Originally Posted by greymouse
I would respectfully disagree about the absence of threADs in what is actually, officially called the Gentlemen's Lounge  Its called "bragging", about the same as what the fellows, possibly the same fellows, used to do out behind the boy's gym in Middle School, except they have learned to keyboard since then. Some have even figured out how spell check works.
This sounds like 60+ years of angst about being bullied by the "fellows" being poured in front of us.
It's officially called "Men's Lounge".
Most men are not your "fellows". You're a pussy whipped puppy dog.
The Locker Room name does capture the bad smells atmosphere that refuses to acknowledge the Norman victory over the Anglo Saxons and their names for basic things. My observation is that what is said and how it is said is not much different down past the "No Gurlz Allowed" sign than here in CoEd.
And some of you say I sound like an arrogant prick?
There is a difference in who says what where as some of the secret posters have not given up on seeing ECCIE ladies behind closed doors while the Usual Suspects in CoEd know they are permanently on so many Do Not See lists that anything they say here cannot limit their access any further. If that makes any difference to them, which it may not.
Of course, we get around to this being your threAD. "Look at me! I'll kiss your ass to make sure I don't get on your DNS see list! Please grace me with the presence of your vagina?" Carry on.