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Old 06-04-2015, 02:01 PM   #1
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In 2010, Bill Clinton and Eric Holder went to Zurich hoping to bring the 2022 World Cup to the United States. However, FIFA awarded the Cup to Qatar.

Nearly everyone who followed the process suspected that Qatar got the Cup thanks to bribery. For one thing, there was evidence of attempted bribery. For another, why else would FIFA decide to hold world soccer’s signature event in the desert, during the summer, in a country that is barely a pimple on the face of international soccer?

Holder certainly sensed corruption. His Justice Department began investigating FIFA, probably in part as an act of revenge. Now, the investigation has produced indictments that have shaken FIFA to its core.

Clinton no doubt perceived the corruption too. And he too was angry about it. Reportedly, he broke a mirror in his plush Zurich hotel room in reaction to FIFA’s decision.

For Bill Clinton, though, “getting even” has a different meaning than it does for Eric Holder (and for most of us). For Clinton, getting even with corrupt entities means getting a piece of the pie.

Clinton proceeded to get his piece. Today’s Washington Post describes the relationship between the Clinton Foundation and Qatar that grew out of the former president’s foray into World Cup politics.


A very interesting read.
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Old 06-04-2015, 02:05 PM   #2
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What the fuck is this? Where does the article mention the BS you wrote about Clinton?
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Old 06-04-2015, 02:10 PM   #3
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Glad you asked, you really are out of touch.



Originally Posted by shanm View Post
What the fuck is this? Where does the article mention the BS you wrote about Clinton?
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Old 06-04-2015, 02:14 PM   #4
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Bill Clinton has enriched himself by blessing nations facing human-rights and labor abuse allegations around the world......

The failed attempt (by Clinton and Holder) to secure the World Cup event for the US resulted in Holder going after corruption at FIFA...Bill Clinton went after the cash....The contrast between the approaches of the Obama administration and the Clintons to the failed U.S. bid for World Cup 2022 is striking. Obama’s smacks of vengeance. Clinton’s smacks of venality.
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Old 06-04-2015, 02:33 PM   #5
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Why not link the fucking article in the first place you inbred cocktard? Take time from smelling your own farts and pay attention next time.

Some things wrong with the article:

1) The allegations against Qatar are still just allegations

2) Clinton has no power over FIFA, so whatever he has to say will NOT influence FIFA's decision as to where to host the world cup.

3) You mention Qatari donations to the Clinton foundation as if they're some sure-fire indicator of criminal activity. The Qataris gave donations to the foundation....so what? So did a whole host of people from many different countries. Should we accuse them as well?

4) Clinton "gave legitimacy" to the Qataris? How so? By accepting donations to his foundation? The event took place in 2013. The death of construction workers and labor abuse came later. No one knew that was going to happen.

Your belief that Qataris are all just simply evil is not a good enough reason to convince me otherwise.

FIFA has done this over and over. South Africa, Brazil...all of those world cups were riddled with the same problems. The Qataris are different because they are rich as fuck. Many people believed that Qatar would have some of the most advanced technological efforts in place in order to host the world cup. And they probably will. I'll definitely be going.

The human rights abuses should be stopped, but that's up to FIFA, not, as you moronically believe, Clinton. Stop trying to make everything about your dumbass political beliefs.
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Old 06-04-2015, 02:37 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by shanm View Post
The Qataris gave donations to the foundation....so what? So did a whole host of people from many different countries. Should we accuse them as well?

No. Just Clinton.
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Old 06-04-2015, 02:46 PM   #7
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Your rant is wrong on so many points and levels but let me just point out one...
By the time of the Clinton Foundation’s 2013 gala, there was substantial evidence that labor conditions at World Cup construction sites in Qatar were terribly unsafe, including the fact that dozens of migrant Nepalese workers had died that summer alone.

Stephen Russell, the coordinator of a U.K.-based labor group urging the Gulf state to improve working conditions, says that Qatar uses charitable donations such as the one to the Clinton Foundation to try to skate past criticism of its labor practices.

Russell says he has called on the Clintons and the foundation to speak out about workers’ rights in Qatar. Apparently, they haven’t done so. (The Hillary Clinton state department criticized Qatar labor law policies, but that was before Qatar paid the Foundation to have its chief World Cup organizer appear at the gala 2013 event, according to the Post’s report).
Even before the labor scandal the FIFA and the Qatar bid was under investigation. Bill Clinton knew all about this. Yet, he gave legitimacy to Qatar, and the award to it of the World Cup, by sharing the stage and providing photo ops to the man behind the the desert nation’s corrupt bid. In exchange for donations, of course.

Originally Posted by shanm View Post
Why not link the fucking article in the first place you inbred cocktard? Take time from smelling your own farts and pay attention next time.

Some things wrong with the article:

1) The allegations against Qatar are still just allegations

2) Clinton has no power over FIFA, so whatever he has to say will NOT influence FIFA's decision as to where to host the world cup. Obama, Holder and Clinton thought otherwise, they were sent hoping to influence. But obviously the corrupt FIFA wasn't persuaded.

3) You mention Qatari donations to the Clinton foundation as if they're some sure-fire indicator of criminal activity. The Qataris gave donations to the foundation....so what? So did a whole host of people from many different countries. Should we accuse them as well?

4) Clinton "gave legitimacy" to the Qataris? How so? By accepting donations to his foundation? The event took place in 2013. The death of construction workers and labor abuse came later. No one knew that was going to happen.

Your belief that Qataris are all just simply evil is not a good enough reason to convince me otherwise.

FIFA has done this over and over. South Africa, Brazil...all of those world cups were riddled with the same problems. The Qataris are different because they are rich as fuck. Many people believed that Qatar would have some of the most advanced technological efforts in place in order to host the world cup. And they probably will. I'll definitely be going.

The human rights abuses should be stopped, but that's up to FIFA, not, as you moronically believe, Clinton. Stop trying to make everything about your dumbass political beliefs.
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Old 06-04-2015, 03:01 PM   #8
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Like I said; Obama, Holder and Clinton didn't get the World Cup....Obama/Holder went after FIFA legally, and Clinton, perceiving the corruption saw his opening to get in on the action. Like he did in Kazakhstan, Haiti, and other shitholes around the world. For Bill Clinton, though, “getting even” has a different meaning than it does for Eric Holder (and for most of us). For Clinton, getting even with corrupt entities means getting a piece of the pie.
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Old 06-04-2015, 03:05 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Like I said; Obama, Holder and Clinton didn't get the World Cup....Obama/Holder went after FIFA legally, and Clinton, perceiving the corruption saw his opening to get in on the action. Like he did in Kazakhstan, Haiti, and other shitholes around the world. For Bill Clinton, though, “getting even” has a different meaning than it does for Eric Holder (and for most of us). For Clinton, getting even with corrupt entities means getting a piece of the pie.
So you embrace the idea of capitalism, unless a Clinton is employing it?
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Old 06-04-2015, 03:12 PM   #10
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I embrace full disclosure and transparency.

How about you?

Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
So you embrace the idea of capitalism, unless a Clinton is employing it?
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Old 06-04-2015, 03:37 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Your rant is wrong on so many points and levels but let me just point out one...
By the time of the Clinton Foundation’s 2013 gala, there was substantial evidence that labor conditions at World Cup construction sites in Qatar were terribly unsafe, including the fact that dozens of migrant Nepalese workers had died that summer alone.

Stephen Russell, the coordinator of a U.K.-based labor group urging the Gulf state to improve working conditions, says that Qatar uses charitable donations such as the one to the Clinton Foundation to try to skate past criticism of its labor practices.

Russell says he has called on the Clintons and the foundation to speak out about workers’ rights in Qatar. Apparently, they haven’t done so. (The Hillary Clinton state department criticized Qatar labor law policies, but that was before Qatar paid the Foundation to have its chief World Cup organizer appear at the gala 2013 event, according to the Post’s report).

The words that you seem to be passing off as your own come from a blog. Hilariously titled: "FOR BILL CLINTON, VENALITY TRUMPS REVENGE".

Skating past the fact that you are a fucking plagiarizer, everything you mentioned is an absolute farce.

Click on the link where he claims that there was already sufficient evidence for human rights violations, and it takes you.....nowhere. It's a broken link. This is why you don't trust blogs.

I guess you're not up to date on the FIFA timelines. I am.
It was alleged in 2011 by the British Parliment that there was corruption. FIFA appointed a U.S attorney to look into the corruption allegations in 2012 and it's results were published last year in 2014. They claimed that Qatar had done nothing wrong.
The human rights allegations actually surfaced the exact same week as the Clinton Global Initiative, Sep 25 2013. This is the article which started it all.

Now, how would the Clintons know about the allegations before they even became an issue?

Keep in mind that they are all just allegations.

This is how the foundation defended it's stance:
“Many major institutions — financial, media, industrial or otherwise — have been subject to allegations at some point, and that alone shouldn’t preclude these organizations, which are capable of significant and positive impact, from contributing to improving lives,”

I don't know if you have any idea what the CGI is. It's not Bill Clinton's bank account. It's a charitable organization. If you've got proof that he's structuring deals for his own profit, post it. The Qataris donating to the CGI and having some human rights issues has zero correlation. If he was barring them based on allegations, I doubt there is a single global leader he could accept charity from.
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Old 06-04-2015, 03:41 PM   #12
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As many of these post show, there is NOTHING the Clintons could do that would be offensive to their loyal minions.
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Old 06-04-2015, 03:45 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
As many of these post show, there is NOTHING the Clintons could do that would be offensive to their loyal minions.
He hasn't proven anything. I've said it before, if he did something wrong, prove it and charge him with a crime. Otherwise, you're just bitching and moaning.
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Old 06-04-2015, 03:48 PM   #14
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It's hilarious to see the word "sleaze" deployed in moralizing earnest on Eccie, of all places. Makes total sense, though, considering how every single Republican who tried to take down Bill Clinton has now turned out to be at least as sleazy (just far more hypocritical).
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Old 06-04-2015, 03:49 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
As many of these post show, there is NOTHING the Clintons could do that would be offensive to their loyal minions.
Ok. That's what you believe.

I believe that it is utterly absurd that someone is questioning the work of a charitable organization with literally zero proof. Your hatred for the man clouds your judgement so much that you choose to ignore all the good his initiative is doing. It blows my mind that that is the kind of world we live in....political allegiance over everything else.

You might not believe this, but if Bush had set up a charity, I would never discuss corruption unless there was absolute proof one way or the other. Too bad he's busy eating bbq burgers and ribs on his 100 acre ranch.
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