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Old 08-07-2016, 01:55 AM   #1
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Default Here's How to Crush Any Economic Recovery!

Our economy expanded at an anemic annual rate of 1.2% last quarter. Want more of the same? Then vote for the libtard Democrats, they won't disappoint you. Odumbo has already set a new record in rolling out regs to stifle the economy, but you can be sure hildebeest and her minions have plenty more growth-killing rules and regulations to fuck over the private sector for years to come!

The All-Time Regulation Record

Team Obama has hit 600 major rules, and 50 more may follow.

Updated Aug. 5, 2016 6:51 p.m. ET

The progressive explanation for the slowest economic recovery in nearly 70 years is that expansions after financial crises are always like this. There appears to be no statute of limitations on this excuse, which is especially convenient every four years. But those who want more than a political rationalization might look to the all-time presidential record of costly regulation set by the Obama Administration.

That’s the news from a report to be released soon showing that President Obama’s regulators have completed their 600th major rule. A major rule imposes costs of more than $100 million. For those keeping score, that’s an average of 81 big ones a year, or roughly one every three days the government is open. Who says our bureaucracies are inefficient?

The two George W. Bush terms were no deregulatory prize, contrary to progressive myth, having pushed out 496 major rules. These included such charms as rules to implement Sarbanes-Oxley and the expansion of Medicare. But Team Obama has already exceeded that by 20%, with 100 new major rules in the last year, and this crowd still has six long months to go.

Sam Batkins of the American Action Forum, who did the study, calculates that the economic cost of all this adds up to $743 billion, based on data provided by federal agencies. Mr. Batkins doesn’t say this, but that estimate is almost surely an understatement because agencies routinely low-ball the costs and overestimate the benefits of the rules they propose.

Mr. Batkins offers some comparative cost perspective: $743 billion is larger than the GDP of Norway and Israel combined, and it amounts to a regulatory tax of $2,294 on every American. This eventually shows up in higher prices, or fewer jobs created, or reduced profits and wages.

Such rules are good for lawyers and compliance officers, however. The report figures that compliance requires 194 million hours a year of shuffling paper. Imagine the entire population of Albany, N.Y. (roughly 100,000) working full-time on following government orders.

The regulatory crush isn’t over. Mr. Batkins says the Administration has already issued 40 major rules in 2016 and it may have as many as 50 more in the pipeline. In only the past few months the Administration has issued major rules on drones ($2.6 billion); a fiduciary rule for retirement savings ($31.5 billion); and new rules on Arctic drilling ($2.1 billion).

Going forward, the Administration plans to finish up greenhouse gas standards for heavy-duty trucks ($31 billion), efficiency rules for manufactured housing ($4.1 billion), and more. Two-term Presidents often rush out rules in the lame duck months after the election, and Mr. Obama could do so without fear of political override if Hillary Clinton wins the election. She’d surely veto any bill Congress passed under the Congressional Review Act.

The larger story here is that progressive economists talk and behave as if none of this affects economic growth. They focus on macroeconomic matters of taxes, spending and monetary policy, while treating microeconomic policy as an afterthought. Yet any entrepreneur or CEO will tell you that the expanding web of federal rules is a major preoccupation. Meanwhile, the regulatory onslaught continues—and so does 1%-2% growth.
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Old 08-07-2016, 06:24 AM   #2
i'va biggen
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Here is another way, the republican ideal.

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Old 08-07-2016, 08:40 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Here is another way, the republican ideal.
Once again you prove what a dipshit you are, you dumb chimp! State tax cuts in Kansas have NOTHING to do with Odumbo's massive, relentless and enormously costly anti-business, anti-growth onslaught of federal regulations!

This is why everyone has you on ignore!
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Old 08-07-2016, 09:04 AM   #4
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You continue to prove your irrelevance, Junior.

Your outbursts of crude insults for anyone who disagrees with your views are hardly support for them. You expect everybody to believe you without proving your point or providing links to the cut and pasted material you cite as gospel,

Go back to Pissburg, you Bush leaguer. Learn how to debate.

OH! Btw, the economy is doing quite well, Trumpite.
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Old 08-07-2016, 09:34 AM   #5
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He is clueless is why that is all he has.
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Old 08-07-2016, 09:37 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
You continue to prove your irrelevance, Junior.

Everyone knows you're as relevant as straight porn at a gay bachelor party, oinkboy!

Your outbursts of crude insults for anyone who disagrees with your views are hardly support for them. I welcome all intelligent rebuttals, not off-topic gibberish from you and the chimp. You expect everybody to believe you without proving your point or providing links to the cut and pasted material you cite as gospel. Here is the link, jackass - http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-all-...ord-1470435716. You know nothing about economics. The subject intimidates you. Do you have a point? Did you ever have a point?

Go back to Pissburg, you Bush leaguer. Learn how to debate. Go run off and spend the day sucking cock down at Hippie Hollow, you pitiful loser. It's the one thing you excel at.

OH! Btw, the economy is doing quite well, Trumpite. No economist in the world would equate 1.2% annual growth with "doing quite well". You might get it if you were forced to get off your lazy "disabled" ass, pull your greedy pigsnout out of the public trough, and look for a real job.

Oh btw, that reminds me... we're still waiting for you to tell us how many unemployment data series does the BLS publish each month... did you find out yet, oinkboy?

(Don't forget... BLS stands for Bureau of Labor Statistics - NOT to be confused with your Hippie Hollow/Austin gloryhole bonus special.)

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Old 08-07-2016, 09:58 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
You continue to prove your irrelevance, Junior.

Your outbursts of crude insults for anyone who disagrees with your views are hardly support for them. You expect everybody to believe you without proving your point or providing links to the cut and pasted material you cite as gospel,

Go back to Pissburg, you Bush leaguer. Learn how to debate.

OH! Btw, the economy is doing quite well, Trumpite.
Economy under democrat and republican presidents (in perspective):

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Old 08-07-2016, 11:53 AM   #8
JD Barleycorn
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Originally Posted by OverEasy View Post
Economy under democrat and republican presidents (in perspective):

Yawn....who wrote that piece of shit propaganda? I've taken statisitics classes and political science classes. These charts mean nothing without reference points or raw numbers. I'm sure that when you get old enough to go out on your own from the safety of moms basement you'll find out how you've been lied to. Lets just stick to what you remember or current events. GDP growth is a horrible 1.2 % this last quarter. The next quarter gives no indication of being better. In fact, there is no hope in sight before the election. Like the comparison for Bush (43) and Obama. Instead of a weighted sample where you take seven years of Bush and compare it to seven years of Clinton, they very obviously took the lowest of the Bush years (2008) and averaged to it out to his best year. So Bush can have six pretty good years and one very bad year and that is made to look worst than Obama's seven years of marginal success. Obama has no high point to anchor to.

FYI, under eight years of Bush the GDP grew by 14.8 percent, under Obama it has grown by 13.5 percent.

Do the math yourself http://www.multpl.com/us-gdp-inflation-adjusted/table
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Old 08-07-2016, 04:11 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by OverEasy View Post
Economy under democrat and republican presidents (in perspective):

Hey OverEasy,

Welcome to eccie... I see you just joined a week ago and have posted exclusively in the Political Forum. Quick question - have you been a member before? Just curious (cough, cough). A word of advice - it's good form and common practice (assuming you don't want to become an object of derision like i'va biggen and assup) to include a few comments when you introduce a link. Tell everyone what you learned from the article you want them to read and how it supports or refutes specific points made by other posters. Ok?

Now I will give you my quick reactions to your link. First, it only takes one recession to skew the numbers for any Presidency. The author should have omitted recessions from the quarterly data and only compared positive growth periods. Both Reagan and Clinton presided over economic mini-booms. Your link puts average annual real GDP growth at 3.8% for Clinton and 3.4% for Reagan. However, Clinton was lucky enough to be in office for 8 years with no recession, whereas Reagan had to put the economy through a nasty downturn in his first two years (1981/82) in order to wring out Jimmy Carter's inflation. That pulled down Reagan's growth numbers. A more proper comparison would clock Reagan from mid-1982 on.

Second, the regulatory state has expanded steadily for decades now, under both Democratic and Republican administrations. This is a major reason why our long-term GDP growth rates have been dropping for years. Why can't we grow the economy like we did back in the '60s? Because we now have self-serving bureaucrats at every federal and state level who keep churning out costly new rules that suck the life and ambition out of every rising entrepreneur with a new idea and every existing company that wants to expand. It's gotten so bad that economists are starting to measure the damage. My OP tallied the cost at $743 billion so far under Obama. That's not chump change. It's harmful to all of us. And that number only includes "major rules" imposed at the federal level under one President. We need to put sunset provisions into every new and existing regulation on the books, forcing bureaucrats to re-justify rules at regular intervals or else they disappear. And we need a President who will oppose the anti-growth onslaught, not accelerate it like Odumbo is doing and hildebeest promises to keep doing.
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Old 08-07-2016, 06:11 PM   #10
i'va biggen
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Lustless avoided the fact that Brownback has used every republican idea for growth, and it has failed miserably.
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Old 08-08-2016, 07:16 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
You continue to prove your irrelevance, Junior.

Your outbursts of crude insults for anyone who disagrees with your views are hardly support for them. You expect everybody to believe you without proving your point or providing links to the cut and pasted material you cite as gospel,

Go back to Pissburg, you Bush leaguer. Learn how to debate.

OH! Btw, the economy is doing quite well, Trumpite.
Only a cockstalking,cocksucking, stupid, dirty, lazy pig like you would say the economy is doing "quite well". Stupid lying pig.
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Old 08-08-2016, 07:26 AM   #12
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Look who's outta rehab!

It's the Limpdick lardass Baboono!!!

Actually we now know the truth about you, Lardass.

Enjoy your time here, cocksucker. You'll be outta here again after Drumpf is rejected by the American public.

You gotta be REAL happy you made our bet! Because of your big frogmouth, half of this forum will be exiting when HRC is elected.

You are the author of ECCxit!

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Old 08-08-2016, 07:29 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
You continue to prove your irrelevance, Junior.

Your outbursts of crude insults for anyone who disagrees with your views are hardly support for them. You expect everybody to believe you without proving your point or providing links to the cut and pasted material you cite as gospel,

Go back to Pissburg, you Bush leaguer. Learn how to debate.

OH! Btw, the economy is doing quite well, Trumpite.
As stated in the article by the OP, growth is anemic, in spite of massive government deficit spending. You are clearly wrong, and LL is right....again..get a grip.
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Old 08-08-2016, 07:46 AM   #14
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Speaking of GRIPPING,..

You think Drumpf can get through a whole week without pissing Americans off?

As far as the OP is concerned, there's no source reference, so for all I know, it is totally bullshit.

Another reason Junior has zero credibility.

But now, at least, his Limpdick lardass blow buddy is back, so they can feed off each other's pierogi power!
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Old 08-08-2016, 07:49 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Look who's outta rehab!

It's the Limpdick lardass Baboono!!!

Actually we now know the truth about you, Lardass.

Enjoy your time here, cocksucker. You'll be outta here again after Drumpf is rejected by the American public.

You gotta be REAL happy you made our bet! Because of your big frogmouth, half of this forum will be exiting when HRC is elected.

You are the author of ECCxit!

It took you a nano second to find me. Your cockstalking antenna are amazing. And it wasn't your bet, it was mine. And you didn't take it you pigfag. And your the only limp dick lardass here. Your dick hasn't been inside a chick in decades. I'll post a review soon so you can beat off to it on your hoveround. Now get your pig snout out of my asshole.
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