their scum. I did not go on TBD often but it was clear they had their issues. TBD as bad as it was, TER takes “Hobby” board corruption to a new level and is far worse. In addition to the ongoing bribery, blackmail and extortion TERadmin/mods will ban you if your political views are different from theirs, or if you disagree with them on anything (no matter how polite you are) they ban you.
They are drunk with power.

As for GaGambler he remains on TER and is as arrogant and condescending as ever and apparently kissing admin’s ass therefore making him one of their favorites.
FuzzuPhallus was banned from TER. He also posted on BestGFE as “elgreco” and was banned by them and he also posted on TNA as “HeadCheese” and was banned and blacklisted by TNA. A person has to be real scum to get banned and blacklisted by so many boards. I do not know for sure but I would not be surprised if he is back on those boards under different names.
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Old 07-06-2018, 08:36 AM   #10
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I never participated in TER's forums, but did use their reviews when looking to meet someone new. So by removing access to reviews that were in the US, they lost all value to me. A VPN doesn't get access to those reviews anymore. Shortly after they blocked access from US users, my subscription expired and I get an email wanting me back...LOL, what a joke.
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Old 07-11-2018, 08:30 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Fsn57 View Post
I never participated in TER's forums, but did use their reviews when looking to meet someone new. So by removing access to reviews that were in the US, they lost all value to me. A VPN doesn't get access to those reviews anymore. Shortly after they blocked access from US users, my subscription expired and I get an email wanting me back...LOL, what a joke.

TER greatly over reacted to the new laws.
Yes TER lost all all value to many.
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Old 07-11-2018, 03:24 PM   #12
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I know a provider that has Canadian citizenship. I can access her profile using a VPN in Canada. The problem is, she doesn't have any reviews from Canada and none of the US reviews can be seen.

So, don't bother doing the Canada thing
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Old 07-11-2018, 03:37 PM   #13
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There is a new board that just opened and they are offering free subscriptions. What I like about it is that their provider listings can be searched by type of service. For instance, if you are looking for providers that cater to smoking fetish, you can do that.

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