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Old 12-10-2010, 07:28 PM   #61
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All other things being equal, I just want the bitches to stop cunty. I could have sworn that they would all earn another vacation if they posted on each others threads or responded to each others posts...

Probation is only probation until your probation officer yanks your stupid ass into reality and drops another case on you...
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Old 12-10-2010, 07:33 PM   #62
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Wake-up, I been a good girl, i think im gonna go get me something new and shinny for X-mas!!!
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Old 12-10-2010, 08:20 PM   #63
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You've obviously learned there's no profit in it, and you've taken to your punishment well. Good girl.
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Old 12-10-2010, 11:10 PM   #64
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... another jager bomb please bartender

as long as there are self appointed asholes, there will always be cunts. It's called checks and balances.. and threats don't work well with real cunts because they always call your bluff, and be sure to threaten them with something worth losing. just sayin
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Old 12-11-2010, 08:28 AM   #65
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If you were really serious about your statement you'd have been gone already. If you have no reason to stay, if being banned permanently is no big deal to you, then you'd have done a number on Sofia and been banned already. Funny thing is that I'd probably have respected you more for doing that than sitting here and watching you bluster about how you're not afraid to get banned and then roll over and take it...

Face it, you didn't check yourself, someone checked you...there's no balance in that...

Either shut up about Sofia or don't, and get yourself banned, your choice. It's the same choice Brooke and now Jasmin face as well. We're sick of all you hens pecking at each other. Man up and do something serious or shut up...
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Old 12-11-2010, 08:48 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by Wayward View Post
Echoing Deuce's comment, most of us have known each other for many years, trust and respect came as part of that journey though 'this thing of ours'. We may not agree on every issue, but providers safety is kind of a big deal. Terms like SHMB are accurate and amusing, but we never lose sight of what is important. All the mods/admins/owners/posters I really respect have gotten it wrong at one point or another. They then, Man or Woman up and make it right. Not being able to do that, someone quickly becomes nothing more than a joke.

Thank you to who ever did the right thing on this one and that is sincere.
Bravo, Padre! It pains me to say anything other than "Ah-to-the-men" to such a wonderful & important sermon. Alas...something compels me to don my "Captain Obvious" hat to piggy-back on Padre's wise words with the following...

That everyone's security is kind of a big deal. Until that glorious day in that Happy Land where all get to come out of the shadows & into the light....we all have something to lose from unacceptable behavior by others within our community...some of us more than others.

Which...if I follow all the kicking & scratching correctly...seems to be what much of the fuss is about. As a general rule, we do a fairly good job with "self-regulation"...which is pretty damned amazing, actually!

The "problems" (read, drama) seems to arise when there is a perception on someone's part - real or imagined - that they are under attack. Then...the "fun" begins...

Personally, I've never been a big fan of, "the ends justify the means," argument...but I'm funny that way...
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Old 12-11-2010, 09:26 AM   #67
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Interesting.... Seriously, I can't stand what's going on, but, I have better things to do with my time than to constantly worry about someone else. Brooke, I do agree with your statement about the safety issues at hand, but, there's no way to keep anyone off this board (banned or not). It's just better to look at the glass half full and ignore without hitting the ignore button. It’s so much more fun to read the stupid comments and watch someone drown than it is to miss out.
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Old 12-11-2010, 09:35 AM   #68
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I don't know how things work or what it's like for a MOD but maybe they are just doing what they are told to do.

This is a great place for information and humor. A great way to look out for each other, providers and hobbyists alike. Sure we all have our disagreements and fights on here or unecessary roughness but all in all I've always thought this was a good board to be on.
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Old 12-11-2010, 09:52 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
If you were really serious about your statement you'd have been gone already. If you have no reason to stay, if being banned permanently is no big deal to you, then you'd have done a number on Sofia and been banned already. Funny thing is that I'd probably have respected you more for doing that than sitting here and watching you bluster about how you're not afraid to get banned and then roll over and take it...

Face it, you didn't check yourself, someone checked you...there's no balance in that...

Either shut up about Sofia or don't, and get yourself banned, your choice. It's the same choice Brooke and now Jasmin face as well. We're sick of all you hens pecking at each other. Man up and do something serious or shut up...
If you go back and read carefully, I didn't say anything about sofia..
I could care less about that. Have you or anyone else seen me say anything or bitch about her since we got unbanned? No.I actually love sofia very much. If I wanted to leave I would..rest assured. I am a member of three other hobby boards and this is by far the most entertaining one as of now. I'm having a blast; just because you get checked once doesn't make it mate. I don't go around bossing people around or telling them how it should be.. I just do my thing. Instead of trying to police the board or me, get your pussy and handle your business. If not, know what you're talking about before you start bumping your DSLs.. you can stop riding my schtick now dude. Just a brain fart.
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Old 12-11-2010, 01:28 PM   #70
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I love Sofia too.
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Old 12-11-2010, 04:50 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by Mr Clever View Post
I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to agree NAN. This is not the way to close a thread.

"And the disrespect for the staff is uncalled for"......hmmmm.

"Dear John pm one of the mods, admins, or Owners with this issue. The smart ass replies will be dealt with. The end!"

So, what's good for the goose is good for gander---Ain't that the pot calling the kettle black. Take your pick. They both fit.

You want respect....respect is earned. By dealing with issues like a manager....head on......not by acting like a fanatic with an iron fist. Again, respect is earned......Not, commanded.

You wanna be a mod that's respected....then do something spectacular....Moderate Fairly. Look at the issues at hand and deal with them like a real Manager/Mod. Not a dude on the powertrip cause he's MOD.

If your hands are tied....and your trying to do the right thing....but are being trumped because the owner because he thinks drama creates dollars for him.....then shame on him. He's a fool.

Any good business is built on solid business principles and solid information.

The man "Dear John" asked a very simple question.....In a very upfront manner. In the "ask the staff" forum......The owners, the Mods and whoever is in charge of this wreck is at fault. Someone should have answered his question. Probably, in private......Something. Instead, you all ignored him, like you and the owners do with everything else on eccie......and it's festered into something nasty.

Now, you wanna come in and start moderating. When the shit has hit the fan. Great management style. And, please, don't come in with "you bitch when we moderate and you bitch when we don't".

And, I get 70 RTM's a day.....no one put a gun to your head to take the job.

You and you alone signed up for that gig.

The owners, the staff and you are at fault for all the shit that goes on eccie.....You, they, all of you have allowed this board to be riddled with the garbage due to the laissez fair style of doing things. Picking and choosing what rules to enforce.....its ridicules. How you can taunt some with points and let others go completly unscaved. Do you think we don't see this? Do you think we are stupid or something? Talk about being unfair.....Maybe, I'm worng. But, maybe that's what the OP was asking about....an appeal on fairness. How is it fair that he and others get points....yet you and the owner turn a blind eye to more decitful things? Multiple handles comes to my mind......Ever heard of Rosetta Stone?

Any interest in answering that?

There is an old idiom....you and the staff should become familiar with "eating crow"

Taking a strong positon on something and then being proven wrong sucks.....but its humbling nevertheless. Humble pie taste so much better. A humble level headed person is so much easier to work with than a arrogant asshole. Just my opinion, of course. Not saying you in particular are an asshole.......I'm being general.

Hopefully, you and the staff will start will to do the right thing with matters that occur on eccie. Things have certainly gotten carried away.....too much mischief and nonesense. Hopefully, you all can learn to moderate farily, evenly and swiftly as needed. The better late than never sytle is definitely not working. And, the early arrival, is well, pointless too. It must be even keeled....balanced and fair.

St. C needs to take a hard look at his product. More bugs need to be shaken out.....or, this mousetrap of his is gonna fall victim to poor managment.

As you can see, I have no problem telling the Emperor that he has no clothes on....." Yo, Emperor...you're naked"

Again, I stand behind....what I said. It was wrong to close that thread. In that manner....this matter should have been dealt with upfront. He asked a question. If you wanna wear the MOD hat....then act like a MOD.

Ban me....I don't care.

I'll be back in a few hours.....speaking broken english translating through google translater.
Pretty strong, but at the end of the day there is a lot of truth to this.

jasmine/sofia/angelinadream, or whoever you are this week. I'm not Mr. Clever. I'm considered clever, but I'm not Mr. Clever. Agreeing with another poster, how you're still on this board and not been banned is beyond me.

Thanks for those who had my back.
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Old 12-11-2010, 06:54 PM   #72
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Mods, please close this thread.

Thancks in advance.
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