1. DO u have children? are u the golden father?
2. isolated incident my ass tons of kids slip thru the cracks
3.ok so its not just u wasting ur time playing the what if game about a child that doesnt have anything to do with u. so when i jump off the brooklyn bridge u will join me right?
4. yes we should have to take a test before having a baby , guilty before proven innocent is a great way to run our society.
5. like i said i dont know if she would be a good mother or not. eccie reviews tell us how good she is at picking up a phone or sucking a dick and just because ur are or are not good at that doesnt determine your worth as a parent.
6. oh ok so bringing up past drug use meant what ? that her child wouldnt be addicted or raised around drugs? gotcha we are in superman bizarro land and everything is backwards.
7. does she work from her home i have noo clue where she works from or where she plans to work after the birth of her child or if she even plans to be a hoogar at all, more what if games.
8. I have no clue exactly what the texas court system would do but its not as cut and dry as ur a hoe give us ur kid ur not getting them back as u would hope for.
9.ok wow how is putting words in someones mouth now. my life doesnt parallel with hers in the slightest as far as i know. ive never had an issue with childcare or cps not have ever fucked a client even within a mile radius of my kid. My only insight is from family members that have lost rights or friends i grew up with that has less than favorable home lives.
10. YES i actually have outted myself to the world I have no reason to hide what i do because my life is in order

No i havent outted any sexual partners i prefer to get fucked and collect my money like a good hoe and go home to my child at night. No i actually wouldnt mind getting arrested a pain in the ass , yes it is. Would i be scared or upset if it helped a greater cause no i wouldnt.
11. And lastly no we are talking about the same situation sweetie. I am very passionate about childrens rights and safety, if u think any of this is helping her unborn child ur not as smart as i thought u might be. Did it ever cross ur mind that u could drive someone to dangerous behavior by nit picking their personal life based on how she behaves as a hooker? Its called cyber harrassment, and it hurts people and some take their lives because of things like this.
How about u try being the better person and not jugde someones whole life based on very little knowledge.
Imo her blog is fucked up. I personally dont care for her online persona. But to think for even a minute i know who this girl is in her personal life or that i can determine her maternal instincts is bat shit crazier than her.
your posts are bordering on the obsessive and nasty side kinda like hers, so wouldnt u rather rise above the drama and stop giving her free advertising if shes so damn horrible.
Originally Posted by NikkiWhite
Like i said the lady next door to me beats the crap out of her two year old everyday to where my kid is in tears about helping the kid next door.
I have called cps several times and they wont help. Isolated incident....which you are saying is CPS as a whole across every possible scenario...come on...
So if for some reason u think a shit ton of anonymous postings on blogs and mean comments are gonna do anything i would honestly be shocked.
The only person i see rubbing her lifestlye in the eyes of anyone is you. And about 3 dozen other mongers and various Hoogars who see her for what she is...ain't just me Nikki...
It is not a harsher crime to be a prostitute when you have a child. It is not against the law to have a child if u ever had a drug problem.
I've always been amazed that we have to take a test to get a drivers license but any crazy bitch is allowed to have a baby.
I think its stupid as shit to think that just because this girl has bad tcb and a crappy disposition she would necessarily absolutely be a horrible enough mother to have her child taken away. Sorry just because someone doesnt care about johns doesnt mean they wouldnt care about their child.
And I think its stupid as shit to see all the shit this person has admitted to and automatically think she is going to be a good mother because she provides a birthing canal....
You seem to think that her child will be born addicted to drugs (pretty harsh statement...would you please link to where I said that)? or that her house is unfit for the child (if you are a working prostitute with a child in your home, then what would the court think? Not that I said this either, but please respond). Because even if someone outs this girl to the police or cps they are gonna leave her alone if her house is not filthy, the kid isnt addicted to anything, and she hasnt been caught doing anything to actually put the kids life in danger . (you actually KNOW what a court system will do? Damn, that's impressive...its funny that I know of one working girl who actually HAS lost kids because of this...I wont out her name here, but you are not working from a full shelf of knowledge in this case. In fact, I think you are transferring what has gone on in YOUR life and somehow transposing it to EFNs life...IE you see these discussions of her as somehow discussions of YOU because your lives have certain parallels...so you are defending her as if you are defending yourself. Let me ask you..have YOU gone public with the fact you are a working prostitute? Have YOU outted guys (some married) that had sex with you in a public forum? Have YOU said you don't mind getting arrested if it brings attention to sex workers rights? NO? Then I guess we are discussing totally different situations here aren't we?[/QUOTE]
Nikki you are fabricating stuff and making up shit I didn't say...come on you are more intelligent than that to think I wouldn't call it out for what it is. Calm yourself...read what I (and MANY others) wrote...take yourself out of the scenario...and see if it doesn't sound different.