I went through some drama today but decided not to write a negative review, instead just share my pain and try to help providers improve.
I traded tens of text messages with a provider across a few hours and finally settled down an appointment time. Arrived at the hotel 10 minutes earlier and texted for room number; she shared her room number almost exactly at the agreed time - no problem. But found out that she stayed in a hotel wing that is gated and needs badge or room key to get in. I had to text her and wait for a while until she went out to open the gate for me.
#1 - Avoid staying in a hotel section that needs room key to have access (your clients do not have room keys). If you have no choice, let your client know and prepare to open the gate for him a few minute after giving out the room number. It is very frustrating/embarrassing let alone time-wasting to wait in front of a locked gate.
At the end of the session - I did not come yet (probably a few minutes over the original appointment due to the gate issue and late start), somebody started to bang the door. I ran into the bathroom and she went to open the door. She told me that was her roommate (another provider) and there was an emergency and I had to leave right away. I asked what was the emergency and was told a family emergency. I escaped the room and saw her roommate waiting in the hallway.
# 2 - We all know emergency happens, please try to avoid creating unnecessary tension and panic mode. You don’t want to cause heart attach to your client!
After getting into my car, I realized that I left my phone in her room in a big hurry and had to drive back to the hotel. Facing the same locked gate again, but this time without a phone to call for help. I had to ask hotel management to open the gate for me by lying that I forgot my wallet in the room

. Apparently her roommate had already kicked off a new session - to the fellow hobbyist, sorry I bothered you.
#3 - I don’t know what to say. Maybe refer to #1, or #2
She promised to text me and make it up for me as soon as her family emergency is over.
#4 - I am still waiting