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Old 06-25-2018, 12:52 AM   #106
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Originally Posted by Dev Null View Post
But before you post again, ask yourself what you are trying to achieve. Are you just trying to drum up support among your base? Or do you really want to convince your opponents that your point of view is correct?

I've got to tell you, and with respect, that I don't get the impression that you're doing all that well on either front. Maybe take a step back, review your posts, and think of ways that you can improve.
Hey Dev, don't take this shit so seriously, ok? IB likes to fuck with people like you for sport. (Come to think of it... so do I.) His posts are more fun to read than 90% of what you'll find on eccie. Want more? Check out the national Political Forum sometime.

Here's something worth reading from yesterday's New York Times. Seems like the lame-stream media (yeah, that's so 2008-Palinesque but it still fits) may finally be trying to grasp why so many Americans are more disgusted with the left's constant hysterical over-reactions than they are with anything Trump says or does.

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Old 06-25-2018, 01:50 AM   #107
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Default The excess violence in one U.S. city is directly attributable to Open Borders

Originally Posted by Agent220 View Post


Back to politics, immigration has been negative. The cartels and illegals that committed a heinous crime is very minute.

Ironically, we have always talked about the Southern Border yet, the 911 Terrorists came from Canada, the Northern Border.

The vast majority of illegal immigration is people coming here on visas and staying long after they expire which also is ironic because many of these people come in by boat or plane which a wall can not stop along with the numerous tunnels the cartels use to get drugs and contraband into the U.S. government often using U.S. citizens that want to profit in the trade of illegal substances.

Mexico was never going to pay for the wall unless we used force which would put us on serious isolation with our allies. The fans of Trump bought it hook, line and sinker.

Put on your tin foil hats for what I'm about to say next: The wall is not for outsiders...it's to keep us in. I'll let y'all marinate on that for a bit.
It's a fallacious argument to suggest that Americans should accept and endure criminal acts from any illegal who shouldn't even be here to commit a crime in the first place. Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Thomas Homan, who has served under six U.S. presidents, wasn't wearing a tin foil hat when he explained that it's pure equivocation to advance that argument.


And there is a plethora of articles documenting the negative impact of not controlling who and what enters this country across its borders.

Mexican d**g cartels fight turf battles in Chicago


How Sinaloa Cartel Influences Chicago's Violence


H****n Pushed on Chicago by Cartel Fueling Gang Murders


How escaped d**g lord Guzman has poisoned the streets of Chicago


Why Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel Loves Selling D***s in Chicago

(Chicago Magazine)

Gang warfare on streets of Chicago fueled by Sinaloa Cartel

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Old 06-25-2018, 08:44 AM   #108
Austin Ellen
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Yay! Lusty has joined us to too! Great article btw.
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Old 06-25-2018, 09:04 AM   #109
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Subject matter, Hanky. We don’t discuss illicit drugs on this board. Starring out a letter or two doesn’t mask your intent.

If we’re going to be allowed to do that (mods?) then let’s have that conversation for real. I’m curious to know how our anti everything thumping crowd views this sweeping social revolution now that the servers are no longer vulnerable.
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Old 06-25-2018, 10:46 AM   #110
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Subject matter, Hanky. We don’t discuss illicit drugs on this board. Starring out a letter or two doesn’t mask your intent.

If we’re going to be allowed to do that (mods?) then let’s have that conversation for real. I’m curious to know how our anti everything thumping crowd views this sweeping social revolution now that the servers are no longer vulnerable.
Are you actually attacking the person and not the message ... again?
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Old 06-25-2018, 01:08 PM   #111
Austin Ellen
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One of your favorite lines comes to mind -- SNIK-- yeah, that's it.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Subject matter, Hanky. We don’t discuss illicit drugs on this board. Starring out a letter or two doesn’t mask your intent.

If we’re going to be allowed to do that (mods?) then let’s have that conversation for real. I’m curious to know how our anti everything thumping crowd views this sweeping social revolution now that the servers are no longer vulnerable.
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Old 06-25-2018, 06:50 PM   #112
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
We don’t discuss illicit drugs on this board. Starring out a letter or two doesn’t mask your intent.
I don't see a problem with a general discussion at this level in a political thread. Promoting illegal drug use will curtail that reasoning as we have a zero tolerance policy as you all should be aware...

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Old 06-25-2018, 08:55 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Oh I like alot of things about Trump. The main thing is he pisses off the liberals with a good dose of reality. He's a realist instead of the flakes that are out there - Hillary for one. I have a question - can you tell me who the Democrat is that will be running against him? Of course, I will still vote for my Donald but I haven't seen any condenders from them. If it's Biden - well, game over. Same with Bernie.
It's totally irrelevant at this point in time as to who the Democrats will put up for POTUS in 2020. At this time in 2014 Republicans had no idea who would be nominated for POTUS on their side.

What is relevant is the 2018 elections which are a little more than 4 months away. Will there be a "blue wave" as many predict? If Democrats take back control of the House Trump will accomplish less in the ensuing 2 years than he has thus far, which is little. How's that tax reduction working for you? How are those tariffs working for you? Looking forward to paying more for your next car? Or anything in an aluminum can? How much you paying for a gallon of gasoline compared to a year ago? DJIA is down this year after a great 2017. So much for Trump's magic on the economy.

I don't mind you or anyone else supporting Trump but in all your time on this board expressing your support you have NEVER told us exactly why you support him other than he speaks his mind. What major accomplishments has he had in office that positively affect you as you go through your day?

As far as Trump's approval rating -- on the way back down.


And just about every world leader hates him.

So what are YOUR predictions for THIS November? We'll worry about 2020 later.
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Old 06-25-2018, 09:06 PM   #114
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Just in -- the first casualties of Trump's tariffs:

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Old 06-25-2018, 09:40 PM   #115
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Well there's the problem right there. You can't answer my question. You do understand that illegal immigration is not a new problem, right?
I did answer your question.
When did I say immigration was not a new problem? I'll wait for you to quote me on that.

What i'll say about you is that you try to be cyclic on sticking to a point. Refer to the poster mentioning sheep. You gotta break that habit.

With the current party sitting in the cat bird seat, there really isn't a need for the Dems to contribute to immigration. The current administration has the means to wield what they want to do since they changed passing stuff to a simple majority instead of the..., what was it..., 2/3 margin? They can take care of immigration like the previous administration took care of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act without the consent of across the isle.

So, why don't you break out of reading the script that takes you to the same talking points and tell us when this Wall will be built?

It was one of the key points that got the current POTUS in office.

It doesn't require anything from the Dems since simple majority passes in a GOP controlled House?

And it would be the answer to most everything Immigration that you want.

And i'm not going to mention amnesty (sp) that happened last under a Rep administration.

Take the blinders off and answer why The Donald doesn't fulfill his Wall promise. It is the solution you seek.
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Old 06-25-2018, 10:12 PM   #116
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Well hi Speedracer,

Nice to see you. Yay.

No, I don't think there is going to be a blue wave. Why? Economics and a backlash against the hysterical rhetoric of the left.

Now, I've stated before - I'm all about our veterans and so is Trump. He's moving forward in that direction by signing the V.A Accountability Act,the all important V.A. Mission Act, opening up mental heath by extending mental health during the first year transition back to civilian life, and thank you God - he's making the wait time faster and easier for Vet's to appeal their V.A, decision about disability ratings.

Is the V.A system going to change overnight? Oh hell no. But it's progress.

President Trumps approval ratings? Goes up and down just like all Presidents.

As far as other world leaders hating him? That's because President Trump puts America first. And they don't like that, not at all.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
It's totally irrelevant at this point in time as to who the Democrats will put up for POTUS in 2020. At this time in 2014 Republicans had no idea who would be nominated for POTUS on their side.

What is relevant is the 2018 elections which are a little more than 4 months away. Will there be a "blue wave" as many predict? If Democrats take back control of the House Trump will accomplish less in the ensuing 2 years than he has thus far, which is little. How's that tax reduction working for you? How are those tariffs working for you? Looking forward to paying more for your next car? Or anything in an aluminum can? How much you paying for a gallon of gasoline compared to a year ago? DJIA is down this year after a great 2017. So much for Trump's magic on the economy.

I don't mind you or anyone else supporting Trump but in all your time on this board expressing your support you have NEVER told us exactly why you support him other than he speaks his mind. What major accomplishments has he had in office that positively affect you as you go through your day?

As far as Trump's approval rating -- on the way back down.


And just about every world leader hates him.

So what are YOUR predictions for THIS November? We'll worry about 2020 later.
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Old 06-25-2018, 10:20 PM   #117
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Hold up there. Where did I miss your answer to my question - which was - what is the Democratic solution to the illegal immigration problem?

Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
I did answer your question.
When did I say immigration was not a new problem? I'll wait for you to quote me on that.

What i'll say about you is that you try to be cyclic on sticking to a point. Refer to the poster mentioning sheep. You gotta break that habit.

With the current party sitting in the cat bird seat, there really isn't a need for the Dems to contribute to immigration. The current administration has the means to wield what they want to do since they changed passing stuff to a simple majority instead of the..., what was it..., 2/3 margin? They can take care of immigration like the previous administration took care of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act without the consent of across the isle.

So, why don't you break out of reading the script that takes you to the same talking points and tell us when this Wall will be built?

It was one of the key points that got the current POTUS in office.

It doesn't require anything from the Dems since simple majority passes in a GOP controlled House?

And it would be the answer to most everything Immigration that you want.

And i'm not going to mention amnesty (sp) that happened last under a Rep administration.

Take the blinders off and answer why The Donald doesn't fulfill his Wall promise. It is the solution you seek.
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Old 06-25-2018, 10:27 PM   #118
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Hold up there. Where did I miss your answer to my question - which was - what is the Democratic solution to the illegal immigration problem?
Rep don't need them.
See my previous post.

If they do need them, tell me why. I put forth the contrary.
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Old 06-25-2018, 10:38 PM   #119
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Precious, I'm trying to follow you. I really am. Are you trying to ask --"why am I asking for the Dem solution when President Trump has the solution by building the wall."

If you are I'll have to carve out a chunk of time from my dominatrix duties to explain how our democratic system works to you. It won't be anytime soon.

Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
Rep don't need them.
See my previous post.

If they do need them, tell me why. I put forth the contrary.
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Old 06-26-2018, 08:15 AM   #120
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Well hi Speedracer,

Nice to see you. Yay.

No, I don't think there is going to be a blue wave. Why? Economics and a backlash against the hysterical rhetoric of the left.

Now, I've stated before - I'm all about our veterans and so is Trump. He's moving forward in that direction by signing the V.A Accountability Act,the all important V.A. Mission Act, opening up mental heath by extending mental health during the first year transition back to civilian life, and thank you God - he's making the wait time faster and easier for Vet's to appeal their V.A, decision about disability ratings.

Is the V.A system going to change overnight? Oh hell no. But it's progress.

President Trumps approval ratings? Goes up and down just like all Presidents.

As far as other world leaders hating him? That's because President Trump puts America first. And they don't like that, not at all.
Damn. I'm in a hotel and just wrote a lengthy response and the internet went down.

Other than the "blue wave" question you neglected to answer my questions. Do you think Republicans will gain or lose seats in the House in November? Economics? I pointed out that the latest economic news is negative. "Hysterical rhetoric from the left?" Yes there are crazies on both sides of the aisle. But most of the resentment against Trump is based on facts. Very little accomplishments and ridiculous lies day after day coming from our leader. And continued disrespect shown towards anyone who has the audacity to disagree with him.

Trump talks big about helping veterans but in almost 18 months in office little has been done. Either regarding veterans or anything else. But the question is how has Trump improved YOUR life as YOU go through your day?

Trump's approval ratings have yet to hit a consensus 50% since day 1, which is FAR worse than any other POTUS in history. Little way to candy coat that.

Unfortunately the U.S. does not live in a vacuum. We depend on other countries as we go through our lives. Our trade imbalance points that out. Yes, we can protect our interests but when our interests conflict with those of others, the others will react negatively. Hence, a trade war.
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