Originally Posted by Asian Kiara
I told him that I don't feel comfortable. He asked me if I want him to leave. I said yes.
I think what you are stating makes a lot of sense.
Why would you set aside a time for him, get yourself ready and put together for the appointment, disclose your address and unit number and finally go outside to find your client all to give him a bad attitude upon his arrival?
Plus from what I gathered, you made no attempt to get any of the donation from him at all, which tells me, you are more interested in making sure the mood is right between you and your client, so a stellar session can take place verus just trying to collect a fee.
I commend you for what you did. I know it can suck to have to walk away from a few hundred bucks you anticipated making. I have had a few times throughout the years when a client rubbed me the wrong way so I declined to go through with the session, not because I am a bitch or interested in wasting any ones time, simply because if I am suddenly put in a bad mood by a clients inconsiderate or rude actions, no way am I going to be able to provide you with a good time for the next hour or two.