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Old 11-09-2015, 09:52 PM   #1
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Default WTF is Dalton Trumbo?

Just wondering... http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2607...ts-paul-kengor


Reflections on a dedicated Stalinist.
November 9, 2015 Paul Kengor

A long-touted motion picture on prominent Hollywood screenwriter and communist Dalton Trumbo debuts in theaters this weekend. I will see the film, but first I'd like to share some background on Trumbo. I do so not as a film critic, but as a historian of the Cold War and communism, including the Hollywood front for which Trumbo was extremely active.

For starters, it's crucial to keep in mind that communism was responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people in the last century, double the combined tolls of World War I and II.

It's also vital to know that most American communists (small "c") did not actually join the Party. Only the hardcore went that far. Those who joined the Party took a major leap of faith. They became loyal Soviet patriots.

Regardless of their American citizenship, Communist Party members in the Stalin era (when Dalton Trumbo joined the Party) swore an oath: "I pledge myself to rally the masses to defend the Soviet Union. . .. I pledge myself to remain at all times a vigilant and firm defender of the Leninist line of the Party, the only line that ensures the triumph of Soviet Power in the United States."

They wanted the "triumph" of Soviet power in America. They truly took marching orders from the Kremlin. The most fanatical among them (Trumbo included) remained in the Party even after the signing of the Hitler-Stalin Pact that launched World War II. Stalin aided and abetted Hitler in that apocalyptic action, enabling history's deadliest war and the Holocaust.

American members of the Communist Party were dedicated to what their General Secretary William Z. Foster called a "Soviet America," or what Langston Hughes called a "U.S.S.A." "Put one more 'S' in the USA to make it Soviet," proclaimed Hughes. "The USA when we take control will be the USSA."

As for the Hollywood Ten, all were members of the Communist Party, and we've known their card numbers since the 1940s: Dalton Trumbo 47187, John Howard Lawson 47275, Albert Maltz 47196, Alvah Bessie 47279, Samuel Ornitz 47181, Herbert Biberman 47267, Edward Dmytryk 46859, Adrian Scott 47200, Ring Lardner Jr. 47180 and Lester Cole 47226.

Soviet Propaganda

Most remained vigorous in their Party work right up until they were called before Congress — i.e., the bipartisan Democrats and Republicans today tarred with the dread label "HUAC." Some, such as Alvah Bessie, traveled abroad and took up arms for the communists in wartime. The only one who repented was Dmytryk.

What about their work in film?

Communists knew that the film industry could be a tremendous source of propaganda. Vladimir Lenin said that "of all the arts, for us the most important is cinema." Grigory Zinoviev, head of the Soviet Comintern, ordered that motion pictures "must become a mighty weapon of communist propaganda and for the enlightening of the widest working masses." In March 1928, the Soviets held their first Party Conference on Cinema.

The Bolsheviks realized that nowhere was the movie industry as advanced and influential as the United States, especially in Hollywood's Golden Age. Their American comrades wholeheartedly agreed.

Dalton Trumbo declared that "every screenwriter worth his salt wages the battle in his own way — a kind of literary guerrilla warfare." He said that not employing the medium of film was "tantamount to abandoning the struggle altogether."

A fellow screenwriter who militantly enforced that warfare was a nasty individual named John Howard Lawson, known as "Hollywood's commissar." In his "Film in the Battle of Ideas," published by the communist house Masses & Mainstream, Lawson shrewdly instructed his comrades:

"As a writer, do not try to write an entire Communist picture, (but) try to get five minutes of communist doctrine, five minutes of the party line in every script that you write." He insisted: "It is your duty to further the class struggle by your performance."

As for Dalton Trumbo, he wrote some good movie scripts. He also wrote some that clearly echoed elements of the Party line.

The trailer for the Trumbo movie shows him stoically meeting with Kirk Douglas for the classic film "Spartacus." Here's something you should know about "Spartacus": For the film adaptation, Trumbo wrote a script based on Howard Fast's novel, "Spartacus." Fast was the proud recipient of the Stalin Prize.

Given such realities, Congress in October 1947 summoned Trumbo and Lawson and other screenwriters to ask about their use of film as covert propaganda. Congressmen had questions about the screenwriters' Soviet loyalties and whether these loyalties affected what they were writing for mass consumption.

In response, these secret Party members screamed foul and wrapped themselves in a First Amendment that did not exist in the USSR and would be the first thing facing the firing squad in a Moscow-controlled "Soviet America." Rather than truthfully answer questions or try to persuade the public that their loyalties were to America and there was nothing to worry about, they denounced the congressmen, comparing them to Nazis.

"You are using the old technique, which was used in Hitler's Germany," shouted Lawson. The congressmen, said the dedicated Stalinist, were "trying to introduce fascism in this country."

A 'Seditious Organization'

As for Trumbo, he held nothing back. "You have produced a capital city on the eve of its Reichstag fire," he lectured the congressmen. "For those who remember German history in the autumn of 1932, there is the smell of smoke in this very room."

Trumbo was venomous in unhesitatingly torching his opponents as "Nazis." He wailed as he left the hearing room:

"This is the beginning of an American concentration camp!"

The irony here was amazing and tragic. Consider: At that very moment, the Soviets — to whom Dalton Trumbo was pledged — were actually taking over Buchenwald from the Nazis and making it their own concentration camp.

But the irony was worse. Trumbo was prolific in numerous communist fronts, including the pernicious American Peace Mobilization, which Congress identified as "one of the most seditious organizations which ever operated in the United States" and "one of the most notorious and blatantly communist fronts ever organized."

Founded in 1940, the group's objective was to keep America completely out of the war against Hitler, including no Lend-Lease aid to Britain as it was being savaged by Hitler's war machine. Why? Because Hitler, at that point, was allied with Stalin. And for American Communist Party members, any ally of Stalin had to be their ally, period.

Because of this (and more), the likes of Allan Ryskind, historian of the blacklist and son of the late screenwriter Morrie Ryskind, has called Trumbo "Hitler's enabler."

Much more could be said here. It took Congress pages to cover Dalton Trumbo's communist work. My article cannot do justice to his prodigious efforts, from being pro-North Korea during the Korean War to anti-Churchill when the prime minister delivered his "Iron Curtain" speech.

And after all of it, doing virtually whatever the Communist Party asked, Trumbo said he "never regretted" joining. "As a matter of fact," he told biographer Bruce Cook, "it's possible to say I would have regretted not having done it."

That is the truth about Dalton Trumbo. Please take it with you into the theater.
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Old 11-09-2015, 10:14 PM   #2
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Thanks, IIFFY. "April Morning" is a classic. I did not know that about Howard Fast. Trumbo wrote the book and screenplay "Johnny Got His Gun", and he directed the movie as welle. Wiki has him writing or assisting with the screenplays for these films:

A Man to Remember, 1938
Five Came Back, 1939 (with Nathanael West and J. Cody)
Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo, 1944
Roman Holiday, 1953 (front Ian McLellan Hunter)
The Brave One, 1956 (under pseudonym Robert Rich)
From the Earth to the Moon, 1958 (co-writer as front: James Leicester)
Cowboy (1958) (front: Edmund H. North)
Spartacus, 1960, dir. by Stanley Kubrick
Exodus, 1960 (based on Leon Uris' 1958 novel of the same name)
Lonely are the Brave, 1962
The Sandpiper, 1965
Hawaii, 1966 (based on the novel by James Michener, 1959)
Johnny Got His Gun, 1971 (also directed)
The Horsemen, 1971
Papillon, 1973 (based on the novel by Henri Charričre, 1969)

The video used by Metallica in "One" is from "Johnny Got His Gun."

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Old 11-09-2015, 11:06 PM   #3
Jackie S
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I saw the Chris Mathews' special on him today, how it was those evil right wing bigots and "non enlightened" persons who persecuted, and even prosecuted, those who saw the Soviet Union and Communism as a preferred political system to our own.

Of course, history proved that what Trumbo and his ilk were really nothing more than naive fools, having little knowledge of what a truly evil empire the Soviet Union, and any other Communist Country, were.

So have your Fukin' movie. Fill people full of revisionist history that will say that men like Lenin, Stalin, and Mao were great leaders, and a system that strips individules of there rights, sends them to the Gulag, and murders millions in the name of the "collective good" is far superior to our pathetic Democratic Republic..
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Old 11-10-2015, 08:31 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
I saw the Chris Mathews' special on him today, how it was those evil right wing bigots and "non enlightened" persons who persecuted, and even prosecuted, those who saw the Soviet Union and Communism as a preferred political system to our own.

Of course, history proved that what Trumbo and his ilk were really nothing more than naive fools, having little knowledge of what a truly evil empire the Soviet Union, and any other Communist Country, were.

So have your Fukin' movie. Fill people full of revisionist history that will say that men like Lenin, Stalin, and Mao were great leaders, and a system that strips individules of there rights, sends them to the Gulag, and murders millions in the name of the "collective good" is far superior to our pathetic Democratic Republic..
its not so much that they will praise lenin stalin and mao

they most likely will do what you say chris mathews did, revile americans without truth and context
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Old 11-10-2015, 09:42 AM   #5
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It was a different era back in the 1930s. Many naive Western intellectuals were still overlooking Stalin's crimes, opposing fascism and applauding his interventions on the side of the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War. The BIG SHOCK was the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop pact which divided up Poland and the Baltic states between Hitler and Stalin and launched WW2. It was a wake-up call that led thinking leftists everywhere to take off their blinders and finally recognize the cynical thuggish truth about Soviet communism. The best book on the subject is "The God That Failed" by Arthur Koestler et al.
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Old 11-10-2015, 12:16 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
It was a different era back in the 1930s. Many naive Western intellectuals were still overlooking Stalin's crimes, opposing fascism and applauding his interventions on the side of the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War. The BIG SHOCK was the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop pact which divided up Poland and the Baltic states between Hitler and Stalin and launched WW2. It was a wake-up call that led thinking leftists everywhere to take off their blinders and finally recognize the cynical thuggish truth about Soviet communism. The best book on the subject is "The God That Failed" by Arthur Koestler et al.
Is that the excuse you use for your racist tendencies? You come from a different era?
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Old 11-10-2015, 01:04 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Is that the excuse you use for your racist tendencies? You come from a different era?
No, I use the famous WTF rule - that all people are racists - and that includes coconuts such as yourself...
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Old 11-10-2015, 01:19 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Is that the excuse you use for your racist tendencies? You come from a different era?
What's your excuse for being an ignorant libtard? You're too stupid and lazy to study, learn or comprehend the lessons of history?
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Old 11-10-2015, 03:55 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
What's your excuse for being an ignorant libtard? You're too stupid and lazy to study, learn or comprehend the lessons of history?
So that's NOT the excuse you use for being a racist homophobe. Glad we're getting things straight. I'm a lot of things, ignorant isn't one of them.
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Old 11-10-2015, 04:45 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
So that's NOT the excuse you use for being a racist homophobe. Glad we're getting things straight. I'm a lot of things, ignorant isn't one of them.
Then you ARE stupid and lazy, though. Glad you got that straight for us, sewer rat!

Oh, and thanks for staying on topic with your deep, insightful and "non-ignorant" comments. You always make such a brilliant contribution to the topic at hand (cough, cough). That's why you won DOTY by a landslide.
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Old 11-10-2015, 05:00 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Then you ARE stupid and lazy, though. Glad you got that straight for us, sewer rat!

Oh, and thanks for staying on topic with your deep, insightful and "non-ignorant" comments. You always make such a brilliant contribution to the topic at hand (cough, cough). That's why you won DOTY by a landslide.
Like your buddy gay rey? Who you lauded as champion of some asinine 'creative competition'. Get fucking real, dumbass. We see through you like tissue paper, sewer dick.
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Old 11-10-2015, 06:43 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Like your buddy gay rey? Who you lauded as champion of some asinine 'creative competition'.
How many times did you put Rey on ignore - 3 or 4? And how many times has your unimaginative ass plagiarized his insults - 500 times? You're a fucking loser at everything, sewer rat. Another reason we gave you the DOTY prize was to cheer you up and let you say you finally won something.

Now STFU and go read Johnny Got His Gun.
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Old 11-10-2015, 06:55 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Lonely are the Brave, 1962
This is one of my all time favorite films.

I'll see this new movie for that fact alone.
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Old 11-10-2015, 07:33 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
This is one of my all time favorite films.

I'll see this new movie for that fact alone.

I read "Johnny Got His Gun" (and Fast's "April Morning") in Jr High. While Trumbo's book made an impact, it didn't change me into a pacifist. Learning, via this article, that Trumbo published this book, in part, to keep the U.S. out of the war against the Nazis because of Trumbo's pro-U.S.S.R., communist agenda vindicates my sense that there are just causes for war, despite the horrific human cost.

I enjoyed "Papillon", "From the Earth and to the Moon" and "Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo". I'll wait for "Trumbo" to hit HBO. There's a Ron Howard movie about the Essex and another movie about Hugh Glass I want to see on the big screen this season.

BTW, you'd probably enjoy Clooney's, "Good Night, and Good Luck." It's an obvious swipe at Bush43, given its topic and release date, but it's still a decent movie.
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Old 11-10-2015, 09:07 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
So that's NOT the excuse you use for being a racist homophobe. Glad we're getting things straight. I'm a lot of things, ignorant isn't one of them.
You are just as arrogant and glib as that stupid faggoty fuck who goes by the name of Wakeup, and you are as hated as that stupid motherfucking asshole. You both suck cock after it has been stuck in some fat liberal's poop shoot, then you kiss each other, then you swap sperm.

Muslims would toss you off buildings, then dip your remains in pig urine, then shit on your husband at the funeral service, then stuff monkey balls down your dead throat. They would use rubber gloves when touching you so as not to contract your multiple diseases.

Edit - I meant that for Assup and Wakeup, not you WombRaider...sorry.
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