Originally Posted by WTF
In addition to humbling one president, the case set a powerful precedent for presidents who misbehave in their private lives — one that could get a workout under Trump’s administration. Jones v. Clinton is “horrible news” for Donald Trump, says Northeastern University law professor Daniel Urman. By far the most litigious president in American history, Trump and his various business entities have been involved in as many as 4,000 lawsuits over the years. Despite paying $25 million to settle three fraud lawsuits against Trump University just days before his inauguration, the new president faces, according to a USA Today count two weeks prior to the inauguration, 75 ongoing cases.
So? Don't you think the Democrats would have exploited any of the 75 pre-election if they thought it was "impeachable?" That girl that Allred repped dropped out and that was the most damning thing the Dims had.
Another nothing burger or as you know it, a shit sandwich. Enjoy.
Still, another Dim fantasy. Throw around enough numbers and innuendo and hope something sticks.