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Old 10-06-2017, 10:09 AM   #121
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I plan to respond to all yall's retardedness this evening. It's been a few days since I decided to let yall stew and marinate in your own seasoned stupidity.
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Old 10-06-2017, 01:55 PM   #122
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Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
So we have the Repubs trying to defund Planned Parenthood, which supports family planning, and the religious right, which if it had the chance, would ban contraceptives, both of which help to prevent unwanted pregnancies to begin with, obviating the need for abortions. And further, we have the right doing everything possible to shred the social safety net, and destroy public education (Betsy Devos, anyone?). So we're against abortion, but once the unwed mother has the kid, then it's "Good luck with that," and the kid ends up in adult jail at age 18. He gets out years later, has a criminal record and no skills, both of which make him unemployable, so what does he have to fall back on? More crime of course, followed by more jail. Rinse, and repeat. Brilliant policy. Genius, really.

Don't even get me started on the prison industrial complex and for profit prisons.

Carry on...
case in point

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Old 10-08-2017, 11:30 AM   #123
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Originally Posted by bigwill832 View Post
I'm not even trying to be a dick about it. It's just plain fact. The truth hurts.

This image is from the Pew Research Center. - I have no issue with PEW's work I've seen this table many times for many years and even debated it....the problem you have is that your basic thought process simply don't understand or comprehend what you're seeing. It's shows that ALL of the other minority groups, including foreign born, will be increasing in numbers. BUT, the black community stays at 13%. As of 2005 they were only behind Hispanics and whites in population. By 2050 they drop down to being just above Asians. So tell me again Sistine....please do, tell me again. - Now what I want you to do for a homework assignment is add another axis to the table below that correlates by racial demographic the socio-economic status of each. It's a simple analytics exercise that you should be able to pull it off in excel. If you can do that it will answer the question for you in very basic and easy to grasp rationale for you to understand. No? Well let me spell it out. The numbers below are a direct result of economics. Of all the groups below maybe with the exception of illegal Hispanics, Blacks are doing the worse on the economic scale. They're doing worse because of institutionalized and systemic factors that other groups simply don't have to deal with it.

Now let me tie that to birth rates and this whole abortion retardedness that you and GS tried to derail this thread with. Fact is that lower and single income women (black minorities) get pregnant way more often than middle income or affluent people because "in part" they don't have access to the same contraception's and opportunities to and for birth control despite the FACT these groups of women are having sex at the same rates.

So do you know what this means? It means the poorer women in the demographic will likely be having an abortion since they cannot possible take care of the child. So until the "ROOT CAUSE" is addressed which is socio-economics and a fairer society the lowly one of the totem pole will continue to see higher numbers of abortions. My point is that these systemic and institutional policies that by and large deny minorities opportunities is the real culprit and is what your community college courses should be teaching your ass.

What I really find laughable about all this is that the so called religious right (which you and GS clearly come from) if yall were so true to your religious beliefs then you'd know that contraceptives and birth control shouldn't even be allowed because according to your Christian beliefs sex should only be participated in between married people who are looking to conceive. Under no other circumstances should you be having sex according to your Christian beliefs. but like everything else yall are nothing but hypocrites.

Now back to the population issue. Can you tell me (despite high abortion rates in the black community) why Hispanics have over taken blacks in Population. This should be a no brainer right? Ha! Well maybe it's because Mexico and not Africa is on the American border. Did that ever dawn on you and your former in-law. lol Looking at the PEW chart (since I am analytical) what I see is that the delta in the hispanic vs. black population since 1960 is a direct correlation to no immigration laws being enforced along with the whole dreamer concept since the 60's/ That makes it easy to see their spike in numbers along with the fact that most of them are Catholic and abortion is not really an option. So they breed in large numbers despite not necessarily being in a position to take care of those kids. ...

Solution? --> seems your answer is to encourage blacks to mass reproduce kids into poverty so that they continue to struggle and rely on government assistance while crime rates and prison population increase due to lack of resources, education, and opportunity. Is that your solution. See I've laid out a workable solution which starts with equity. Notice I didn't say equality. Hope you know the difference. Kaepernick's protest is a very good case study into the mindset of Americans who want to see minorities treated fairly. You folks value a song and flag over a human life and so try to pivot from the real issue being raised which is equity and in this case equal treatment under the law for non criminals. White silence to this means you're complicit or being a coward. It's that simple. So again I don't really know why you decided to pivot the conversation because you've clearly not given this much thought. You look at a table and go WOW I never knew but analytics always tells us to search for root causes and it's a level you've yet to get to or even learn as far as I can tell.

Now back to the OP. The NRA supports domestic terrorism and there's no disputing it. If Muhammed and Abdullah was killing American citizens left and right you all would be singing a different tune. The NRA is Congressional / Government sanctioned terrorist group. Similar to the KKK

The Dems are keeping the black community in their place. Look at that growth rate from the 60's...virtually stagnant. Think about that. There's only one party that's all for keeping Planned Parenthood going and only one that wants to shut it down. If it were shut down, I'm willing to bet you would see a spike in growth in the black community. They have been used and are no longer useful. The black community is going to realize it too late. A group that is an integral part of US history, that did endure so much....and they will be relegated to a 13% minority who will never truly get their seat at the table because they are being pushed aside by the groups that are being allowed to grow. Hurts, don't it?

Alright..my anger at your outright ignorance has subsided enough for me to respond without cursing you out...because if there's one thing I'm socially aware of it's how to use words to piss some white people off when they expect the angry black "negro". ;-)

So let's examine what I guess you're calling your well thought out ideas.

ok See my comments above in red.
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Old 10-08-2017, 11:51 AM   #124
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^^^^ Wow....how did you even type that.

You know.....being so blind and all.

lmfao you just sank yourself.

edit: it's not too late to delete.
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Old 10-08-2017, 12:05 PM   #125
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^ I know you can't dispute that wonderful logic but don't pivot. Either get mad or enjoy ;-)
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Old 10-08-2017, 12:34 PM   #126
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No worries or anger. I'll pick 'em off one by one.

But you get to wait.

I'm sure others might not have the patience.
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Old 10-08-2017, 01:16 PM   #127
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I like how you avoided the whole point by jumping into the poverty issue. We can discuss economics all day. But in the end, you're still in the 13%. You refuse to acknowledge the politics of the situation and have been tap dancing around it. I can go in and dig deep as well, but in the end, it is what it is. The foreign born will be more than the 13%, Hispanics will be more than the 13%, Asians are quickly catching up, and the white community will be decreasing but still more than the 13%. And you argue about mass producing kids into poverty. Well, you have to dig your way out somehow do you not? I feel sorry for you. To see you and yours being pushed further and further back and doing nothing about it. You want to argue about the grains of the wood as the bat hits you in the face.

I'm not a religious person at all. I don't do church. I just pay attention to what I see and what I read. I see where things are going and it does not bode well for you and yours. I was hoping to change your mind and make you look at it another way. But in the end, you will realize to late that I am right. Hopefully the history books will be kind to you. Have a nice day, my friend.
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Old 10-08-2017, 01:25 PM   #128
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Oh, I just saw an article that said Kapernick is willing to stand if someone will sign him. Boy, that intestinal fortitude for his cause went out the window pretty quick once it started affecting his wallet.
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Old 10-08-2017, 02:12 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by bigwill832 View Post
I like how you avoided the whole point by jumping into the poverty issue. We can discuss economics all day. But in the end, you're still in the 13%. You refuse to acknowledge the politics of the situation and have been tap dancing around it. I can go in and dig deep as well, but in the end, it is what it is. The foreign born will be more than the 13%, Hispanics will be more than the 13%, Asians are quickly catching up, and the white community will be decreasing but still more than the 13%. And you argue about mass producing kids into poverty. Well, you have to dig your way out somehow do you not? I feel sorry for you. To see you and yours being pushed further and further back and doing nothing about it. You want to argue about the grains of the wood as the bat hits you in the face.

I'm not a religious person at all. I don't do church. I just pay attention to what I see and what I read. I see where things are going and it does not bode well for you and yours. I was hoping to change your mind and make you look at it another way. But in the end, you will realize to late that I am right. Hopefully the history books will be kind to you. Have a nice day, my friend.
^ LMAO. dude give it a rest. Now you're just being Trumpian style clownish. You're outta your league trying to debate a shark like SC. What a weak rebuttal. That's the best you can do? Really?

Socio-economics is the politics of it all so no need to restate the %'s not only can I read and decipher cost and accounting models / schedules, bar, pie, donut, and linear charts & graphs. I can also create and analyze them ;-) Not bad for a ghetto negro huh?

you my friend need to go back to the drawing board and try again. Better yet just wait for GS's Sean Klannity style reply that wont be worth the scrambeled eggs he's rocking for a brain. lol
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Old 10-08-2017, 04:29 PM   #130
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
.... not only can I read and decipher cost and accounting models / schedules, bar, pie, donut, and linear charts & graphs. I can also create and analyze them ;-) Not bad for a ghetto negro huh?
That's right.....aren't you a statitition?

Were you ever on a debate team?
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Old 10-08-2017, 04:30 PM   #131
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Not bad I guess. But again, not my numbers. That's the trend and statistics that you want to to dance around. I'm just going to start calling you Sistine of the Thirteen. We can discuss the politics of it and I would probably agree with you about a lot of it. But in the end, it doesn't change the fact that the black community has been used and abused by its favored party. And it look like it will never do anything to gain the seat at the table that it so desires. Ok S13, I can tell your going to keep redirecting. Thank you for your replies. I am going to be using that for my study. I didn't hit the 90% I wanted on your replies, but I did get close. When we get done with the study next year, I'll send you a copy.
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Old 10-08-2017, 05:44 PM   #132
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Originally Posted by bigwill832 View Post
Not bad I guess. But again, not my numbers. That's the trend and statistics that you want to to dance around. I'm just going to start calling you Sistine of the Thirteen. We can discuss the politics of it and I would probably agree with you about a lot of it. But in the end, it doesn't change the fact that the black community has been used and abused by its favored party. And it look like it will never do anything to gain the seat at the table that it so desires. Ok S13, I can tell your going to keep redirecting. Thank you for your replies. I am going to be using that for my study. I didn't hit the 90% I wanted on your replies, but I did get close. When we get done with the study next year, I'll send you a copy.
Feel free to use any of my thoughts to complete your course work. It's not often that a white guy plagiarizes me.
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Old 10-08-2017, 06:08 PM   #133
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It's not plagiarism, it's a study. We're allowed to use it. Plus, it's actually just a score based on reactions and what matches to expectations. I'm still going to call you S13 and I still think it's sad that that is happening to the black community and that no one is doing anything about it.
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Old 10-08-2017, 06:20 PM   #134
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Originally Posted by bigwill832 View Post
I still think it's sad that that is happening to the black community and that no one is doing anything about it.
lol ok...whatever you want to call it..theft, plaigirism, borrow, etc....the same shit Melania did to Michelle...and Kaepernick is trying but we're being met with a certain resistance ;-) you dig?
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Old 10-09-2017, 11:18 AM   #135
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Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
Can any of you NRA supporters cite a single reason why assault rifles (Ar-15s etc.) shouldn't be banned from civilian use and legal sales? This nutjob, more likely than not, acquired all his assault rifles legally, and then with some minor tweaks, bingo, fully auto.

Anyone hunt deer or shoot a burglar with a fully auto or even semi-auto Ar-15 with a 30 or 50 round banana clip? Ya, I didn't think so. If you do, your aim sucks worse than mine, you are a danger to yourself and others, and you shouldn't even be allowed to own a gun, imho.
If your aim sucks that bad,then I absolutely agree that YOU should not have a firearm of any kind. (My aim is consistently within the 8 ring, so even though I'm not sniper material, I can hit what I shoot at.)

Hunting and home defense are not the only uses that a citizen may have for a firearm. I really find it disgusting that there are people who believe that a citizen needs a so-called "legitimate" reason to own a firearm. ANY purpose is legitimate so long as it doesn't involve criminal activity (i.e. harming other people). Do you need a 'legitimate' reason to exercise your right to free speech? How about your right to remain silent with police? Boy, imagine the furor THAT would cause if you had to have a legitimate reason not to speak to police in order to use your Fifth Amendment rights!!

There's youtube videos of a young lady shooting a bump-stock modified rifle. She appears to be having lots of fun shooting it at a range. Guess what? Having fun is a perfectly legitimate purpose. There are crazy people who like to race cars and motorcycles at 100+ mph, and that's ok too. Of course, the place matters. range toys should only be fired on a range, just as demon speed bikes need to be raced on a racetrack.

Of all places, I would think that the people on this site would appreciate the idea that freedom and liberty to do what one enjoys are paramount, with the caveat that you aren't hurting someone.

Using your reasoning, we need to ban ALL automobiles (including pickup trucks) that can travel at more than 45 mph, because these weapons of mass destruction murder over 30,000 Americans EVERY SINGLE YEAR. And let's not forget the 2 million or more that are maimed and injured by these vicious machines. For better or for worse, we accept that death toll as the price for a free society where we have the liberty to choose the kind of car we want, and how much we want to drive it.
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