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Old 06-11-2016, 11:16 PM   #1
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Default the final amendment to the united states constitution and how it could be the start of some crap come hillary or trump in the oval office

The line of succession if a presidential office holder becomes unable to fulfill there office's duty and discharge or dispense with executive branchthe responsibility that he or she was elected to was a job like other events in the past to rewrite the laws at the push of some recent event that caused that issue to be available for some in places of power to use to there advantage. Take that 26th amendment of succession in case of illness or death or some other means that a president is deamed unfit and not of a capacity to continue as commander in chief. Well seems trump and hillary both hillary more so have some baggage from legal issue's that could with out a formal impeachment have some others in government employ the amendment's wording of criminal offence or legal issue's that bring into question there judgments in best serving our nation like Hillary and her choice to use private phone servers for her e-mails and communications and not government issued. That could claim national security threat from her choice as former Secretary of state who is the face and lead negation represenative of this country and she broke the rules and the law then so some one who might have been in on the wording of the amendment's lay out of who gets to be acting president and so on if some reason the v.p. is not able to take the position. They used jfk and his murder to do this strange yet seeming to imply it could be easy to make a case to remove a president from office with out a trial or hearing just some cooked up doctor's reports or say legal troubles in the person even very distant past. Just like the civil was was a big time lie on just being slavery as the cause it was states rights vs federal rights to override the state's indivual laws that are in place where the people live that actually voted on many of them in ballot initivies to choose to have them in place not the feds in d.c. far away from Texas or north Dakota to come in and say Texas no you can not have this or that legal in your state cause your citizen's voted for that to be legal cause we have agendas in Washington the federal district of Columbia that has other ideas yet never been to your state not once could be the case of who is putting the push for some thing like well Obama made us buy a good or service with threat of government penalties for not doing so for health insuance that's spitting in the face of the men that signed a death warrant saying we're free of the British empire and tell king George the 3rd come and make us pay taxes that does not have any legal reasons behind anyone here thousands of miles away with no need to have some boats built to fight France by some tyrant that would not grant a rep or speak with leaders here and reach a compromised outcome but forced us to become u.s. or as i like to point out the confederatred state's of America first that's correct we had the articles of confederation and union before we needed to rework that to make our nation stronger to defend our birders and deal with long standing government and rulers in other nation's and that took a stronger form of dental government a part time central government for some positions the way it should and can be again if we get some one with the ball's to say hey your gonna have to write in a president candidate and have that person get enough support to win the whole deal in a land slide to come in no party's with any one cause its time to stop partying and get down to work doing the hard for those in bloated positions with 100,000 pay checks or more to make sure historical truths are buried even to the point the dukes of hazzard is forced off t.v. reruns and Jessica Simpson's daisy dukes are off limits to see cause they might have some like myself say hey I know more truth about some thing's they never mentioned in a text book why cause its ok for total war and general Sherman burning homes and giving no quarter as he marched to the sea in Georgia and then the Carolinas destroying rail roads and making reconstructions a longer process and they even killled Lincoln cause they knew they had another shot at re writing the constitution cause re admitted state's of the confederate south was prime time for some more power brokering that is now getting us in positions where militias may be needed again cause I see they are arming the police like military cause the military take the same oath of office the president does and can disobey orders that come into conflict with that document and like General Lee and many other's in those times had to make a choice and Lee chose to defend his native state and his neighbor's and not take up arm's against American citizen's over some thing cooked up so much so if he wanted to emancapate and free the slaves he could have during his inaguration speach not wait until the only offensives the south took in marching to Gettysburg Penn state the only time they sent into there back yards cause that was there only option to maybe stop the war cause they were out generaled on the battlefields of the south by many under equipped and out numbered forces of men that did not fight to own another human but to say no to the federal government overstepping its place in making individual state's with not a factor in how any legal orders from the executive branch especially with out the proper congressional system to hear the state's leaders arguments but had that war the most deadly one tthat killed more american men than all the other wars we been in combined still to this day and now is not the time to race towards some color and ethinic lie on the reasons that conflict started and was not a one in social studies or history classes while in school not like myself and said hey they post how many soilder in combat over a practice that a gentleman from the south mostly God fearing new was out dated and not all slaves were treated like dog's with out it the American of negro color would not have the life they have now or oppertunity that came out of a grate mistake of the past yet I never hear one person say when some racing starts up my answer everytime 200 if that years here in the 1700's and 1800's as a nation of our own yet some one will try to make the negro stay in the dark that Spanish word for black or dark Negri means when i say well try 10,000 years in egypt and build massive tombs for some leaders there like the Israelites did and fact those pyramids are still standing to say hey lots of mistakes in human history your ancestors did not to three that for some one in 2016 to act like they had a whip took to them after being put on the auction block to pick crops in California or Texas the only state with any cotton production any more. Rant over doubt anyone will read that i know I did not use proper punctuation all the time but hey I'm gonna look up Jessica Simpson in those daisy dukes and say well some others got to make babies with had might as well try to help those kids have a better life worth living so there mom's movie can be shown without being called racists for a battle flag
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Old 06-11-2016, 11:22 PM   #2
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Holy chit.
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Old 06-11-2016, 11:42 PM   #3
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Holy chit.
yes holy shit.
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Old 06-11-2016, 11:44 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by lordunsleep View Post
It wouldn't kill you to break your long post in smaller readable paragraphs!!!!

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Old 06-12-2016, 06:19 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
It wouldn't kill you to break your long post in smaller readable paragraphs!!!!
First, you should probably explain "paragraphs" and then "readable" ..... to the OP

When you do it, try to dumb it down for YouRong. He could use some refresher!
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Old 06-12-2016, 07:52 AM   #6
Mr MojoRisin
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The Bars close at 02:00am the OP left early and went home to write this bullshit. His thread is proof a BAC level of .08 and above impairs judgement.

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Old 06-12-2016, 08:56 AM   #7
Jackie S
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I actually tried to read that.

It seems to be a combination of too much alcohol consumed at a tin foil hat and "grassy knoll" meeting.
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Old 06-12-2016, 09:58 AM   #8
i'va biggen
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LOL are you guys smudging the screen with your figure?
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Old 06-12-2016, 10:07 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
LOL are you guys smudging the screen with your figure?
It's not as messy as the daily tongue job you put on yours!
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Old 06-12-2016, 10:33 AM   #10
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
The Bars close at 02:00am the OP left early and went home to write this bullshit. His thread is proof a BAC level of .08 and above impairs judgement.

drunk post. makes sense!
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Old 06-12-2016, 10:36 AM   #11
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
First, you should probably explain "paragraphs" and then "readable" ..... to the OP

When you do it, try to dumb it down for YouRong. He could use some refresher!
who's YouRong?

nicknames are hard to track here. lol!
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Old 06-12-2016, 10:45 AM   #12
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It was quite the mind expanding exercise to read that.
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Old 06-12-2016, 10:46 AM   #13
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
It's not as messy as the daily tongue job you put on yours!
Guess EKIM likes to stay in practice with his tongue for those trips on the short bus and for when he's picking his daily quota of dingleberries down at the 'holes !
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Old 06-12-2016, 12:41 PM   #14
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
It's not as messy as the daily tongue job you put on yours!
Link, cunt.
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Old 06-12-2016, 12:42 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Rey Lengua View Post
Guess EKIM likes to stay in practice with his tongue for those trips on the short bus and for when he's picking his daily quota of dingleberries down at the 'holes !
Shame you weren't there gay rey.

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