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Old 01-07-2014, 03:27 AM   #46
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Slave G an old lady......well then I wish all the women out there were old like her. my ATF and FRIEND, she could hand every 20 year old in the city an ass whipping. I can't say enough, I'm going back to bed now that I'm all worked up seeing those pics of her.
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Old 01-07-2014, 04:51 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere View Post


I'm a little confused because I didn't think I became a CRUSTY OLD BITCH until I reached the ripe old age of 44!! So, in the meantime DON'T RUSH THE AGING PROCESS!! LOL

So, in FIVE days everyone can OFFICIALLY call me a CRUSTY OLD BITCH...

Your birthday loving slave,


Slave Guinevere-Wouldn't this be a alert? If I were you I would let the ladies know in the PR. Take care.
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Old 01-07-2014, 05:55 AM   #48
Slave Guinevere
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Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate View Post
Slave Guinevere-Wouldn't this be a alert? If I were you I would let the ladies know in the PR. Take care.

Eight months ago when I was BEATEN up by a REGULAR of mine your FIRST words of advice were:

1) "YOU need to CHANGE your NAME… As long as your handle is Slave Guinevere you are ASKING to be HURT…"

Your next ACT of CONCERN was to ask me:



You are SIMPLY UNBELIEVABLE!! Eight months ago while I laid crying in my apartment… I had just recovered from pneumonia and you so KINDLY issued those words of SYMPATHY I terminated our friendship and I did what I DO BEST!! I picked myself, dealt with the situation and I became even MORE PROACTIVE in reaching out to OTHER WOMEN who have been PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED by MEN!!

That is EXACTLY how EMBER and I became friends… When she was assaulted by the marine I sent her a sincere pm saying that you don't know me… but if you need a KIND AND SYMPATHETIC EAR to LISTEN I AM HERE FOR YOU!! That is what ANY WOMAN NEEDS AND DESERVES after she has been ATTACKED!!

I have come a LONG way since last March… I have changed my screening procedure, I have place safety devices, guns, tasers, bats etc all around my in call and I keep my body in such good shape that I will DEFINITELY DO A LOT OF HARM if I am held down by the THROAT AND BRUTALLY ATTACKED AGAIN!!

Let me tell you this… that no matter HOW ANGRY I am at you right now… I would STILL be the FIRST PROVIDER to contact YOU if you WERE HURT IN ANY WAY!!! I WOULD not judge or instruct you… I would just LISTEN, hold you while you CRIED and then I would help you work through the PTSD that is sure to follow when your personal space has been violated in that manner.

For your information the REASON that I opened this thread on the COED SECTION is because I believe that the person RESPONSIBLE for these NASTY EMAILS is one of our provider's PIMP/HUSBAND… and while everyone claims that SHE IS incredibly SWEET her PIMP'S online personae is anything but that… and I can definitely see him going out of his way to HURT another provider that he FEELS might TAKE AWAY ATTENTION FROM HIS GIRL!!

Let me make this clear… From the VERY BEGINNING I HAVE BEEN NICE to ALL of the LADIES on the BOARD… I have always said that I do not NEED to PUT SOMEBODY ELSE DOWN in order to become SUCCESSFUL and I do not… but NO ONE DESERVES TO BE BEATEN, TO BE RAPED, TO BE DRUGGED… and I know FIRST HAND how that feels on all three accounts…

I will CONTINUE TO BE AN ACTIVIST TO PROTECT ALL WOMEN… even YOU… BUT if you do not LIKE this thread then please refrain from clicking on it again.

Your insulted slave,

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Old 01-07-2014, 06:27 AM   #49
Slave Guinevere
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Who is hating on you?

You are the first woman over 33 to ever have me consider seeing her!

I've hated on some old women but you are something else darlin...

Have you noticed that Chica Chaser wants to make me a Mod in SA? Don't forget to cast your Vote!

Or get to the top of the Chosen Few List with Freebies!... Can you make a good meatloaf?
Sir Whispers…

Yes, I have been threatened… and for ANYONE who would like COPIES of the emails then please feel free to send me an EMAIL at slvguinevere1@gmail.com..

In the meantime… Here is what I have discovered so far:

1) I put the word "CRUSTY" into the search engine of ECCIE and LO and BEHOLD there are only TWO SA THREADS that come up in the last 26 MONTHS where the word "CRUSTY" is USED:

THREAD #1 (Dezirie or her PIMP/SO)




2) Now, since, Dogleggs thread was written over 26 months ago and it was in regards to a gentleman passing away I QUICKLY eliminated him as a suspect…

3) If you take the time to read Dezirie's thread you will see a REPETITIVE use of the word "CRUSTY"..

4) Here is a COPY of the EMAILS that I RECEIVED: (Now, since this email was received from a NON MEMBER of ECCIE, I believe it is OK for me to POST this INFORMATION… However, if it is deleted then again send me an email and I will gladly forward them to you…)


"Yeah you crusty old bitch.

No one gives a fuck about your stupid anniversary.

Stop posting ugly ass pictures, if you post any new ones hide that big ugly ass nose of yours"


"God bitch, your such melodramatic dumbass. Just shut the fuck up already and hide that big ugly nose of yours.

I didn't threaten you, I just told you no one gives a fuck about your anniversary.

Threatening would be me telling you I'm going to find you and do bad things. And I didn't even bother saying that.

See ya at the social, cunt."

4) Now let's look at the TIME LOG… the SEQUENCE of events…

9:48PM: I wish Netx9 a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and I tease MMM about forgetting mine…

10:26pm: I receive my FIRST nasty email…

12:06am: I took an AGGRESSIVE stance and I publicly let EVERYONE know that someone was being hostile towards me and that I had received nasty messages…

12:15am: I receive my SECOND email insulting me further and I am THREATENED… and while it is an IMPLIED THREAT is is from someone who has had access to Social Gatherings, they appear to have seen my face, although, I think my NOSE is rather CUTE!! LOL… My Dad is going to be SO UPSET…


12:22am: DEZIRIE or her PIMP/SO POSTS on my thread commenting how SHE isn't old but that she gets HATE mail all the time and that SHE LOOKS FORWARD TO SEEING ME AT THE SOCIAL…

Let's break it down even FURTHER… HERE are some EXCERPTS from DEZIRIE'S/PIMP's thread where the word CRUSTY is USED REPEATEDLY:

POST 25:

"Pimp Hubby or SO which is it you people need to quit listen to the old whoas and get your info right.Besides that's old shit.You people can cum up with something new if not shut the f#ck up and carry on..Besides everyone knows I have an So..The deal is you people can't stand the fact I'm 4"11 and 105 lbs and SMOKIN HOT And have a set of balls that fit in a 5 gal bucket..So take your crusty ace back to A-Town..Of just go away..Thats what ya'll do you retire..
Just Sayin..

POST 31:

"Cum on gurl give up you can't give that stuff away so your pissed at me for not accepting your offer that I offered you first why didn't you take my offer.greed maybe the green monster envy or you just stupid?? and now your mad at me...I have my own plans and sorry it does not include you and your crusty ace..Dezirie..And by the way this is the hooker with the big balls..The So is out of town…"

POST 39:

"Who yanked your chain..Go back and crawl back in that crusty pu##y friend of yours and when you have more than 5 words that you know how to spell and write than cum back and post other than that shut the Fu#k up until we tell you to speak..Just Saying plz stay on topic..Has nothing to do with your complex..of pimps and impersonators.Thats your hang up..
Just A Hooker Saying..

At this point I will let everyone decide for themselves… However, I would like to point out that when it is all said and done… It is MY SAFETY we are talking about… and I have gone through the proper channels… I notified the mods ( Mokoa and JJ), I notified CK to let him know that there are some unfriendly people that attend our little parties and NOW I am taking a STAND for MYSELF…

I do not KNOW DEZIRIE and I have NO ISSUE with her… However, just as we are responsible for any SCHEDULERS or ASSISTANTS that we may have SHE IS RESPONSIBLE for giving access to this site to her HUSBAND/SO/PIMP and he has NO RIGHT to threaten me… and if he will do it to me… he will do it to someone else…

Your determined slave,

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Old 01-07-2014, 08:27 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Sonya Playmate View Post
Slave Guinevere-Wouldn't this be a alert? If I were you I would let the ladies know in the PR. Take care.
I agree. Even if you assume it's a provider and her pimp/SO I think you should still report it if you're being threatened and hopefully share with us who you think it is (as you already did AFTER someone viewed it as alert worthy) this way others know who to avoid and why. In my opinion, Putting in in coed seems like it was posted more for drama rather than if you placed it in alerts.

Stay safe and take care!
Besos, Nova
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Old 01-07-2014, 08:45 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere View Post
Sir Whispers…

Yes, I have been threatened… and for ANYONE who would like COPIES of the emails then please feel free to send me an EMAIL at slvguinevere1@gmail.com..

In the meantime… Here is what I have discovered so far:

I put the word "CRUSTY" into the search engine of ECCIE and LO and BEHOLD there are only TWO SA THREADS that come up in the last 26 MONTHS where the word "CRUSTY" is USED:

THREAD #1 (Dezirie or her PIMP/SO)


If you take the time to read Dezirie's thread you will see a REPETITIVE use of the word "CRUSTY"..

"Slave" Guinevere, you do not seem to live up to the term "slave". I guess it is one of those "fantasy titles" or roles you might be willing to play.

The depth you went to with your analysis of the email is pretty well thought out.

Since my first interaction with you I have known you were far more different than most ladies I have met around here and you continue to prove it.

I don't tend to simply believe what anyone posts. I took both emails and cross referenced a variety of words in those messages searching ECCIE.

Mods, unfortunately, do not involve themselves in things that happen off the boards. Get the headers to those emails in their pure form, I emailed you instructions, and get them to the Mods and ask if they can possibly verify your suspicion.

Lots of spontaneous threats like this are not thought out and done without thinking and if the sender happened to use a computer with an IP matched to the member perhaps, if nothing else, they can funnel that info to you or someone that can help.

The Handle "Dezirie" and the writings from it is one I have looked at a lot. It is always disapointing, as a man, to see pics of a fine ass woman and find out that you are not interacting with her, but instead some guy behind the keyboard.

There are two distinctive "styles" to posts from that handle. two different ways they write, different vocabularies etc. Fonts are the same but that is not enough to mask that at different times two totally different people are at that keyboard.

I know you WANT to think it is not the lady herself but the Hubby. But this kind of pettiness usually comes from female rivalry/jealousy.

A question for ANY guy or gal that has ever met Dezirie in person would be have you ever heard her us that word? I would imagine that the adjective would come out of her mouth with a little frequency. If so it's her and not the SO/hubby. Friends of Guinivere's that know Dezirie might consider sharing that info with Guinivere to help make the connection or rule her out.

Do you "Need" the business that going to this social represents to you? I would think you have all the attention you would need at the moment professionally just off things here on the board.

You might consider skipping this one while you figure things out.
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Old 01-07-2014, 08:54 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Novatx View Post
In my opinion, Putting in in coed seems like it was posted more for drama rather than if you placed it in alerts.
You ladies do a lot behind the scenes to look out for yourselves but at times you really should bring things to the community.

Peer Pressure is one thing but public pressure can be more effective.

Assuming it is Dezirie (that would be my opinion) she is showing rather out of line reactions in how she thinks and/or processes information as well as what she does with the information she has access to.

Logical professional men make decisions based on more than nice ass at times.

Yes. I know that is a novel idea but rants like she has already shared here on line and the drama she immerses herself in repetitively does cost her business.

You all know that.

Should it be in the Provider only area? Absolutely

Should it be brought to all of us here? Absolutely. There is more going on here and the person in the middle of it needs to be avoided by a lot of people that want simple, non controversial sessions.

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Old 01-07-2014, 08:58 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
You might consider skipping this one while you figure things out.
Or be escorted to the get-together by someone you trust and also happens to be a beast.
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Old 01-07-2014, 09:07 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Do you "Need" the business that going to this social represents to you? I would think you have all the attention you would need at the moment professionally just off things here on the board.

You might consider skipping this one while you figure things out.
I have no idea about the assumptions being made here since I am not that good at analyzing writing and styles. However, I do hate the idea of her skipping a social over something like this. It is like letting them win and that just rubs me wrong. As for her safety, I do agree she should be cautious but there will be plenty of people there to help her and provide her with escorts in the parking lot.
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Old 01-07-2014, 03:11 PM   #55
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Whispers: I don't know you or who you are as may be said for you about me, just a statement of fact, but I read this thread and wonder why all the comments. What is the purpose? What is the final result? I realize it is hard to tell from just text and no vocal or physical aspects the true meaning of words. So maybe I'm not reading your statements as they are intended. They come across as negative toward Slave to me though. Hopefully I am wrong and I apologize if I am.
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Old 01-07-2014, 05:53 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by sandy View Post
Whispers: I don't know you or who you are as may be said for you about me, just a statement of fact, but I read this thread and wonder why all the comments. What is the purpose? What is the final result? I realize it is hard to tell from just text and no vocal or physical aspects the true meaning of words. So maybe I'm not reading your statements as they are intended. They come across as negative toward Slave to me though. Hopefully I am wrong and I apologize if I am.
You are clueless if that is the case.....

Slave and I are on good terms with each other and she knows that I respect her.
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Old 01-07-2014, 09:25 PM   #57
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Slave sorry that happened to you, you are so not that. Let me know if you need some Black Rain.
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Old 01-08-2014, 05:01 AM   #58
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Thanks Whispers. My bad. I'm clueless bec how would I know your relationship with her.
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Old 01-08-2014, 05:19 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere View Post
1) I put the word "CRUSTY" into the search engine of ECCIE and LO and BEHOLD there are only TWO SA THREADS that come up in the last 26 MONTHS where the word "CRUSTY" is USED:

THREAD #1 (Dezirie or her PIMP/SO)


3) If you take the time to read Dezirie's thread you will see a REPETITIVE use of the word "CRUSTY".

4) Here is a COPY of the EMAILS that I RECEIVED:

"Yeah you crusty old bitch.

No one gives a fuck about your stupid anniversary.

Stop posting ugly ass pictures, if you post any new ones hide that big ugly ass nose of yours"


"God bitch, your such melodramatic dumbass. Just shut the fuck up already and hide that big ugly nose of yours.

I didn't threaten you, I just told you no one gives a fuck about your anniversary.

Threatening would be me telling you I'm going to find you and do bad things. And I didn't even bother saying that.

See ya at the social, cunt."

12:22am: DEZIRIE or her PIMP/SO POSTS on my thread commenting how SHE isn't old but that she gets HATE mail all the time and that SHE LOOKS FORWARD TO SEEING ME AT THE SOCIAL…

Let's break it down even FURTHER… HERE are some EXCERPTS from DEZIRIE'S/PIMP's thread where the word CRUSTY is USED REPEATEDLY:

POST 25:

"Pimp Hubby or SO which is it you people need to quit listen to the old whoas and get your info right.Besides that's old shit.You people can cum up with something new if not shut the f#ck up and carry on..Besides everyone knows I have an So..The deal is you people can't stand the fact I'm 4"11 and 105 lbs and SMOKIN HOT And have a set of balls that fit in a 5 gal bucket..So take yourcrusty ace back to A-Town..Of just go away..Thats what ya'll do you retire..
Just Sayin..

POST 31:

"Cum on gurl give up you can't give that stuff away so your pissed at me for not accepting your offer that I offered you first why didn't you take my offer.greed maybe the green monster envy or you just stupid?? and now your mad at me...I have my own plans and sorry it does not include you and your crusty ace..Dezirie..And by the way this is the hooker with the big balls..The So is out of town…"

POST 39:

"Who yanked your chain..Go back and crawl back in that crusty pu##y friend of yours and when you have more than 5 words that you know how to spell and write than cum back and post other than that shut the Fu#k up until we tell you to speak..Just Saying plz stay on topic..Has nothing to do with your complex..of pimps and impersonators.Thats your hang up..
Just A Hooker Saying..

At this point I will let everyone decide for themselves… However, I would like to point out that when it is all said and done… It is MY SAFETY we are talking about… and I have gone through the proper channels… I notified the mods ( Mokoa and JJ), I notified CK to let him know that there are some unfriendly people that attend our little parties and NOW I am taking a STAND for MYSELF…

I do not KNOW DEZIRIE and I have NO ISSUE with her… However, just as we are responsible for any SCHEDULERS or ASSISTANTS that we may have SHE IS RESPONSIBLE for giving access to this site to her HUSBAND/SO/PIMP and he has NO RIGHT to threaten me… and if he will do it to me… he will do it to someone else…

Your determined slave,

NOT GOOD! NOT GOOD AT ALL! Slave if you need me to get involved just let me know. I have experience with these kind of cases!

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Old 01-08-2014, 10:18 AM   #60
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Why would anyone want to harm Slave G? My only
Guess is jealously on that providers part. I'll say
It here anyone lays a hand on her and your gonna
Find out about an eye for an eye !!!!!!
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