Originally Posted by ElumEno
I use to cross a lot off my list when I heard rumors about a lady being "managed" but my list got really small pretty fast.
Now I just do my research and if all parties involved had a good time and there are no issues then it's not any of my damn business what a girl does with HER hard earned money.
As for Ellie...
She has had her name drug through the mud on this board so many times over the years that I believe we have all lost count,
and through it all she has been nothing but professional, If she is "managed", then her and her team are doing it right.
Originally Posted by ElumEno
As for Ellie...
and through it all she has been nothing but professional, If she is "managed", then her and her team are doing it right.
Damn straight! As any other poised and collected women would.
I am definitely not one to bash, hate or give rude comments. But I'll be the first to give a kudos where recognition is deserved and Ellie is one beautiful lady with her chest out chin up. Cool Collected and a charm

If she choices to share about her management style with her team that's up to her. One thing non of us can take from her is her stellar reputation for her outstanding services.
Beautifully said Dallas 😘