Originally Posted by atxdream
I have never had a refund asked of me, bc I'm super low volume and only make a clock visible if THEY have to leave at a certain time. However, I have had a friend see me over several visits and always leave 20-35 mins early by HIS choice. He always booked an hour, even though for him I offered 1/2 hr rate bc he never took the full time. After several appts, he sent me an email describing exactly how early he left each appointment and how that calculated into a FREE appt. I'm not trying to hijack the thread bc I know it's about female clock watchers, however, I would consider any hobbyist asking for a refund due to leftover time (when the provider makes it well known they can stay) to be poor etiquette.
Ha! I would have replied to that email with a lovely picture of my ass he can kiss for free for having the nerve to ask for a free appointment. I bet he thought he was so clever. As soon as you walk out of the door satisfied all hopes of any refunds go out the door with you.