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Old 08-21-2016, 09:35 AM   #1
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Default Curious

So I thought I'd just ask you guys and gals here for your opinions.

I'm fairly new to the hobby, just a little over a year into it, and have met some pretty awesome people. I have met a couple of bad apples as well. Good thing I am cautious by nature, otherwise things could have gone sour. There are several providers, most on this site, that I would absolutely love to meet. They seem like real down to earth type people that would add more substance to a visit. The only issue is that apparently, most of the upstanding, respectable providers have an issue with my race. You see I am black. I've run into this problem time and time again. Can someone shed some light( no pun intended) on why this is an issue? Here's a little background on me......I am a professional within my career field and well compensated. I grew up in Western Nebraska, and went to college at UNL. I am a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom who proudly served and was injured for our country. I love rock music! I would give the shirt off my back for anyone in need. I currently live in Lincoln. I have a very open mind and it's very difficult to offend me, so I'm very interested to hear all of your opinions on the matter. Thanks!
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Old 08-21-2016, 09:56 AM   #2
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Pure and simple it's racism. I'm also a black provided and I do not discriminate, as long as someone is respectful towards me that is all that matters. There are plenty of us who would welcome you with open arms. I've noticed it's more so the "lower rung" back page type women who espouse the no AA rhetoric anyway. Just another reason to avoid them. Shoot me a message sometime, you sound like an exceptional guy.
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Old 08-21-2016, 10:13 AM   #3
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Thanks for the input Gemma...if that's the case, that's sad. We've come so far as a country yet we have so far to go. I will definitely send you a message 🙂

Looking forward to hearing more opinions
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Old 08-21-2016, 10:29 AM   #4
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I am white, but have asked many providers why they do not see AA men. They're comment usually deals with past issues of an AA man trying to become their pimp during the meet, or scary issue (threatened with violence or rape). While this probably doesn't happen too often, it's what they have explained to me when I've asked.

I know some providers choose not to see other races due to them "haggling" or shorting them donation amounts.

One bad apple spoils the bunch I guess.
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Old 08-21-2016, 10:53 AM   #5
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These are valid points...if the one apple spoils a bunch philosophy is the case...I could say the same about providers. I met one that fully intended on robbing me, until I figured out her scheme. Does that mean they all want to do the same?

Thanks for your input! Is there a provider out there who does not see black guys that wouldn't mind sharing her opinion? I know there is...I'm curious to hear your viewpoint
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Old 08-21-2016, 12:31 PM   #6
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There is a sticky on this out on the main discussion that has been going on for 4 years. It hasn't even come close to solving this. The reality is providers see who they want period. The reason is beside the point. It's their privilege. It may not be politically correct but we do have the right to choose in this country. Well at least for now anyway
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Old 08-21-2016, 01:34 PM   #7
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I asked a black provider why her ad stated on AA. I am as white as can be so it made no difference, but I was curious. She said a lot of younger black men are so disrespectful that she refuses to have to put up with them. I have seen the same attitudes with younger white men. I have seen quite a few no AA men under 40 ads. I am guessing a generational change. Best of luck to you.
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Old 08-21-2016, 02:14 PM   #8
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I like ALL colors in the crayon box!

to me it should be about the guy's character...so no matter what color you are,if you aren't a nice person,you aint getting on my Highway!

{just be respectful & have references}

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Old 08-21-2016, 05:20 PM   #9
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I do believe that the policy is racist. I also believe that a provider can choose who they see by whatever standard they wish. It does not make business sense to me to significantly reduce possible clientele simply because of a bad experience or even several bad experiences. It makes sense to be cautious, not racist.
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Old 08-21-2016, 07:35 PM   #10
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<-- I'll just say "brothas" are welcomed here.
I like men of all types. My only NBA policy is no No Bullshit Allowed lol.
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Old 08-22-2016, 07:13 AM   #11
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Thanks all for the input!
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Old 08-22-2016, 02:18 PM   #12
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From what I've read on various threads on this topic you really can't make a blanket statement blaming it on racism. Yes I'm sure that's the reason for some ladies, but others are just tired of the shit they have to put up with from AA men, as hermanhaspender's friend said.

In a thread a couple of years ago about why a lady won't see a guy, Lady Y said:
African American, sorry guys but most girls experiences are you try to get it for free, start talking gangster crap, disrespectful, wanna be pimps, trade for drugs, looking for girlfriend. If we wanted any of that we would be already doing it. There are exceptions to all rules though.

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Old 12-11-2016, 03:03 PM   #13
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I'm going to be 100% honest my children and many nieces and nephews are AA/White Me Not Seeing Many AA Men is simply Because There's Potential To Lead To Feelings More So Then A White Gentleman Because That's What I Am Just Into!!! I Have One Reg Who Is AA And I Absolutely Adore Him I Hope I Feel The Same Meeting Siggles81!! Nothing to do with Racism!! Not My Way Neway!!
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Old 01-04-2017, 08:00 AM   #14
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I agree with Gemma and others that the concise answer is racism. My top three most non-consensual and violating experiences as a provider were with a white man I met in Louisiana, an Indian man I met in Chicago, and a white man I met in Texas. That said, based on how I view the world, screening based on race is not what I'm looking for when I think about how to keep myself as safe as possible.

Diggles, you sound like a charming fellow. I'd suggest maybe making an ISO seeking responses from ladies who'd be delighted to see Black clients. Best of luck with your search!
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Old 01-04-2017, 12:00 PM   #15
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Probably prejudice or racism or lack of attraction (there are black providers who refuse black men) or pimp. Really...take your pick.
In all of my many Nebraska visits i've never had a black client request though and I don't have an anti-minority policy of any kind. Hmmmm.
Anyhwo, I don't know what type of women you are checking for but I hope things have gotten better since you started this thread. And thank you for your service!

Originally Posted by Diggles81 View Post
So I thought I'd just ask you guys and gals here for your opinions.

I'm fairly new to the hobby, just a little over a year into it, and have met some pretty awesome people. I have met a couple of bad apples as well. Good thing I am cautious by nature, otherwise things could have gone sour. There are several providers, most on this site, that I would absolutely love to meet. They seem like real down to earth type people that would add more substance to a visit. The only issue is that apparently, most of the upstanding, respectable providers have an issue with my race. You see I am black. I've run into this problem time and time again. Can someone shed some light( no pun intended) on why this is an issue? Here's a little background on me......I am a professional within my career field and well compensated. I grew up in Western Nebraska, and went to college at UNL. I am a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom who proudly served and was injured for our country. I love rock music! I would give the shirt off my back for anyone in need. I currently live in Lincoln. I have a very open mind and it's very difficult to offend me, so I'm very interested to hear all of your opinions on the matter. Thanks!
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