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Old 02-11-2017, 01:04 AM   #1
JD Barleycorn
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Default Our military is in trouble (thank you Obama)

and the shit stirrers are coming home. They'd rather try to score points on Trump that admit that we have some serious problems and that Trump is the only one that can fix them. So instead of fixing problems, the shit stirrers would rather sit over their kettle instead of fixing.

The U.S. Navy is admitting that 60% of it's F/A-18 aircraft are unflyable because of repair problems. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/02/07...dget-cuts.html

The culprit? Obama's sequestor. Obama couldn't lay off a crony's cash flow needs but cut the military about 20%. The one, most important part of being president is national security and this is further proof that Obama failed that as well. The Marines have an even greater proble with their aircraft. Some of you shit stirrers will remember how George W. Bush was criticized when we went to war in Afghanistan and Iraq with a strained, unprepared military. This is how it happened then and this is how you will try to blame Trump now if the need arises.
Chuck Schumer can't fix this. Elizabeth Warren can't fix this. Hillary Clinton can't fix this. The only person who can fix this is the POTUS and that is Trump. People die when the military is not ready to fight. All you shit stirrers said that years ago. So the next time you have some stupid ass, snarky thought that you want to type out...keep in your nasty asshole where it belongs. You supported the guy who brought us here and you supported a woman who would have kept us here. Let the adults fix things.
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Old 02-11-2017, 04:48 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
and the shit stirrers are coming home.
Common denominator ...

Clinton Liberalism.
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Old 02-12-2017, 11:09 AM   #3
dilbert firestorm
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part of the blame should fall on congress critters.

the military should not have been part of the sequester, but it does have a lot of waste, could have been something they could have worked on.
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Old 02-12-2017, 11:27 AM   #4
JD Barleycorn
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Not saying that they don't. If I was Trump, I'd fire a fire generals and admirals who did not do the right thing with a shrinking budget (ie.: choosing a base beautification project over training for the troops). Same thing works with bureaucrats.
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Old 02-12-2017, 01:19 PM   #5
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So let me get this right- the United States spends 700 Billion on military, which is more than the next 7 nations combined- which includes Russia and China, but somehow Obama is responsible???? Go fuck yourself- I am the only one in here who knows about military and I have seen the over inflated repair prices companies charge - an oil change on a Humvee is billed at 3000 dollars and it's no different than the standard oil change on your personal car.
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Old 02-12-2017, 01:32 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt View Post
So let me get this right- the United States spends 700 Billion on military, which is more than the next 7 nations combined- which includes Russia and China, but somehow Obama is responsible???? Go fuck yourself- I am the only one in here who knows about military and I have seen the over inflated repair prices companies charge - an oil change on a Humvee is billed at 3000 dollars and it's no different than the standard oil change on your personal car.
liar,shut up fat ass
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Old 02-12-2017, 01:34 PM   #7
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt View Post
So let me get this right- the United States spends 700 Billion on military, which is more than the next 7 nations combined- which includes Russia and China, but somehow Obama is responsible???? Go fuck yourself- I am the only one in here who knows about military and I have seen the over inflated repair prices companies charge - an oil change on a Humvee is billed at 3000 dollars and it's no different than the standard oil change on your personal car.
" I am the ONLY one in here that knows about military..." RIIIIIIGHT, ya stolen valor POS ! "seArgent " in charge of cleaning field latrines, at best . You sure showed how fast YOU can WADDLE away on election night ya fat POS ! GFY, ya chicken shit !
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Old 02-12-2017, 02:08 PM   #8
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an oil change on a Humvee is billed at 3000 dollars and it's no different than the standard oil change on your personal car.

Which is exactly why we need a great negotiator. Politicians don't care how much "we the People" pay, its not on their dime.

Watch those prices start coming down with a real businessman/negotiator who knows and loves The Art of the Deal.
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Old 02-12-2017, 02:27 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt View Post
.. an oil change on a Humvee is billed at 3000 dollars ....
So that's what Obaminable agreed to pay? Disgusting.
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Old 02-12-2017, 02:31 PM   #10
El Hombre de la Mancha
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We need Jiffy Lubes and Pep Boys on the front lines.
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Old 02-12-2017, 02:34 PM   #11
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
We need Jiffy Lubes and Pep Boys on the front lines.
" Jiffy Lubes " , with the allowance of swishy walkers and trannies now serving in the ranks, might take a different connotation nowadays. But Lube and assup would be happy to offer them !
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Old 02-12-2017, 03:54 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt View Post
So let me get this right- the United States spends 700 Billion on military, which is more than the next 7 nations combined- which includes Russia and China, but somehow Obama is responsible???? Go fuck yourself- I am the only one in here who knows about military and I have seen the over inflated repair prices companies charge - an oil change on a Humvee is billed at 3000 dollars and it's no different than the standard oil change on your personal car.
that cpt in my name does not mean I run a fire truck

CPT USAR retired, you were refer to as a light weight snuffy
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Old 02-12-2017, 03:58 PM   #13
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by cptjohnstone View Post
that cpt in my name does not mean I run a fire truck

CPT USAR retired, you were refer to as a light weight snuffy
Cap'n, I figure that all of those years burning field latrines, and standing DOWN WIND when he did so, has slowly affected those 2 brain cells the POS, stolen valor POS was hatched with.
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Old 02-12-2017, 05:11 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt View Post
So let me get this right- the United States spends 700 Billion on military, which is more than the next 7 nations combined- which includes Russia and China, but somehow Obama is responsible???? Go fuck yourself- I am the only one in here who knows about military and I have seen the over inflated repair prices companies charge - an oil change on a Humvee is billed at 3000 dollars and it's no different than the standard oil change on your personal car.
The motor pool takes care of it you stupid fuckhead!!

Also, if it takes place in the middle of a warzone, it is definitely more expensive than some damn Jiffy Lube you ignorant fat fuck.
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Old 02-12-2017, 05:51 PM   #15
JD Barleycorn
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Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt View Post
So let me get this right- the United States spends 700 Billion on military, which is more than the next 7 nations combined- which includes Russia and China, but somehow Obama is responsible???? Go fuck yourself- I am the only one in here who knows about military and I have seen the over inflated repair prices companies charge - an oil change on a Humvee is billed at 3000 dollars and it's no different than the standard oil change on your personal car.
I had a career in the US Navy and much of it was spent in logistics and supply when they found out how good I was at it. I pinched a lot of pennies in my time much to the discontent of my commands.

If you can read Lubed I did not defend extravagant spending in either the military or the private sector. The sequester was all Obama's idea. Conservatives warned the GOP that the sequestor was all about cutting the military without obvious Obama fingerprints. People like McConnell and Boehner were all too happy to jump on board rather than do the hard work required. OBAMA is responsible as are the democrat and GOP leadership.

When I was stationed in New London, CT the command put out a contract for 4-wheel drive SUVs. Of course they were required to buy the cheapest bid which was Jeep. They bought five dozen Jeep Cherokees in white. Problem is that they were all manual transmissions. So they had to turn around and put out a contract to convert all of them to automatic transmissions. The end result, the cost was nearly 50% more than a private citizen going out and buying a SUV. I would have fired the admiral or captain in charge of creating the contract.

In New Orleans the NOLA PD needed patrol cars. They had officers sharing two or three per car with doors or hoods being held down by bungie cords. Guess what? When a new administration got into office they found over 300 brand new police cars parked in a parking garage. The reason that they were never put on the street? They needed to be painted the proper color because the contract called for "white" cars instead of blue. In reality, they were being given to government people to be used as enticements.

Tell me (and us) that you know so much about this topic.

By the way, 2016 budget request was for 585 billion dollars which is about 115 billion less that Lubed


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