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Old 05-11-2013, 06:28 AM   #121
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
Our courageous ambassador knew the risks. You have no clue,

Diplomacy can't be conducted in a vacuum.

Walls 10 feet taller or 10 extra guards would have made no real difference.
I suppose "we" have to prioritize ..


And I suppose it makes a difference in the "10" one selects for the job:
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Old 05-11-2013, 11:01 AM   #122
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
I have an idea. Let's demand honesty and integrity from our elected leaders, regardless of party affiliation. Let's quit excusing their bad behavior, just because they lean in our preferred political direction.
I have a better idea. Why don't you work on posting "links" and cartoons that meet your own above criteria.
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Old 05-11-2013, 11:04 AM   #123
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Right you are. I agree with the statement, but not the hypocrisy of the poster!
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Old 05-11-2013, 11:05 AM   #124
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
The ignorance of the right is exceeded only by their ability to lose elections.
That's not mere ability, i'va, it's a SKILL!
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Old 05-11-2013, 01:53 PM   #125
JD Barleycorn
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Someone made a comment when Clinton was president about the lives of military people and Hillary responded, isn't that what they're paid for? She has the attitude of a European of the 18th century. Military lives are like so many chickens whose necks have to be wrung.
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Old 05-11-2013, 02:59 PM   #126
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Someone made a comment when Clinton was president about the lives of military people and Hillary responded, isn't that what they're paid for? She has the attitude of a European of the 18th century. Military lives are like so many chickens whose necks have to be wrung.
JD, you act as if soldiers do dat shit for free! What did you get paid with? All the seamen you could eat?
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Old 05-11-2013, 05:25 PM   #127
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He was pivot man on his ship.
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Old 05-11-2013, 07:03 PM   #128
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Originally Posted by Randy4Candy View Post
I have a better idea. Why don't you work on posting "links" and cartoons that meet your own above criteria.
+ 1,000
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Old 05-11-2013, 08:06 PM   #129
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Was Benghazi a massive screw-up?


Did people die who perhaps could have been saved? Maybe but the key word there is
"perhaps" even if everyone had done everything correctly there is no guarantee that those men would still be alive. This does not mean there was no reason to try just that you can't use the argument "you would have saved them" because no one can really know that.

Did someone try to obscure the fact this was an actual attack and not a mob action?

Of course but get over it because your government lies to you all the time about things, so why would this be any different.

And on the scale of things we have been lied to about in the last 15 years this one doesn't quite measure up in my standards to the level of scrutiny it is getting.

What should happen....

Automatic protocols should be in place so that response teams should not have to be "authorized" to depart to come to help when the State Dept monitoring center signals there is a problem. Or the Ambassador themselves should be able to activate them and when they do so no one should be able to call them back but said Ambassador.

People at State and the DoD should loose their jobs for making totally political calls they had no business making with peoples lives on the line. To be honest that embassy shouldn't even have been there but we were trying to "make a statement of support".

What should not be happening:

Senators / Congressmen who have REPEATEDLY lied on national television (**COUGH John McCain **COUGH) need to stop trying to scream about how much other people have screwed up and need to take responsibility until they themselves have done the same.

Honestly I think the story would have a lot more traction if the above members of Congress hadn't spent so much time laying the blame for this on Susan Rice, the one person who had absolutely no hand in any of this.

They said she was at fault so the President didn't nominate her for Sec of State, now they are saying someone else is at fault... did they forget to mention "oh we were wrong Susan Rice had nothing to do with the failures that happened?" No they just don't like inconvenient truths. Especially when they point out they were wrong.

All in all Benghazi was not our finest hour. But people die for political decisions every day, you just don't know about them.

Hindsight is 20/20, would have, could have, etc all these arguments are pointless because it won't bring those men back and so far I haven't heard anything from anyone about doing anything to ensure this never happens again. All anyone seems concerned about is who they can blame and will it affect their political careers.

How about we keep our eyes on the really important issue. Fixing it so this doesn't happen again.

Beyond that this whole thing (on both sides) is just smoke and mirrors to distract you from the fact they haven't actually done anything constructive.
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Old 05-11-2013, 08:15 PM   #130
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by st_mike View Post

Honestly I think the story would have a lot more traction if the above members of Congress hadn't spent so much time laying the blame for this on Susan Rice, the one person who had absolutely no hand in any of this.

They said she was at fault so the President didn't nominate her for Sec of State, now they are saying someone else is at fault... did they forget to mention "oh we were wrong Susan Rice had nothing to do with the failures that happened?" No they just don't like inconvenient truths. Especially when they point out they were wrong.
No one with any amount of intelligence ever believed that a video was the cause of an Islamic uprising on the anniversary of 9/11 or that Susan Rice wasn't directed to say what she said by individuals at a higher level. But Rice did know she was lying when she said it -- just like Carney! Rice is a big girl and doesn't need someone to defend the lies she told. Let her suck it up! She lied herself out of a promotion -- it happens all of the time, as you say!
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Old 05-11-2013, 08:17 PM   #131
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Originally Posted by st_mike View Post
Was Benghazi a massive screw-up?


Did people die who perhaps could have been saved? Maybe but the key word there is
"perhaps" even if everyone had done everything correctly there is no guarantee that those men would still be alive. This does not mean there was no reason to try just that you can't use the argument "you would have saved them" because no one can really know that.

Did someone try to obscure the fact this was an actual attack and not a mob action?

Of course but get over it because your government lies to you all the time about things, so why would this be any different.

And on the scale of things we have been lied to about in the last 15 years this one doesn't quite measure up in my standards to the level of scrutiny it is getting.

What should happen....

Automatic protocols should be in place so that response teams should not have to be "authorized" to depart to come to help when the State Dept monitoring center signals there is a problem. Or the Ambassador themselves should be able to activate them and when they do so no one should be able to call them back but said Ambassador.

People at State and the DoD should loose their jobs for making totally political calls they had no business making with peoples lives on the line. To be honest that embassy shouldn't even have been there but we were trying to "make a statement of support".

What should not be happening:

Senators / Congressmen who have REPEATEDLY lied on national television (**COUGH John McCain **COUGH) need to stop trying to scream about how much other people have screwed up and need to take responsibility until they themselves have done the same.

Honestly I think the story would have a lot more traction if the above members of Congress hadn't spent so much time laying the blame for this on Susan Rice, the one person who had absolutely no hand in any of this.

They said she was at fault so the President didn't nominate her for Sec of State, now they are saying someone else is at fault... did they forget to mention "oh we were wrong Susan Rice had nothing to do with the failures that happened?" No they just don't like inconvenient truths. Especially when they point out they were wrong.

All in all Benghazi was not our finest hour. But people die for political decisions every day, you just don't know about them.

Hindsight is 20/20, would have, could have, etc all these arguments are pointless because it won't bring those men back and so far I haven't heard anything from anyone about doing anything to ensure this never happens again. All anyone seems concerned about is who they can blame and will it affect their political careers.

How about we keep our eyes on the really important issue. Fixing it so this doesn't happen again.

Beyond that this whole thing (on both sides) is just smoke and mirrors to distract you from the fact they haven't actually done anything constructive.
Carry water for Obrobama much?
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Old 05-11-2013, 08:18 PM   #132
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WTF *sigh* are you really that stupid or do you have someone helping you? I can't believe that you misunderstood what I wrote (and I don't think you really did), you just want to exhibit some more stupidity.
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Old 05-11-2013, 08:26 PM   #133
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So your standard is we should fire any politician who has gone on national television and lied?

Out of curiosity who exactly do you think will be left in Washington DC if we do this?

And BTW do we fire the Press Secretaries for not telling the "whole truth" everyday?

And do we then fire their bosses for letting the "Press Secretaries" do this?

Blaming Susan Rice for this is just stupid. Did she know the whole story... perhaps, perhaps not, either way she was given an assignment and she carried it out. As she is expected to do.

I am not saying we couldn't use a lot more honesty out of our politicians I am saying I have a hard time listening to people say someone should be fired or held accountable for that when they themselves are guilty of it at least once a day.

The standard is not impossible but I am not buying the whole "their craps stinks but mine smells like roses" argument from any politician.
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Old 05-11-2013, 08:34 PM   #134
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Originally Posted by st_mike View Post
So your standard is we should fire any politician who has gone on national television and lied?

Out of curiosity who exactly do you think will be left in Washington DC if we do this?

And BTW do we fire the Press Secretaries for not telling the "whole truth" everyday?

And do we then fire their bosses for letting the "Press Secretaries" do this?

Blaming Susan Rice for this is just stupid. Did she know the whole story... perhaps, perhaps not, either way she was given an assignment and she carried it out. As she is expected to do.

I am not saying we couldn't use a lot more honesty out of our politicians I am saying I have a hard time listening to people say someone should be fired or held accountable for that when they themselves are guilty of it at least once a day.

The standard is not impossible but I am not buying the whole "their craps stinks but mine smells like roses" argument from any politician.
And exactly what is wrong with holding public officials responsible for their actions?
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Old 05-11-2013, 08:36 PM   #135
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Carry water for Obrobama much?
I wasn't aware anything I said was pro President Obama as much anti-on both sides.

And btw regardless of our opinions of him he is still the President of the United States so a little respect is warranted.

I may not have voted for the man but he got elected so that is that.
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