Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
That was excellent. Andre whipped that ass............that guy plays everyone dirty so Johnson needed to whip that ass.........
That jackass "Prides" himself on being called the "dirtiest player in the league"..... Sad news is, even with all of his BS dirty/cheap shot shit, Dre continuously wears his ass out, so the only way that cheap-shotting fucker can stop him is by trying to get his ass tossed out of the game....... LOVE when Dre goes against Finn tho...... Lifetime Dre has put it on his ass something fierce...... Finn will lose a game or two because of it (3rd fight this year, 2nd where the helmets came off) but Dre will get slapped with about 20k or so in fines and go on about being one of the classiest guys in the league....... anyone who knows anything knows Finn had this and much more coming..... 10 sec more and Dre woulda had him tapping out like the bitch he is!
Now if only the Texans as a team had that much venom in them.......