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Coed Discussions - Austin Both male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

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Old 05-20-2017, 11:42 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by FirePhoenix View Post
Actually there lots of members leaving due whimpy,SL, and now spice behavior. Like me,a lot of people are simply waiting for a better alternative to go to. In the mean time I will speak out against such bullying, favoritism, hypocrisy, and all forms of trolls.

Also is spice gif mean that he is being impartial,a joke,or being a hypocrite again?

You could care less about the guidelines. Now you want to attack the volunteer staff for not carrying out "your" wishes.

Oh yeah I'm sure that will work.

Hello Back Page....
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Old 05-20-2017, 11:43 AM   #62
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Funny, it seems to me SL the majority of the eccie community has beem asking the samething of you for years. Haven't you noticed that most of your threads that it's only you posting on them Anymore? 5-6 post in a row ,night after night, SL posting on his own lonely threads. It's been a good laugh, thx for that at least.

My wish? Attacking Spice? I asked a question, not a statement.
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Old 05-20-2017, 11:48 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by FirePhoenix View Post
Funny, it seems to me SL the majority of the eccie community has beem asking the samething of you for years. Haven't you noticed that most of your threads that it's only you posting on them Anymore? 5-6 post in a row ,night after night, SL posting on his own lonely threads. It's been a good laugh, thx for that at least.

My wish? Attacking Spice? I asked a question, not a statement.
Who has asked me to leave? And your welcome. Why would I leave I'm having fun. You are the one that's crying like some one shit in your corn flakes.Do you need help with your ignore feature?



1) You have considered ECCIE handles like “Fuck You Shit Head”
2) When the person you are arguing with stops posting but you don’t, even after they close their account.
3) You ask questions like, “I bet you think you’re cute?”
4) You post openly about giving MODS free sessions.
5) You wear a wig even when you’re by yourself.
6) You have had more accounts than SL has reviews.
7) You claim you don’t need to advertise as a BBW.
8) Your idea of be patriotic is not giving a service man the clap.
9) You have taken three Rosetta Stone courses and no one knows what the hell you’re talking about.
10) You answer questions with questions that end by saying, “so what do you think about that ass hole?”
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Old 05-20-2017, 11:50 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
The vocal few do not define the purpose of the site. Amen, YOU of all people define "the vocal few", but the part that lacking is "serving a purpose"

The site is about information..... And apparently,
blatant insults, and spreading rumors or innuendo
You don't need a warm fuzzy spot for information to be exchanged....
You have a choice. There are other sites... Leave.What a tremendous idea, how about trying your own advice, the only one that's gonna miss you is your sycophant SL, but he'll come trotting along with ya soon enough.

The good news is the human, in it's current state has a limited lifetime and some, more than others are nearing the end. Too bad it's not over when it's usefulness is no longer serving a function.
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Old 05-20-2017, 12:02 PM   #65
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Why would I leave Nuggie? I still participate in a variety of ways getting information as well as providing it. Plus there is the entertainment factor.

Your problem Nuggie is you have gotten too old to evolve.... You are stuck in an age that no longer exists and you can't see the options that exist outside of Independent Providers and Agency whores.

The site has. That is why there are a variety of other forums.

The longer that guys are here the more they identify like minded individuals and begin to share information in less public manners. Some of us still contribute publicly in the appropriate forums.... some behind the scenes.....
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Old 05-20-2017, 12:06 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by SpiceItUp View Post
I get it.

You want moderators to be draconian in the enforcement of the "spirit" of the guidelines when it comes to the posters you don't like. Hell you want us to censor and ban the members you deem "assholes" even when protocols put in place almost a decade ago don't call for it.

You want mommy and daddy to rush to your rescue every time your feelers get hurt instead of exercising your freedoms the same way the "assholes" do, by toeing the boundary lines to be sure but often not crossing them.

You think mods are here to be the hobby police and protect your safe spaces so the delicate flowers can blossom.

You're so ate up with your local drama that you can't see the bigger picture principle involved here. Namely that this site places great importance on freedom of expression and under rather than over moderation.

Freedom of expression must include the right to offend. If we start banning people just for saying things some people find offensive then where to we stop? where do we draw the boundary lines? Who draws them? According to what criteria? Mob consensus apparently suits you fine, it does not me.

Every forum in existence has its trolls and assholes and prolific attention grabbing posters. If they do not then I guarantee they utilize draconian enforcement and censorship to make it so.

So I get it, you want a kinder, gentler ECCIE for all. It's a beautiful dream. Use the ignore feature and your dreams can be realized immediately.

I will continue to enforce the guidelines of the site as consistently as I can according the the years of precedent behind the scenes and using narrow rather than the broad interpretations some of you seem to love.

Beyond that? I'm afraid I pass...
That should be a Sticky.....

There is a small group in Austin that hasn't been happy since we had Mods that would make reviews disappear as well as change review content and censor anyone that a few of the guys and ladies here took issue with.....

It wasn't that long ago that they applauded the new mods because they felt they would finally get their way.....

here we are with almost a total changeover of staff yet again and they all still hate staff and believe they are corrupt....

One would think they would eventually realize that they are the ones in the wrong refusing to understand what the guidelines intend.
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Old 05-20-2017, 12:13 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Why would I leave Nuggie? I still participate in a variety of ways getting information as well as providing it. Plus there is the entertainment factor.

Your problem Nuggie is you have gotten too old to evolve.... You are stuck in an age that no longer exists and you can't see the options that exist outside of Independent Providers and Agency whores.

The site has. That is why there are a variety of other forums.

The longer that guys are here the more they identify like minded individuals and begin to share information in less public manners. Some of us still contribute publicly in the appropriate forums.... some behind the scenes.....
You just proved a point I made earlier.. BEING RAISED by animals , just creates
more animals.. GOOD MANNERS NEVER GO OUT OF DATE. just because you weren't raised by that standard doesn't mean it not still true. but it sure does explain a lot doesn't it?
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Old 05-20-2017, 12:31 PM   #68
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Ty, where are you?

Now is the time to try again.
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Old 05-20-2017, 12:32 PM   #69
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My feelings don't get hurt by the shit on eccie and I am under no illusion that this site is here to empower women or keep providers safe.

I don't think anyone can make the argument that austin coed is a friendly community, right? And while we aren't here to make friends these forums are more enjoyable and entertaining without all the rude, insulting, repetitive bs. Like YAAAAAAAWWWWNN. It's so god damn boring now.

It seems like this forum is being used to play out a fantasy for a few men who are actually pretty kind in person but want to pretend to be bigots and misogynists online to see how many views and clicks they can get. They say you get more bees with honey but look at all the flies on a fresh pile of shit. It's an interesting social experiment but super fucking boring for the rest of us.

And if we end up being targeted and decide to respond we get attacked or called names. Some providers don't give a shit and some remain silent out of fear of retaliation. Either way there's a lot of bad juju and it is completely unregulated and unchecked. Idgaf about mods reasoning for giving one poster points and letting others create entire threads to insult a single person. There isn't a logical explanation, it's totally subjective and biased.

So carry on with this lame ass shit if you must but Austin's reputation sucks and isn't getting better anytime soon. It's too bad a cool city like this is such a cesspool of a hobby community. Especially cuz there are so many kick ass people in the hobby here.
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Old 05-20-2017, 01:07 PM   #70
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Liz, you right on all points and said it very well. Austin is a great place but the Austin coed surely isn't. Hobbiest please take count of how many providers are interactive on the Austin coed. Then go to any other coed this site has and count how many providers are interactive. The numbers says it all.
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Old 05-20-2017, 01:21 PM   #71
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I know I talk a lot of shit, But mainly for humor. Maybe a few times I've been a little on the brutal side. But 99% of the time I'm just talking shit that should be taken with a grain of salt.

I love it when the ladies like Liz, fire and observing give me shit back!
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Old 05-20-2017, 03:51 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by lizshue81 View Post
My feelings don't get hurt by the shit on eccie and I am under no illusion that this site is here to empower women or keep providers safe.

I don't think anyone can make the argument that austin coed is a friendly community, right? And while we aren't here to make friends these forums are more enjoyable and entertaining without all the rude, insulting, repetitive bs. Like YAAAAAAAWWWWNN. It's so god damn boring now.

It seems like this forum is being used to play out a fantasy for a few men who are actually pretty kind in person but want to pretend to be bigots and misogynists online to see how many views and clicks they can get. They say you get more bees with honey but look at all the flies on a fresh pile of shit. It's an interesting social experiment but super fucking boring for the rest of us.

And if we end up being targeted and decide to respond we get attacked or called names. Some providers don't give a shit and some remain silent out of fear of retaliation. Either way there's a lot of bad juju and it is completely unregulated and unchecked. Idgaf about mods reasoning for giving one poster points and letting others create entire threads to insult a single person. There isn't a logical explanation, it's totally subjective and biased.

So carry on with this lame ass shit if you must but Austin's reputation sucks and isn't getting better anytime soon. It's too bad a cool city like this is such a cesspool of a hobby community. Especially cuz there are so many kick ass people in the hobby here.
I thinck you might be surprised how many people frequent the Austin Forums! Simply compare thread views, review views here and in other forums.

Empower woman? huh.... this is a MANS site. "WE" exchange information. I thinck you know why "woman" are here! Always has been that way. Perhaps you can explain it to FP I'm certain she doesn't grasp this!
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Old 05-20-2017, 05:21 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by lizshue81 View Post
My feelings don't get hurt by the shit on eccie and I am under no illusion that this site is here to empower women or keep providers safe.

No body should be.... It's pretty clearly stated that it is an information site and it's obvious from the layout and rules it caters to the men....

I don't think anyone can make the argument that austin coed is a friendly community, right?

It is for many and could be for others... Truthfully..... It's a small group of old and/or fat whores that bray like donkeys all the time while trying to use CoEd to drive their waning business......

if they could be shut down or limited more of the right kind of whores would be finding acceptance here..... But when any of them participate in friendly banter they get warned off by cockblockers and whores posting as men

So carry on with this lame ass shit if you must but Austin's reputation sucks and isn't getting better anytime soon. It's too bad a cool city like this is such a cesspool of a hobby community. Especially cuz there are so many kick ass people in the hobby here.
That's one opinion...
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Old 05-21-2017, 01:37 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Empower woman? huh.... this is a MANS site. "WE" exchange information. I thinck you know why "woman" are here! /COLOR][/FONT]
Women are here to sell pussy, men are here to buy it. Why does that necessitate disparity? Why is seller lesser?
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Old 05-21-2017, 05:21 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by lizshue81 View Post
Women are here to sell pussy, men are here to buy it. Why does that necessitate disparity? Why is seller lesser?
In my book it's the opposite. Seller is greater! Why would you think seller is lesser?
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