Originally Posted by London Rayne
Sorry babe, but I don't have the patience to argue with you today lol. We don't agree and never will...noted. Many of your refs speak highly of just what you look for in a provider and a woman overall lmao.
It's not patience you lack to argue with me, as you have decided to engage anyway. If you want to pick away at grammar, lmao is not part of the sentence. As for what I look for in a provider or a woman, all you need to know is that it is not you.
I never offered, nor am I interested.
Have fun in Austin where they kiss your azz for peanuts, because we are all full up here.
I do have fun in Austin. As for being "full up" there, if you mean your figure, that's your business. Yet, I do have plenty of fun in that part of the country as well as others. BTW, it's spelled ass.
I actually have a solid rep with a repeat clientele that you can't touch or affect love, so deal with it...luck has nothing to do with it.
I don't remember questioning your reputation or your clientele, but thanks for letting me know.
Nothing you say to me or about me will affect me one little bit...sorry I am not dependent on you or anyone else. When that day comes, I will go back to Legal work.
I sure hope you're not dependent on me, that will be a sad day. Sorry you're taking this so personally, and I thought you had a sense of humor. Wait, I know what will make it better.

:mushy :

Oh and it's "whose" sense of humor, not "who's" as in "who is" lol. Your motives for coming into a welcome thread and throwing insults are transparent and hilarious...bored much?
Carry on.
Actually, I made a statement about rollercoasters and rides. You turned that into conjectures about what kind of providers and women I look for. Let's not try to rewrite history while it's in plain site. Just because you say it doesn't make it so. You took the first shot by addressing my post. Also, lol is not part of the sentence.
My motives for posting anywhere I am free to post is none of your business, and you are not equipped to understand.
Good luck!