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Old 10-24-2015, 05:40 PM   #1
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Default Obama’s Purge


Obama’s Purge

By Capt. Joseph R. John

The article discusses how the US Armed Forces’ need for warriors—-men of rare talent, intellect, and courage that has always been essential for victory in any armed conflict by the US Military, have been systematically purged from the US Armed Forces by the occupant of the Oval Office.– the subtle purge has been underway for nearly 7 years. Over the same nearly 7 years, China, Russia, Iran, and the ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists have grown in strength, modernized their military weapon systems, and have been honing their combat skills in Crimea, Ukraine, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, the Philippines, the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, and the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.

Obama’s priority has been to replace warriors in front line combat units with Illegal Aliens who are not proficient in English, women, transgender individuals, felons with police records, and gay members who are being recruited into Obama’s new “Politically Correct” US military. Obama has turned the US Armed Forces into the first major openly gay military force in the world, and last year11,000 straight male members in the US Armed Forces were sexually assaulted by gays—driving the retention rate for straight males to new lows.

The commanding officers of combat forces that once were warriors are slowly being replaced by briefcase-carrying, yes-men and yes-women, more interested in driving the Social Experiment On Diversity into the military, driving the “Political Correct” agenda requirement for promotion, howling out the strength of the US Armed Forces, and purging thousands of senior enlisted Non Commissioned Officers who opposed massive social change in the US Armed Forces. The leaders of Obama’s US Military seem to care more about their careers than about the Obama administration’s downsizing of the US military and the steady degrading of the National Security of the Republic.

The last two Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullins and General Martin Dempsey:

(1) Covered up why armed and ready armed aircraft sitting on the tarmac in Italy and a rapid deployment US Marine Force sitting on the tarmac in Europe were not dispatched to save the lives of the four Americans who were murdered in Benghazi by Radical Islamic Terrorists.

(2) Forced the new & dangerous Rules of Engagement (ROE) on US Combat Forces in harm’s way, those ROE were responsible for increasing combat deaths by 458%/year, and those dangerous ROE increased the wounding & maiming of thousands of military personnel by 378%/year

(3) They both supervised the downsizing of the US Navy to the number of ships the Navy had in its fleet before WWI, reduced the strength of the US Army to the manning level if had before WWII, and allowed the US Air Force to become a smaller and older air force than in any time since 1947

(4) They presided over the purge of hundreds of Senior Officers, General Officers, and Flag Officers, and the removal of thousands of senior enlisted Non Commissioned Officers who opposed Obama’s systematic hollowing out of the US Armed Forces.

(5) They allowed Obama to drive the destructive “Social Experiment On Diversity” into the US Armed Forces resulting in the degrading of unit cohesiveness, unit moral, and the “Combat Effectiveness” of the US Armed Forces.

(6) They systematically drove women into tip of the spear combat hardened units such as US Marine Corps Infantry Units, US Navy Seal Teams, and US Army Ranger Battalions.

(7) For nearly 7 years, the new slate of Politically Correct Flag and General Officers promoted by Obama, failed to oppose the hollowing out of the US Armed Forces, nor did any of them threaten to resign unless the degrading of the US Armed Forces ceased.

Over nearly 7 years, Obama has not only down sized the US Army to a lower manning level than the Army had before WWII, but he has changed the warrior leadership philosophy of the US Army, an Army that was once led by warriors like Generals Pershing, General MacArthur, General Patton, General Bradley, Army Air Force General Curtis LeMay, General Ridgeway, and Genera Schwarzkopf, to the generals that Obama promoted who passed his litmus test for “Political Correctness”.

For 1 ½ years, Obama’s Generals have presided over the Uniform Code of Military Justice case for Bowe Bergdahl, for “Desertion and Misbehavior In The Face Of The Enemy” for leaving his post during combat operations in Afghanistan in June 2009. The case should have been adjudicated in 90 days after Bergdahl returned to the US in May 2014. It now appears, that the Article 32 Fact Finding Hearing Officer, LTC Mark Visger, USA (JAG) is recommending that Bergdahl be released with no jail time, nor that he not receive a punitive Dishonorable Discharge for the charge of “Desertion and Misbehavior In The Face Of The Enemy” .

The Convening Authority, General Creighton W. Abrams, Jr, USA, Commander, US Forces Command, refused to allow the members in Bergdahl’s platoon to testify, even though they witnessed Bergdahl’s desertion, and excluded recorded transmission from the Taliban saying Bergdahl was joining their combat units, from being introduced as evidence into Bergdahl’s Article 32 Hearing. Bergdahl would have been executed in WWII for “Desertion and Misbehavior In The Face of The Enemy.”

We encourage you to read the below listed article and forward it to those in your address book who would support halting the continued hollowing out of the US Armed Forces.

Copyright 2015, Capt. Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. This material can only be posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author. It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without permission from the author

Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62
Capt USN(Ret)
Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC
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Old 10-24-2015, 06:11 PM   #2
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Behold! Your conquerors instruments!
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Old 10-24-2015, 08:26 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post

Obama’s Purge

By Capt. Joseph R. John

The article discusses how the US Armed Forces’ need for warriors—-men of rare talent, intellect, and courage that has always been essential for victory in any armed conflict by the US Military, have been systematically purged from the US Armed Forces by the occupant of the Oval Office.– the subtle purge has been underway for nearly 7 years. Over the same nearly 7 years, China, Russia, Iran, and the ISIS Radical Islamic Terrorists have grown in strength, modernized their military weapon systems, and have been honing their combat skills in Crimea, Ukraine, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, the Philippines, the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, and the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.

Obama’s priority has been to replace warriors in front line combat units with Illegal Aliens who are not proficient in English, women, transgender individuals, felons with police records, and gay members who are being recruited into Obama’s new “Politically Correct” US military. Obama has turned the US Armed Forces into the first major openly gay military force in the world, and last year11,000 straight male members in the US Armed Forces were sexually assaulted by gays—driving the retention rate for straight males to new lows.

The commanding officers of combat forces that once were warriors are slowly being replaced by briefcase-carrying, yes-men and yes-women, more interested in driving the Social Experiment On Diversity into the military, driving the “Political Correct” agenda requirement for promotion, howling out the strength of the US Armed Forces, and purging thousands of senior enlisted Non Commissioned Officers who opposed massive social change in the US Armed Forces. The leaders of Obama’s US Military seem to care more about their careers than about the Obama administration’s downsizing of the US military and the steady degrading of the National Security of the Republic.

The last two Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullins and General Martin Dempsey:

(1) Covered up why armed and ready armed aircraft sitting on the tarmac in Italy and a rapid deployment US Marine Force sitting on the tarmac in Europe were not dispatched to save the lives of the four Americans who were murdered in Benghazi by Radical Islamic Terrorists.

(2) Forced the new & dangerous Rules of Engagement (ROE) on US Combat Forces in harm’s way, those ROE were responsible for increasing combat deaths by 458%/year, and those dangerous ROE increased the wounding & maiming of thousands of military personnel by 378%/year

(3) They both supervised the downsizing of the US Navy to the number of ships the Navy had in its fleet before WWI, reduced the strength of the US Army to the manning level if had before WWII, and allowed the US Air Force to become a smaller and older air force than in any time since 1947

(4) They presided over the purge of hundreds of Senior Officers, General Officers, and Flag Officers, and the removal of thousands of senior enlisted Non Commissioned Officers who opposed Obama’s systematic hollowing out of the US Armed Forces.

(5) They allowed Obama to drive the destructive “Social Experiment On Diversity” into the US Armed Forces resulting in the degrading of unit cohesiveness, unit moral, and the “Combat Effectiveness” of the US Armed Forces.

(6) They systematically drove women into tip of the spear combat hardened units such as US Marine Corps Infantry Units, US Navy Seal Teams, and US Army Ranger Battalions.

(7) For nearly 7 years, the new slate of Politically Correct Flag and General Officers promoted by Obama, failed to oppose the hollowing out of the US Armed Forces, nor did any of them threaten to resign unless the degrading of the US Armed Forces ceased.

Over nearly 7 years, Obama has not only down sized the US Army to a lower manning level than the Army had before WWII, but he has changed the warrior leadership philosophy of the US Army, an Army that was once led by warriors like Generals Pershing, General MacArthur, General Patton, General Bradley, Army Air Force General Curtis LeMay, General Ridgeway, and Genera Schwarzkopf, to the generals that Obama promoted who passed his litmus test for “Political Correctness”.

For 1 ½ years, Obama’s Generals have presided over the Uniform Code of Military Justice case for Bowe Bergdahl, for “Desertion and Misbehavior In The Face Of The Enemy” for leaving his post during combat operations in Afghanistan in June 2009. The case should have been adjudicated in 90 days after Bergdahl returned to the US in May 2014. It now appears, that the Article 32 Fact Finding Hearing Officer, LTC Mark Visger, USA (JAG) is recommending that Bergdahl be released with no jail time, nor that he not receive a punitive Dishonorable Discharge for the charge of “Desertion and Misbehavior In The Face Of The Enemy” .

The Convening Authority, General Creighton W. Abrams, Jr, USA, Commander, US Forces Command, refused to allow the members in Bergdahl’s platoon to testify, even though they witnessed Bergdahl’s desertion, and excluded recorded transmission from the Taliban saying Bergdahl was joining their combat units, from being introduced as evidence into Bergdahl’s Article 32 Hearing. Bergdahl would have been executed in WWII for “Desertion and Misbehavior In The Face of The Enemy.”

We encourage you to read the below listed article and forward it to those in your address book who would support halting the continued hollowing out of the US Armed Forces.

Copyright 2015, Capt. Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. This material can only be posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author. It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without permission from the author

Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62
Capt USN(Ret)
Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC
Hence the reason I no longer salute the flag, and I oppose US forces overseas. We need to downsize the obligations of the US, and downsize the military. At the rate we are going, we will not be able to defend ourselves, let alone meddle in everyone else's affairs.

By the way, with Obama's bombing of the Doctors Without Borders hospital, is he the first Nobel Peace Prize Winner to ever kill other Nobel Peace Prize winners?
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Old 10-24-2015, 08:52 PM   #4
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Old 10-24-2015, 08:59 PM   #5
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what else would you expect from Prez faggot? he is a faggot and there is no doubt of it. none.
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Old 10-24-2015, 09:30 PM   #6
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Lol y'all realize were on that "domestic terrorist" list right?
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Old 10-25-2015, 07:27 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds View Post
Lol y'all realize were on that "domestic terrorist" list right?


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Old 10-25-2015, 07:30 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds View Post
Lol y'all realize were on that "domestic terrorist" list right?
Why would that be?
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Old 10-25-2015, 09:33 AM   #9
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Old 10-25-2015, 09:43 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds View Post

That's what I thought you were saying... fuckem

I will be checking out the link for the next hour, thanks...

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Old 10-25-2015, 09:53 AM   #11
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I like the first comment

Bad Kitty Cat • 2 years ago
Let's simplify this list....

"Anyone who breaths and asks questions."

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Old 10-26-2015, 01:05 AM   #12
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Not only is this authentic frontier gibberish...
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Old 10-26-2015, 02:44 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds View Post
Believe it or not, I'm only qualified to be considered on that list for about 20 items - I guess that puts me at only 28% terrorist.Fuck em
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Old 10-26-2015, 03:13 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Not only is this authentic frontier gibberish...

At least it's not conformity masked as tolerance, Cock Eater...

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Old 10-26-2015, 07:27 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Not only is this authentic frontier gibberish...
Assup .. you are on many lists. starting with Dipshit emeritus. congrats!

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