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Old 10-30-2014, 04:34 PM   #1
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Default What did you do to get verified??

I've been pm mokoa till he stopped when I asked about my verified status.
2 *of my client re visited me last night and *showed me he sent a pm to moderator telling them I'm legit he confirmed messages but did not reply to me. I'm waiting to get status upgraded.
I'm totally legit my reviews proved that much.
Review 1:
Review 2*
Review 3
Here is my blog that has email same as this and pictures.*
My profile

My number is 2109004066
My handle is amor elsa*
I have two reviews as of now and
I also had 2 guys vouch for me.*
What more do I need?

All of this and I still haven't been verified. Ladies what have you done on this website to get verified? Some people tell me I should sleep with the moderators.? But that just is not going to happen. What did you guys do to get your status
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Old 10-30-2014, 05:07 PM   #2
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BS! You dont have to sleep with a MOD for VP status- although it is aloud. LOL. Be patient babe, they get a lot of traffic and they will get to it. You can always send a friendly reminder PM or try PMing all the MODs since they are all on at different hours etc. Good Luck!
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Old 10-30-2014, 05:12 PM   #3
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They do have a lot of traffic. It took me a little while to receive my verfied status as well, and I'm sure you'll have no problem. Just keep rockin' those sessions, sexy lady!
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Old 10-30-2014, 05:15 PM   #4
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“Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.”
― Molière

Follow Ms KKA's advice, they will get to you. I have waited days for them to verify reviews, but they did get verified.
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Old 10-30-2014, 05:17 PM   #5
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Here is what you need to do, beautiful.



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Old 10-30-2014, 05:37 PM   #6
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If a fund could be setup so that it is not a voluntary position.

Else, you get what you pay for.

That is why I don't get mad at them if they can't get to something I address immeditately to them.
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Old 10-30-2014, 05:43 PM   #7
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Hmmmm....But what process did you go about becoming verified?

Thank you ladies!! :-) I am taking the advise and waiting but as a few people have pointed out it may be intentional that they are procrastinating with verifying my membership.

so I will not say I am waiting patiently but none the less I am still waiting. And it has been brought to my attention that some reasons I am NOT being verified maybe because they just simply don't like my skin tone? Has anyone else experienced this issue becoming verified as a provider?
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Old 10-30-2014, 05:45 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
If a fund could be setup so that it is not a voluntary position.

Else, you get what you pay for.

That is why I don't get mad at them if they can't get to something I address immeditately to them.
I don't know what I did to deserve this? As you stated I get what I pay for. If there was an option to pay then I would. I am wanting to post as quickly as everyone else is allowed to do but for some reason they are blocking or in some parts of the city they call it" hating"
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Old 10-30-2014, 05:53 PM   #9
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I did not direct that at you individually.

It is collectively.

These Mods, from all areas on the board, do there functions gratis. They do not draw an allowance/stipend/paycheck/annuitary (sp).

Hence, I can't complain if they don't get to me about something.

I am not directing this at you. It is just alot of people expect a Mod to be at their beckon call but don't realize they have lives also. And when you aren't being paid to do a job, you can't expect them to be johnny on the spot.
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Old 10-30-2014, 05:57 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by AMOR ELSA View Post
I don't know what I did to deserve this? As you stated I get what I pay for. If there was an option to pay then I would. I am wanting to post as quickly as everyone else is allowed to do but for some reason they are blocking or in some parts of the city they call it" hating"
Elsa, I think Precious B is referring to the fact that the mods are not paid. They work voluntarily. They do the moderator gig on the side. I have a feeling you will be approved tonight.

Originally Posted by AMOR ELSA View Post
Hmmmm....But what process did you go about becoming verified?

Thank you ladies!! :-) I am taking the advise and waiting but as a few people have pointed out it may be intentional that they are procrastinating with verifying my membership.

so I will not say I am waiting patiently but none the less I am still waiting. And it has been brought to my attention that some reasons I am NOT being verified maybe because they just simply don't like my skin tone? Has anyone else experienced this issue becoming verified as a provider?
Please do yourself a favor, and never use the race card ever again in your life.
If race is the issue, it's not your issue; It's theirs.
This is the 21st century and that shit doesn't fly with the great majority of people. So just sit back and let the racists deal with their disapproval form society.

It's so weak how girls think they have to sleep with mods for anything. This is a pay for play site.
I have actually seen girls give away free pussy to the mods and get nothing in return but a cold shoulder.
I don't know of sleeping with any mods my whole career and I somehow manage to get what I need around here. I will never miss an opportunity to thank the mods. Their job here is much respected by me and most of the board members.

You did the right thing by starting this thread. It should surely get the attention you need from the mods to expedite your PV. Even if you have to wait a bit longer, I'm sure this thread will send some gents your way in the meantime.

Welcome BTW.
Take care.


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Old 10-30-2014, 06:12 PM   #11
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The mods here have RW jobs and lives that I am quite sure are a higher priority than sitting around all day and responding to PM's. Having been a mod on another unrelated forum for several years where our total membership count was less than the total active users on this site at any moment I know that at times it got very busy for me. I can only imagine how much shit the mods around here have to deal with daily with the continual onslaught of new members needing/asking questions, dealing with policy violators, multiple handles, spambot attacks and the behind the scenes stuff nobody ever sees or knows about.

My advice, be patient, it will get done when they get to it. I don't always agree with the mods here abut I will give them the benefit of the doubt because they are willing to stand in the line of fire whether we think they are right or wrong.

Finally, frankly if I was a mod I'd move you to the bottom of the list for several reasons......
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Old 10-30-2014, 06:12 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin View Post
Elsa, I think Precious B is referring to the fact that the mods are not paid. They work voluntarily. They do the moderator gig on the side. I have a feeling you will be approved tonight.

Please do your self a favor, and never use the race card ever again in your life.
If race is the issue, it's not your issue; It's theirs.
Tis is the 21st century and that shit doesn't fly with the great majority of people. So just sit back and let the racists deal with their disapproval form society.

I think it's so weak girls think they have to sleep with mods for anything. This is a pay for play site.
I have actually seen girls give away free pussy to the mods and get nothing in return but a cold shoulder.
I don't know of sleeping with any mods my whole career and I somehow manage to get what I need around here. I will never miss an opportunity to thank the mods. Their job here is much respected by me and most of the board members.

I think you did the right thing by starting this thread. It should surely get the attention you need from the mods to expedite your PV. Even if you have to wait a bit longer, I'm sure this thread will send some gents your way in the meantime.

Welcome BTW.
Take care.


I haven't even read your message yet Jasmine but I did read the first two or three sentences and you told me not to use the race card ever ever again.

Well what I said was someone mentioned to me that my race is probably the issue....I never said that much. It was I simply repeated what someone told me and if you look on my past posts you will see where they posted that.
And most of my clients are not black so I don't have a problem with race or anything like that what was told to me and even in my inbox messages is that maybe they just don't like me because of my race....well actually the word they use what skin tone!
which is the word that I used

Thank you very much for the kind words I'm waiting patiently still.and I am NOT trying to stir up any mess I am simply asking a question I hope my posts are not taken as trying to be disrespectful I totally understand that they do not work for money but when I see them posting on comment and posting on the board later in the day after I sent them a message at 7 a.m. Via email or via PM inbox and I don't get a response I start to think what did I do to piss them off personally
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Old 10-30-2014, 06:14 PM   #13
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Wait! You've been a member since 2013?
What DID you do to deserve this?
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Old 10-30-2014, 06:17 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by AMOR ELSA View Post
I haven't even read your message yet Jasmine but I did read the first two or three sentences and you told me not to use the race card ever ever again. If you do feel the need to comment please know that I did not use the race card what I said was someone mentioned to me that my race is probably the issue? I never said it was I simply repeated what someone told me and if you look on my past posts you will see where they posted that.
most of my clients are not black so I don't have a problem with race or anything like that what was told to me and even in my inbox messages is that maybe they just don't like me because of my race well actually the word they use what skin tone which is the word that I used

Thank you very much
Well don't let others opinions force you to make statements in which people might think you are playing the race card.

Just trying to help Tootes. Good luck!
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Old 10-30-2014, 06:19 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by schertzguy View Post

Finally, frankly if I was a mod I'd move you to the bottom of the list for several reasons......
and why is that? I am dying to know because I have done nothing to anyone on here but try to offer my services like everyone else so please tell me why would you personally put me to the bottom of the list?

And please don't hold your tongue because I know you won't
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