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Old 10-15-2013, 12:13 AM   #61
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My ECCIE Reviews

I spent a lot of time in strip clubs my mom worked at or managed. There are some smarter gals who do their thing, stack cash and move on. Many get hooked on the party aspects and get caught in the cycle until they crash or are rescued - either for real or into a situation believed better. The hustler mentality bugs me - in any environment, especially here amongst some rather naive gents who are "sure things". I danced three days to get some quick cash and absolutely HATED that I was supposed to walk the floor asking for donations to my dance. How humiliating! I figured if a guy wants to tip me, he should do so of his own volition. I'm not going to beg or built him into something that should be earned... and, it is truly grueling to be a very physical dancer, wearing stilettos, and doing three stages in a row (2-3 songs each) then walk the floor schmoozing. I lost two pants sizes in three days! Lol. I have had fun times with groups of friends over the years, but always find the hustle distasteful - on either dancer or customer's part. I'll still help my guy friends get more bang for their buck by being the chic magnet at their birthday celebration. I'm a bit of a ham and can always find at least one or two cuties to give me a lap dance so I can tweak nipples and sneak some sugar from while the crowd cheers for more! Sometimes, it's just good times... :-)
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Old 10-15-2013, 12:15 AM   #62
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My ECCIE Reviews

I spent a lot of time in strip clubs my mom worked at or managed. There are some smarter gals who do their thing, stack cash and move on. Many get hooked on the party aspects and get caught in the cycle until they crash or are rescued - either for real or into a situation believed better. The hustler mentality bugs me - in any environment, especially here amongst some rather naive gents who are "sure things". I danced three days to get some quick cash and absolutely HATED that I was supposed to walk the floor asking for donations to my dance. How humiliating! I figured if a guy wants to tip me, he should do so of his own volition. I'm not going to beg or built him into something that should be earned... and, it is truly grueling to be a very physical dancer, wearing stilettos, and doing three stages in a row (2-3 songs each) then walk the floor schmoozing. I lost two pants sizes in three days! Lol. I have had fun times with groups of friends over the years, but always find the hustle distasteful - on either dancer or customer's part. I'll still help my guys get more bang for their buck by being the chic magnet at their birthday celebration. I'm a bit of a ham and can always find at least one or two cuties to give me a lap dance so I can tweak nipples and sneak some sugar from while the crowd cheers for more! Sometimes, it's just good times... :-)
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Old 10-15-2013, 08:08 AM   #63
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Great to get a providers input! Thank you....
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Old 10-15-2013, 11:37 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat View Post
The hustler mentality bugs me - in any environment, especially here amongst some rather naive gents who are "sure things". :-)

Me too! But I do not see it as often now as I did say 10 years ago. There are still hustlers there, just not as many, imho. When I do run across one, I say adios as soon as they start the hustle.
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Old 10-15-2013, 12:51 PM   #65
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Do you really not get this? Maybe being a hobbyist has distanced you from the way a big chunk of people live, particularly in this case married people. Put aside the issue of whether or not strippers make good providers and how to play that game which clearly works for some but requires some expertise.

There are a lot of married men who won't have sex with women other than their wives. I would say an easy majority, maybe a large majority, of strip club patrons fall into one of two categories...

Married men whose wives don't care if they go to strip clubs but would care a lot if they had any kind of sex with any other woman.

Married men who independently decide they are not breaking their promise to their wives by going to a strip club regardless of whether their wives approve or not and who know that even if their wives knew they went to a strip club it might mean a spat but nothing like getting some "strange" for real.

It's a whole different product. Men buying lap dances are not clueless would be hobbiests who can't figure out how to get laid in a (virtual) whorehouse.
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Old 10-15-2013, 01:01 PM   #66
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Hummmm low hanging fruit....godfather I'll leave this one for you!
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Old 10-15-2013, 01:15 PM   #67
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SL, I agree about the low hanging fruit...glad that I read this so I too could be properly schooled...

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Old 10-16-2013, 04:24 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by irishlad View Post
Do you really not get this? Maybe being a hobbyist has distanced you from the way a big chunk of people live, particularly in this case married people. Put aside the issue of whether or not strippers make good providers and how to play that game which clearly works for some but requires some expertise.

You have my undivided attention. Godfather must be busy having his ring kissed!

There are a lot of married men who won't have sex with women other than their wives. I would say an easy majority, maybe a large majority, of strip club patrons fall into one of two categories...

Married men whose wives don't care if they go to strip clubs but would care a lot if they had any kind of sex with any other woman.

Married men who independently decide they are not breaking their promise to their wives by going to a strip club regardless of whether their wives approve or not and who know that even if their wives knew they went to a strip club it might mean a spat but nothing like getting some "strange" for real.

So those are the TWO types of men that go to strip clubs? Really?

It's a whole different product. Men buying lap dances are not clueless would be hobbiests who can't figure out how to get laid in a (virtual) whorehouse.
Well Mr Irishlad here is my perspective. I was once married... hell I was married twice. Total of 30 years. In those 30 years I never went to a strip club. Guess why? If you guessed because I was married then your pretty smart.

Personally I thinck you are delusional and full of shit! I thinck "most" of the guys that frequent strip clubs given the chance would bang the shit out of those hot little numbers. Not "you" I know because... you have morals and would never do that. Seems you have it in your head that going to a strip club is NOT cheating or perhaps married woman who "truly" love their husbands think it OK because they are NOT having sex? Geeee I hope these ladies never read about Whispers and his many exploits at the strip clubs! Thinck I'm wrong? Start a poll... ask if a guy would bang the shit out of a stripper if SL will flip the bill. Money aside lets see how moral all these married guys are?

When I started this thread I was comparing the price you pay for an escort verses what you get and the price you pay for a stripper. But see I've been married so this was my first experience in a strip club and it was kind of eye opening. So here is how I see it. Take a peek at my reviews. You find a long list of very hot ladies that did very bad... I mean nice things to SL and little SL. So now I go to a strip club and this hot little number tells me over half of the girls are married and I don't have a snow balls chance in hell of getting laid at any price. But for $100-$1000 I can go into an open room with others and get a semi-private dance. I might even be able to touch her boob if I don't make it obvious. Maybe even cup her butt. Yeah, Yeah, sign me up for that!

Something tells me Whispers is right. I bet if I went back and threw out a few offers it wouldn't take long to hit the jack pot. Still don't believe me? Thinck Whispers is just a Myth or Urban Legend? Do your research... I believe he holds seminars.

Now for you guys that go to strip clubs and eat a meal, have a few drinks and meet friends to just kick up your heels. Bravo! That Texas Saloon is going to be a great place. Nice venue and certainly no shortage of hot dancers and waitresses. Especially the two waitresses that I chatted with that are right here on ECCIE as providers.

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Old 10-16-2013, 04:11 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by irishlad View Post
Do you really not get this? Maybe being a hobbyist has distanced you from the way a big chunk of people live, particularly in this case married people. Put aside the issue of whether or not strippers make good providers and how to play that game which clearly works for some but requires some expertise.

OK.... It's put away....

There are a lot of married men who won't have sex with women other than their wives.

I was one of those..... 3 days later the Honeymoon was over and .....

I would say an easy majority, maybe a large majority, of strip club patrons fall into one of two categories... OK... Let's see where this goes...

Married men whose wives don't care if they go to strip clubs but would care a lot if they had any kind of sex with any other woman. VERY few guys have wives that do not care....

Married men who independently decide they are not breaking their promise to their wives by going to a strip club regardless of whether their wives approve or not and who know that even if their wives knew they went to a strip club it might mean a spat but nothing like getting some "strange" for real.

uhmmmm... OK... That probably describes the majority of married guys that go...

It's a whole different product. Men buying lap dances are not clueless would be hobbiests who can't figure out how to get laid in a (virtual) whorehouse.
OK.... I get that.... I'm not quite sure where you made a point.....

But for talking scenarios.....Take either guy..... he finds himself in VIP with a lady that starts into some dances and with his dick throbbing half way through song number 3 she unzips him and pops him out and coyly flicks him with her tongue a time or two..... and asks if he would like a real finish for an extra $100..... assume the guy has the cash in his pocket...... what percentage will opt for the happy ending?

Yes you can argue all day that there is a large clientele of guys that go to strip clubs for the companionship and dances.....

Well... This BOARD is about the P4P options available in a variety of arena's so excuse me if you are having an issue that there is a large percentage of guys that will discuss the experience from that angle...
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Old 10-16-2013, 04:35 PM   #70
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Hey Whispers? Do you know why all those guys talk funny in the strip club? You ever try talking with a wedding ring under your tongue?

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Old 10-16-2013, 05:50 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Hey Whispers? Do you know why all those guys talk funny in the strip club? You ever try talking with a wedding ring under your tongue?

Those are the ones that think it matters...... They are the same types that bring flowers and gifts to providers and even.......... TIP!.....

Oh my... I'll probably get pointed now for the profanity.....
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