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Old 03-27-2018, 08:59 PM   #1
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Default Back to the Basics?

Perhaps a list of street corners and hotel bars we can expect the whores to flock to if the site goes down would be better spent time.

It also might be a good time for men to learn the nuances of being a Sugar Daddy and prospecting babies without the use of ads. That has been alive and well for many years and will never go away.

A shout out and Thanks to the Owners and staff for weathering the storm and hanging in there.
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Old 03-27-2018, 09:12 PM   #2
winn dixie
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Perhaps a list of street corners and hotel bars we can expect the whores to flock to if the site goes down would be better spent time.
Now that's keeping it real Boss !! Best advice I've heard since this crap has started..
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Old 03-28-2018, 11:55 AM   #3
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Why not just list them yourself Whispy? I'm sure you are familiar with most of the occupied / lucrative corners in town, as well as Houston (which you use to claim you ran) and San Antonio.. C'mon, don't keep us in suspense... share your immense worldly knowledge..
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Old 03-28-2018, 12:05 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Perhaps a list of street corners and hotel bars we can expect the whores to flock to if the site goes down would be better spent time.
I guess that advice is actually useful for some. It probably depends what kind of ladies you are looking for. I never met mine on street corners and I have an aversion to bars. But there always were other options and there still will be. At higher risk and higher cost.

It also might be a good time for men to learn the nuances of being a Sugar Daddy and prospecting babies without the use of ads. That has been alive and well for many years and will never go away.
Of use to some, not much to others.

A shout out and Thanks to the Owners and staff for weathering the storm and hanging in there.
No storm has been weathered yet. I hope they do weather it, but it would be good if they would come out and let folks know a little of what they are thinking. Silence breeds panic.
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Old 03-28-2018, 02:16 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
No storm has been weathered yet. I hope they do weather it, but it would be good if they would come out and let folks know a little of what they are thinking. Silence breeds panic.
Men need not panic. Pussy is always around and the loss of internet advertising will drive prices down and pussy will find us or make itself known.

I can see some of the whores that got used to it being made easy for them panicking some but there will be an uptick in the volume of pimps wouldn't you guess?

Mixed in with the legitimate SBs available is an abundance of whores already to be found.
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Old 03-28-2018, 04:13 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Men need not panic. Pussy is always around and the loss of internet advertising will drive prices down and pussy will find us or make itself known.

I agree with the "don't panic" part--panic rarely does any good. I also agree that people on both sides will adapt and find each other, though finding AS MANY contacts will go down without easy electronic access. It will go down more for those like me who really do not have a "home base" but I find myself in different cities almost every week, many for the first time and on short notice. That makes it much more difficult to find reliable info without prior cultivated sources in the area.

I can see some of the whores that got used to it being made easy for them panicking some but there will be an uptick in the volume of pimps wouldn't you guess?

Yes, I do agree there will be an increase in pimps, and in ladies who are pimped. Exactly the opposite of the purported goal of the legislation--once again highlighting the short sightedness of the legislation, or the complete disingenuousness of the spokespeople for it. Probably both.

Mixed in with the legitimate SBs available is an abundance of whores already to be found.
In part I agree. At least initially there will be the same number of ladies available. But many individual guys will have reasonable access to many fewer options than they do now. Providers new to the business, new to the area, or touring, will be more difficult to find and find info on without easy search and advertising. In essence, for many guys the EFFECTIVE supply will shrink substantially.

When I started, pre any of this internet stuff, it was mostly word of mouth and established contacts. On a given decent day, I could probably chosen from a dozen--assuming I had little interest in the SWs a block from where I grew up, and I didn't. Now I can find out by 3 PM one day that I will be in some new town tomorrow, and by 9 PM I can have found 30 ladies and done some quick info gathering on many of them. My options are much greater, plus I have access to the local pricing structure.

While I have nothing at all against SBs, they are typically not an option for me because of my travel situation. I essentially have one, but that is an arrangement that has grown over many years, and only works because of the amount of time I spend in her city.

I forget who posted it already, but I see several things happening until the technology changes yet again:

--Some ladies will decide to leave, mostly those for whom this was added income, not their primary source.

--Those that can't, and many of the new ones who drift in, will wind up in pimped-like situations, to their detriment and to the greater risk of the guys seeing them. Prices will do ???, I don't know but I never trust in the good natured generosity of the pimp mindset. And the risks to everyone will go up substantially.

--The ones that do not feel the need to find a pimp will incur greater costs, certainly in time and probably in $$$, to get their advertising out there. Whether it is different electronic messaging (likely, but also likely to reach fewer clients) or the "retailer" at the barber shop, hotel concierge, etc., who is not a pimp but a match-maker working on a commission, her costs will go up. And her screening will potentially be higher which will increase her risk. Both those will almost certainly increase her rates.

In general, whenever a large competitive market as we have now becomes a set of smaller less connected markets, prices in total go up, selection goes down. I do not see why this would be any different.
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Old 03-28-2018, 04:33 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Perhaps a list of street corners and hotel bars we can expect the whores to flock to if the site goes down would be better spent time.

It also might be a good time for men to learn the nuances of being a Sugar Daddy and prospecting babies without the use of ads. That has been alive and well for many years and will never go away.

A shout out and Thanks to the Owners and staff for weathering the storm and hanging in there.
I bet the ladies will do fine! No matter how you and others degrade them. I bet most would work at any job before accepting anything from you.

I thought earlier how great that Austin threads were since you and others had been in hiding. But then you surface.
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Old 03-28-2018, 09:43 PM   #8
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Old 03-28-2018, 10:19 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post

yes, Hiding, you've actually kept quite for a while. It's been really nice, we've enjoyed it. I personally doubt Eccie is going anywhere, but if you could stay UTR for the remainder of your (and our) lives, that would be really cool. Pretty much everybody hates you You really are the most disrespectful dick member of our little community. Eccie is better without You, thanks dude don't like being hateful, but with you It's an exception. Take care man, yall be cool
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Old 03-28-2018, 10:52 PM   #10
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No. not hiding. just busy..... nature of the business..... I have some free time coming up and will get caught up......

Everybody hates me? Everybody? You know everybody? I've been here long before most and on ASPD from 1999 and made a lot of friends and acquaintances over the years. A lot more than folks like you probably "know"....

I'm not going anywhere anytime soon....

There has to be a couple of guys keeping it real to balance out the wusses ya know.....
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Old 03-29-2018, 06:40 AM   #11
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"wuss" you like that word, you use it often to describe Men that you don't know your hypocrisy kinda cracks me up

I've been reading your bullshit for many years brother, even in the ASPD days. You are insightful and Yes, you do know the business and have great knowledge, but you're still just a de-meaning little dick that talks down on other folks. You chose that description, you demanded it, it wasn't gifted to you. But it's all cool, to each his/her own. I've said very little in the years I've been around, I guess I'm becoming a mouthy little "wuss" in my older age I accept it
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Old 03-29-2018, 07:00 AM   #12
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I too have been reading Whispers post for many years.
Sometimes i agree and sometimes i dont.

But his posts are almost always interesting and thought provoking.

And i think that Sydmo's attack is unprovoked and an outright HiJack of the thread.
Try challenging what he said and not expressing butt-hurt feelings.
That is the true Hi-Jack
Attacking the poster and not the subject raised.
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Old 03-29-2018, 07:26 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by harkontume View Post
I too have been reading Whispers post for many years.
Sometimes i agree and sometimes i dont.

But his posts are almost always interesting and thought provoking.

And i think that Sydmo's attack is unprovoked and an outright HiJack of the thread.
Try challenging what he said and not expressing butt-hurt feelings.
That is the true Hi-Jack
Attacking the poster and not the subject raised.
Point taken and understood. Not apologizing, but I know what you're saying. Good input. His "demeaning" nature just angers me. Mine toward him is no better.
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Old 03-29-2018, 10:20 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by harkontume View Post
I too have been reading Whispers post for many years.
Sometimes i agree and sometimes i dont.

But his posts are almost always interesting and thought provoking.

And i think that Sydmo's attack is unprovoked and an outright HiJack of the thread.
Try challenging what he said and not expressing butt-hurt feelings.
That is the true Hi-Jack
Attacking the poster and not the subject raised.
I agree with what you say to a point, but not completely.
Communication is a mix of both the content and the delivery, the point(s) made and HOW they are made which can modify the overall message.

Too often W adds a heavy dose of venom to his information, and when he does, responses that address the HOW of his post are just as legitimate as those that address the information wrapped inside the venom. Words have meaning, and his choice of words are therefore fair game for commenting on without "hijacking". And if someone over time consistently demonstrates a consistent delivery "messages", they they themselves have made their persona part of their post.

So I think it is a fuzzy gray line at times to tell what truly is legitimate reply to a post, reply to the persona entwined parts of the post, or "hijacking" as you argue. I don't think you can differentiate many times.

For some of the more venomous posters I try to reply in kind--if they were mostly informative I try to do the same in my reply; if they were dripping with hostility in a particular post, then it seems they are the one that made hostility fair game for the reply.
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Old 03-29-2018, 12:04 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
I agree with what you say to a point, but not completely.
Communication is a mix of both the content and the delivery, the point(s) made and HOW they are made which can modify the overall message.

Too often W adds a heavy dose of venom to his information, and when he does, responses that address the HOW of his post are just as legitimate as those that address the information wrapped inside the venom. Words have meaning, and his choice of words are therefore fair game for commenting on without "hijacking". And if someone over time consistently demonstrates a consistent delivery "messages", they they themselves have made their persona part of their post.

So I think it is a fuzzy gray line at times to tell what truly is legitimate reply to a post, reply to the persona entwined parts of the post, or "hijacking" as you argue. I don't think you can differentiate many times.

For some of the more venomous posters I try to reply in kind--if they were mostly informative I try to do the same in my reply; if they were dripping with hostility in a particular post, then it seems they are the one that made hostility fair game for the reply.
The fact that you and some others take offense to the term "whore" or other terminology simply reflects to me that you are insecure in your participation in what this place is all about. It is a descriptive word and the issues do not arise in my use of the word but in other's attempts to glamorize what it is they choose to do.

All the back and forth and week long exchanges seldom involve the whores themselves or the vast majority of Johns that research fuck, review and go back to their day to day lives. It is usually older johns that rely heavily on their interactions with whores on the board or at socials for the only social live they think they have that blow it all up.

The wusses come and go....... Whores as well...... Over the years I've stayed true to myself and a promise I made Amber many years ago in Houston and still managed to build countless relationships with people here, in Houston, South Florida and the LA area and know my hobby wherever I am located. Guys like you and Sydmo are never really interested in the wealth of information that is available. Just in grandstanding for some attention from some old whore....
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