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Old 02-20-2010, 01:56 PM   #61
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Ohhhhh, this is gonna be good... I can feel it...

Can I have a seat on the other side of the room from CPI?
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Old 02-20-2010, 02:11 PM   #62
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Damn!! Talk about leaving us in suspense.

Maybe the daughter came to him and asked if he could financially help out her poor destitute friend, Jane, by fucking her brains out for $50. Oh, by the way Dad, she really needs $200/month, so you'll probably have to do it at least once a week!!!

Probably not, but one can dream, no??
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Old 02-20-2010, 04:32 PM   #63
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Based on my experiences in life, I think it's probable that "Jane" is toying with you and has no intention of playing with you for allowance. If there weren't the family connections, it'd be easy to call her bluff. But since there are entanglements between the families, I have a suggestion: Sit back and let the fly come to the spider.

One of my best friends (I'll call him "Bill") has a daughter (I'll call her "Jenny") who I've known all her life. Jenny's 24 years old now, but when she was 21, she got into some minor legal problems. Bill hired me to help her. I finished my work, but Jenny continued to make an effort to stay in contact with me. She'd come to my office and take me to lunch. She'd call or text me every day. Eventually, she'd call me early every morning and we'd talk for 30 minutes or more. She's pretty and has a great personality and I didn't mind the investment in time. Eventually, SHE made the move at my office one morning when we were alone. She became my SB and the relationship lasted for about 18 months.

The point of my story is I did nothing to directly lead her or encourage her to play with me. I was just nice and paid attention to her. I've had many relationships with a lot of young girls over time and I've learned the best way to get them to play is to make up a nice bed but let them pull back the covers and get in, so to speak. They find the interaction with an older, dominant male to be exciting and forbidden, and they have their own fantasy about how to do it, so let them carry it out.

As for the risk of exposure to your daughters, I can't relate to that, and I think you should take on the risk only if you're willing to alienate one or more of your daughters, at least for awhile. But if you were exposed, your daughters might surprise you. Sugar babying is much more common than you might think, and it doesn't have the stigma connected with it among young people like it does among us old farts. Your daughters might just think it's cool that pops is banging a young chick.

To go back to my story, Bill was pissed as hell when Jenny told him about us. He's ex-military and I wondered whether he was gonna come after me with an AR-15 or something, so I made myself scarce for a few days. But eventually Bill came to accept it, then he actually began to like it because I treated Jenny better than any of her punk bf's had and I took very good care of her. He saw it as a way to save himself money and to have a happier daughter. Go figure.

Finally, I should add that I realize I'm much less risk-averse (or dang stupid and reckless, depending on your point of view) than the average bear, so please consider that when asessing my advice.
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Old 02-20-2010, 04:41 PM   #64
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It's been a weird assed day...

I have a house full of 9th graders wearing out me, the furniture, Wii, pantry, fridge, and the cats.

Do y'all want the engineer's straight to the point/result version, or the narrative story?

Destroyer gunning, Wahoo running... (google is your friend)
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Old 02-20-2010, 04:46 PM   #65
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Are you married? No? Bang her. Then pay her in a white envelope. Write a review.
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Old 02-20-2010, 07:19 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by Duffman View Post
Are you married? No? Bang her. Then pay her in a white envelope. Write a review.

Somebody else tell him, I'm tired of dealing with it.
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Old 02-20-2010, 08:43 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by ShysterJon View Post
Based on my experiences in life, ....he relationship lasted for about 18 months.

Holy Batman SHYSTER, is this your new SB in your avatar ?? How much per month
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Old 02-20-2010, 09:03 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by DFK Hunter View Post
...Do y'all want the engineer's straight to the point/result version, or the narrative story?

ooohhh.... the narrative. Feel free to embellish and add titillating details...
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Old 02-20-2010, 09:29 PM   #69
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I'm imagining this.

Your daughter's reaction:
OMG! Shriek!

Your daughter's mom's reaction:
BONG! A frying pan on the back of your f*ckin' head.

It is a titalating story, but if your daughter found out, she'd be grossed out for many years to come. It's hard for them to accept that we have sex with anybody, much less somebody their age.
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Old 02-20-2010, 09:33 PM   #70
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Thumbs down Never in a Million Years...

There doesn't seem to be much interest in the story version, and frankly it was getting to long, three pages in MS Word got me to noon.

So here's the abridged version of my day.

I got a message from Jane asking if we could meet at a restaurant for lunch.

I replied that I didn't think that was a good idea, and wished her a happy life.

Jane calls my daughter and tells her that I won't help her by agreeing to meet her for lunch and more advice. This confuses daughter who expects her Daddy to slay any and all dragons as she sees fit. Not wanting to make his problem her problem, said Daddy mans-up and agrees to lunch with Jane.

Having been outmaneuvered by Jane I look forward to lunch with the same dread I had for Obama's inauguration.

Lunch is at a nice cafe. Jane looks absolutely gorgeous in her suit. In fact the way she smiled & waved at me was very charming and disarming.

She was very mature and professional steering the conversation to work, school, & people we knew. I kept my feet wrapped under my chair, out of range.

Finally, I asked what she wanted, and slowly it comes out. She notionally knows what a Sugar Daddy is from popular culture; however, she knows nothing about ASPD, eecie, or any of the Sugar Daddy sights. Her SD proposal was a ploy. She knows from my daughter that I've had commitment issues since my wife died. Jane's idea was to suggest a SD relationship, no commitment. But once she got me into her bed, she fully expected that we'd fall madly in love, and live happily ever after. You see, she's had a crush on me since high school.

Shyster John hinted at it, Elizabeth Whispers warned me about it, but I would have never guessed it in a million years.

Here's the part I'll regret to my dying day, Mr Engineer had to come to the fore. You see Disney never goes into the details of "happily ever after" but details, that's what engineers do:

"So you think my daughter's cool with you being her Step-Mom?"

Her face cracked, she'd never carried dream that far, and I just crushed it with size-10 waffle stompers. No talking it through, no letting her down easy. Just straight to the point and crush a soul. Just this morning her Dad told me how one law professor called her ruthless. Not now.

Her eyes watered, "Of course, what was I thinking?" How foolish, how silly, how dumb, how yadda yadda.. I'm just stammering no, no, no...

She runs out... I follow.. (It's so surreal, I can't help wondering what movie am I trapped in?)

More crying outside, I console, she cry's, I cry, she feels like an idiot, I am one...

Its not every day you get to crush the dream someone has held onto, kept them going, for the last 6 years. Especially a dream centered on yourself. It turns out she'd quiz my daughter on my non-dating habits, and just about every encounter for the last 6 years she planned. Only one, she told me, was unplanned - the grocery store. Un-be-lievable.

Recounting this is just so un-fucking real to me. I read over it and sounds like bull shit. I fully expect someone will call me out and point to some book or move. If I had not lived it I wouldn't believe it.

Today is one of the few I regret being a teetotaler (alcoholism is rampant in my family).

It has been a very bad, no good, rotten day.

I wish I could move to Australia...
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Old 02-20-2010, 09:43 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by cpi3000 View Post
ooohhh.... the narrative. Feel free to embellish and add titillating details...
Sorry CPI but I am not worthy.

The narrative includes such highlights as more on Jane's email, my son's interrogation, Jane's dad returns my table saw, my phone call from the Tasmanian Devil, and my head banging trip to the restroom room...

Left out is the invasion of the Wii bandits and the ballerina diva gets a clue.

(Shit, now it sounds like an episode of Rocky & Bullwinkle)

I gotta get laid...
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Old 02-20-2010, 11:36 PM   #72
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Why was it a bad day? You confronted a girl with unrealistic expectations. Sure she shed some tears today but she will be better off going forward. All things considered it was a pretty good day.
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Old 02-21-2010, 12:16 AM   #73
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I enjoyed the story....

Who knows? There may be updates coming down the road.

I have a feeling there will be another meeting.....

Do me a favor? Let her know that you have a friend seeking such an arrangement and you hate to see her suffer financially. The philanthropist in me would really like to help her.
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Old 02-21-2010, 05:54 AM   #74
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Dontcha wish you'd had all sons? LOL! Of course you don't and if you had you'd never had this little adventure.

Now, I'm interested in how this plays out once you tell "money pit" all about it.............
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Old 02-21-2010, 06:26 AM   #75
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Playing the devils advocate, what if your daughter is trying to set you up with the SD relationship because she want's to see you happy? Hell, tell her you had an "American Beauty" nightmare that scared the crap out of you just to gauge her reaction.

In the mean time run like the wind...
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