Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
Passion is when you feel close before even meeting ...and continue to feel inside each other days ...weeks ...months years after
You can't erase a memory of passion, no matter if you try
Passion is about keeping humble, a feeling of yearning ....being cautious not hurt each other yet expressing your desire like no other
Passion is about losing sense of control, spiraling faster down the tunnel ...and you are lost
There is no sense of separateness. Leaving an imprint on the soul
Unfortunately that's all I can ramble for tonight as i am now all out of wine 
One of the most interesting threads I have read! So many good comments and observations! Just heard of Zabrina a few days ago and just checked out her website and posts today. (After seeing her post of her well rounded hiney, how could I not chack out her website?) To say I am feeling passion toward her is an understatement. Not that I agree with everything about her, but overall, she has impressed me to no small degree.
I feel lost as to where to begin responding to her.
Seems to me, the most passion that can exist would be in marriage. And I don't mean those who just get married because they think it is the thing to do. I am talking about those who get to know each other enough to KNOW they want to spend their lives together. No one ever knows everything about their partner until after marriage, but some are able to COMMIT themselves to making it work. It takes both parties to intertwine and weave their lives together, creating a strong relationship that will overcome adversity and difficulties.
Is it possible to have passion outside of marriage, as Zabrina wishes to do? Yes, maybe not to the degree of those sharing a lifetime commitment, but still quite intense.
I am not so sure some men want to have passion, or will admit to it. Many seem to be satisfied with a quick sexual release. I consider myself to be a very passionate man (need to get Zabrina to research me to know for sure). My trouble is so many women are afraid to let me demonstrate my passion. They think if I am allowed to show passion, I will want to carry the relationship into "real" life, or I will turn into a stalker. Some can't seem to handle my passion emotionally, it causes them to have feelings they don't want to permit themselves to have on "business" date.
Not so long ago, I had a 2 hr date, during which the lady let me show a lot of passion, probably the most I have ever shown. Even though we ran over time, there still was not enough time to pamper her as much as she deserved. Limited time puts stress on a man. I would love so much to be able have unlimited time to give my all to a lady who would appreciate it, and give herself in return.
Many providers put up barriers to passion. They want you to have a "good" time, but don't want you to get very involved. When the lady is resistant to your advances, and won't kiss, or if she does won't put any meaning in it, or doesn't want you to touch here, or this or that, then the ability to show passion is destroyed. When a man senses his date is not feeling pleasure, despite all his efforts, his passion dies.
Not cumming does not mean no passion. I failed to cum on one of my most passionate dates. The lady came close to making me cum any number of times, but I held back because she made me feel so good I wanted to delay cumming as long as possible. Lost my ability to keep an erection. She was worried she had failed to please me, yet several years later, I still feel passion toward her.
Awareness. Statistics tell us few people actually read books after high school/college. One of the things that turns me on about Zabrina is that her website makes it clear she has a passion for seeking and learning. Her statements and the quotes of others on her website didn't just happen through laziness. I like the efforts she puts forth. I am anxious to see the results of "spreading her wings".
"Not thinking of what's going on at work, at home, comparing experiences to the past, daydreaming about some remote event in the future, anywhere outside the vicinity of two people engaged intimately"
Yes, intimacy needs the mind cleared of extraneous matters, and focused on your lover.
"Passion is when you feel close before even meeting ...and continue to feel inside each other days ...weeks ...months years after
You can't erase a memory of passion, no matter if you try
Passion is about keeping humble, a feeling of yearning ....being cautious not hurt each other yet expressing your desire like no other
Passion is about losing sense of control, spiraling faster down the tunnel ...and you are lost
There is no sense of separateness. Leaving an imprint on the soul
Unfortunately that's all I can ramble for tonight as i am now all out of wine

One of the things I disagree with Zabrina on is the need for wine. I don't have any or want any (Zabrina is intoxicating enough; she is my wine). I can ramble on a little longer. I love the part about spiraling down the tunnel, faster and faster, and being lost. Then feeling inside each other for time evermore. Beautiful!!!!!!
Viagra: the other thing I disagree with Zabrina about. I don't want to depend on such things, even if prescription. I figure Zabrina is what I need to keep me hard and passionate!
Zabrina seems a trusting person and like her, I believe passion is possible on a first date. She sounds like she wants to get to know the person a little before the date happens. She is still a stranger to me, but I am ready to pounce on her, and let the passion flow. And if I can't have some trust in the one I am going to be intimate with, why not just stay alone and masturbate? We still have to be very careful, though, as there are some terrible people out there.
I am just glad Zabrina makes it known she wants passion in her dates. It is refreshing to see a lady like her. I know I put her quote in this post twice, but it is worth reading twice and more. Wish Zabrina would read it to me every day.
Wish she didn't live so far away! I would love to erase the tension from her neck and back and shoulders. And her toes . . . each one . . .