Originally Posted by SweetM
How do i politely decline to date someone without losing them as a paying client? Please anyone with advice?
This is an interesting question about the nature of the hobby and relationships in general. If one of your clients had the looks and financial resources of your favorite movie star, would you still be so quick to say no? Then again, if they had those kinds of resources they wouldn’t have a problem with the usual rate for a “real” date. Ladies provide a fantasy. The better they are at that, the more real it seems. Some guys forget that and get confused. Then again, in any service oriented situation, the better your customer service is, the more loyal your clientele will be. Part of good customer service is taking a genuine interest in your client- getting to know them, finding out what their interests are, what they like and don’t like. That’s where the lines get blurred. A guy may want to test that. (Does she really like me or is it just about the donation?) When in reality, you may genuinely like someone, and still want to get what you want out of the relationship too. I’ve known ladies who would go to lunch or dinner “off the clock” but it was always tied to a regular hour appointment. Getting a little extra time and attention at a discounted rate (the meal) can make the client feel special and will likely keep them coming back. Don’t be afraid to be assertive about your boundaries and clear about your intentions. If you absolutely don’t date clients, then say so. If you don’t intend to see someone on a “real” date, but are willing to have a meal off the clock, then let them know ahead of time what your intentions are so they don’t get confused or get their hopes up. You may lose a client by being this honest, but you were probably going to lose them anyway. But you will still respect yourself for remaining true to your values, and if the client is wise, they will respect you even more for not leading them on/wasting their time.