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Old 04-07-2010, 08:31 AM   #61
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The only tattoo I can see you being to afraid to go through a session is if he had one that said WENDY on his man hood when he was limp. Then when you proceeded with a nice slow wet BBBJ it said WELCOME TO JAMAICA AND HAVE A NICE DAY. I would not blame you for backing out on that session.
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Old 04-07-2010, 09:11 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv View Post
Perhaps that was a past viewpoint of his..perhaps he felt that way at a young or previous time in his life, got the tattoo and has since changed his views, grew up, and really has no desire to waste money on tat removal.. perhaps he was in jail, perhaps a member of the aryan brotherhood, key word there is WAS.. as I said..no different then ex gangbangers with brands and tats on them representing their "set" or their "hood" growing up, becoming adults, educated, job holding mature adults that made mistakes in life..
Yes. Maybe it was a mistake long ago in his past, and for some reason he's too busy / too broke / too apathetic to remove a hate symbol from his body. But he does have money to spend on P4P.

It's certainly not impossible. But it doesn't seem very likely.

I understand that in our daily life, especially in this thing of ours, we often choose to overlook things that are unpleasant. But for many of us, there are limits.

Each of us has to decide where those limits may be.

And I honestly don't think we do anyone any favors by going to extremes making up excuses for them.

And your "he was not judged" comment caught my eye. It's very PC and accepting to say "I don't judge". But some things need to be judged, and judged harshly.

When hate is tolerated, the result can be millions of innocent deaths, as our history has taught us. Or at least some of us.
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Old 04-07-2010, 09:17 AM   #63
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Deanna, I like you more and more each time you post, and not just the pic (it doensn't hurt). When will you be relocating to my neighborhood? I'm sure I would suddenly develop a daily need to borrow sugar!
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Old 04-07-2010, 10:23 AM   #64
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no one here that engages in p4p..is in any position to judge someone else.. no one.. you simply either provide or you don't.. doesn't matter what others would do, its your life..you decide.. funny tho...

a black man post about why white women won't see them and its a waste of time, don't judge the woman's reasons, just live with it.. a black man post how he got less than stellar service in fear due to his race.. and they are told to leave it alone.. a white man has a tat and suddenly he is a bad guy..the black men don't have the right to judge a provider for not seeing him.. but a white provider has every right to judge some guy based on his tat? i guess some things never change..

I have the solution..sadly guys, i guess it has come to the point that your not allowed to express yourself thru body art as some paid to play girl might find it offensive.. so just wear your f*ckin shirt the whole session.. let them get done..talk about how fun you was etc etc..and then pull that shirt off to display the most offensive..mind blowing, racially motivated tattoos ever known to man..and prove the point that....

UNLESS YOU SEE THEM, YOU CAN'T LOOK AT A PERSON AND TELL ANYTHING.. and that the girl just went thru with the session, thought this guy was great, had a great time..and only after seeing your body art..was she suddenly NOT HAPPY..

it's a damn shame guys have to resort to this bullshit to pay some hooker to bang them.. suddenly you have to worry about body art? i guess just stay fully dressed, whip your dick out and do your thing..so not to offend anyone!!!

meaning.. what you don't know..don't hurt you..there are plenty of white guys that are racist..they don't display it on their body..the girl they are with never knows because it doesn't come up in conversation.. yet those guys still get pussy when they wanna pay for it without drama.. plenty of people with opinions, lifestyles that many would find offensive.. kkk members and more.. but you don't know by looking yet they still get their dick sucked just the same.. so is it the meaning behind the tat that you find offensive? or the tat itself? because if you find the meaning offensive..then i guess some need to add "do you hate black people or jews or any group in general" to their screening, so not to subject themselves to having to pleasure men with difference of opinions on life and society.. the same society, that thinks women who have sex for money are the lowest forms of life..even lower than someone with a swastika tat on his chest!!!

lol..i guess i miss the point.. he is entitled to his opinion and to display his body art no? there is some irony in a prostitute whom engages in p4p feeling as if they are in a position to judge someone.. a person whom does something, much like the guy with the tat..that society frowns upon.. that isn't excepted in society.. that ruins marriages(percieved by society), increases crime (society view) etc etc etc..

And another thought.. he may not HATE anyone.. he may just agree with some theories that swastika represents.. perhaps he hates NO ONE..but believes in perserving the purity of the white race.. its all possibilities, but NO ONE KNOWS..because no one was adult enough to actually ask him..

Besides that.. i still await what you did when a group such as the bloods or crips, or mexican mafia, or any other such group that commited crimes etc etc.. perhaps a black panther tat? perhaps any other symbol that isn't WHITE RELATED.. would we have the same conversation?

as i said.. how would the girl like it..if the guys posted threads about how pathetic it is that women have to earn a living sucking guys dicks for cash? about how these women must have low self esteem, can't keep their lives together.. they feed off of the bottom of society, they lack the education to do anything else..

the women would be up in arms..why..oh wait..cuz they hate being judged.. judged on what they are displaying as their lifestyle choices..much like the guy got judged for his tat..
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Old 04-07-2010, 10:26 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by blowpop View Post
When hate is tolerated, the result can be millions of innocent deaths, as our history has taught us. Or at least some of us.
you can't be serious?

a fuckin hooker..a paid wh*re.. is going to make a difference by not sucking his dick and thus "not tolerating" his hatred? lmao


how is fucking him tolerating his view point? lmao.. you hate jews..so i am not going to suck your dick today? lmao.. that will teach you to hate jews and black people.. and non whites lol

oh and thanks to hotboiler and windowshopper..i appreciate the kind words lol..
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Old 04-07-2010, 10:32 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv View Post
oh and thanks to hotboiler and windowshopper..i appreciate the kind words lol..

FYI... I just put an offer on my neighbor's house for you. If you like K9 during sports so neither of us miss any of the football game, there may be a Mercedes in the garage waiting for you.

As for the OP's issue, I think the biggest piece of info lacking is the client's explanation, which we don't have because she chose not even try to broach the topic politely. Until then, we have no idea what it means to him now and what it meant when he had it done.
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Old 04-07-2010, 01:43 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv View Post
but a white provider has every right to judge some guy based on his tat?

and that the girl just went thru with the session, thought this guy was great, had a great time..and only after seeing your body art..was she suddenly NOT HAPPY..

NO ONE KNOWS..because no one was adult enough to actually ask him..

much like the guy got judged.
Whoooooa catfish!! Slow down sweety!!!

I never said I "judged him". I did, however, "judge"(if you want to call it that{although I didn't}) the TATTOO on him, since it symbolizes the murder of millions of innocent men, women, and children.

I didn't "ask" him about it because as I said, I felt it was none of my business.

I never said I "wasn't happy", I simply said that it threw me off because I had never encountered anyone with a tat like that. I just thought it would be interesting to see how other providers would have handled it. Or hobbyists, if the case were that gent was presented with a naked provider with a swastika tattoo...

Just as you, my dear, would probably be taken aback if a gent undressed and had a big Confederate flag tattoo........

BTW, what does race have to do with my original post? H
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Old 04-07-2010, 01:50 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv View Post

as i said.. how would the girl like it..if the guys posted threads about how pathetic it is that women have to earn a living sucking guys dicks for cash? about how these women must have low self esteem, can't keep their lives together.. they feed off of the bottom of society, they lack the education to do anything else..
Uh, they have posted threads like this. Quite frequently.

And us poor girls smile sweetly as these Masters Of The Universe shell out lots and lots and lots of $$$$$$ to spend a little time with us, and think of all the nice, pretty, expensive things we'll buy. Poor poor us.
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Old 04-07-2010, 06:48 PM   #69
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actually i would not be taken back by a confederate flag since I am educated to what it actually stands for..not what some rednecks try to use it for.. besides that..its his choice what he decorates his body with..i could really care less..

I am rarely if ever taken back in this world.. only when ignorance, or double standards or any of the sorts are layed upon us am I truly taken back..

And I would love to see threads posted about how women are pathetic..and all the boys agree..and how women must have low self esteem.. and how they feed off the bottom of society..please do point me to those threads as I missed a chance to post i guess...because I have yet to see a legit hobbyiest jump on here and voice that sort of judgement against providers.. they may be rude and bold and blunt..but rarely does post after post get paid regarding something of the sorts.. because most guys realize its not their place to judge.. its their place to chose where to spend money at..who to hobby with and move on.. the providers life choices..situations, unless it directly will effect the experience..the guy could care less..

much like how someone choses to decorate their body should have no bearing on the experience (as I am sure will be jumped at and defended quickly)..unless something about that guy..i.e smell, roughness, attitude..can directly effect the experience.. then it should not be worried about and one should care less about..

in the end.. guys just wear your shirts so not to offend anyone.. apparently girls that put cocks in their mouths for a living will now make a stand against the wrongs of this world by refusing to service guys that have offensive tats or body art..

confederate flags represent nothing more then what you chose to believe it does..
swastika's the same..

its the misuse of the above that leads to ignorance.. that flag or symbol didn't kill jews..men women and children.. that flag didn't make hitler want an all white race.. just like the blue and red rags didn't do drivebys, didn't rob stores..

it was a way to represent something (the confederate flag was a military battle flag in which slavery was not the main point of the war..its the misuse by groups later on that lead to its negative stigma).. that blue or red rag gangbangers wear..represents an association to a group..that swastika represents an association to a group.. it does not create the thought process, does not create the act of violence.... therefore the guy that had that.. is entitled to his thoughts and association.. the goofy part is.. many more men have those same beliefs, same thoughts that swastika represents.. they just chose due to whatever reasons..not to display it in the manner he did..
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Old 04-07-2010, 07:12 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv View Post

guys just wear your shirts so not to offend anyone.. apparently girls that put cocks in their mouths for a living will now make a stand against the wrongs of this world by refusing to service guys that have offensive tats or body art..

Could you point out the girls that refuse to service(or rather,make money by putting mens cocks in their mouths-as you say) guys because of their tats or body art?? H
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Old 04-08-2010, 04:02 PM   #71
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By your own admission it is about the Benjamins, not the scruples.

Don't belittle Deanna because she chooses not to use glamorous semantics to describe what it is that you both do. Cutting each other down does not endear you to any hobbyists I know.
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Old 04-08-2010, 05:48 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by cpi3000 View Post

Don't belittle Deanna because she chooses not to use glamorous semantics to describe what it is that you both do. Cutting each other down does not endear you to any hobbyists I know.
Oh yes, CPI darling, it is all about the benjamins. All about the benjamins. Nothing more, nothing less. Well said my friend. Glad we all agree.
Scruples? What's that, a place in Florida?
I'm not sure how Deanna has belittled me. And I don't see how I belittled her.
I'm still waiting for the list of girls that refuse service to anyone with tatts or body art. Well...?
Glamorous? Heck, we all know there's nothing epecially glamorous about putting mens big hard dicks in our mouth, between our tits, down our throats, in our pussys, up our assholes. Get down and dirty. Call it what it is. I'm all for it.
Now, where's that list?????????????????????????? ???????????????????????
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Old 04-08-2010, 06:27 PM   #73
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