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06-28-2013, 04:39 PM
Join Date: Feb 22, 2012
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Originally Posted by CJOHN
DaThruthBeTold username: rider you and ib steal communicating and hiding your communication so you two cumming up with more ways to LISTEN, WATCH, and etc. to STEAL ... this has alway been about STEALING and coverup for the orginal crime
starr36 username: read the article national geographic 2013 active sun
do you know how many time city and county sent an emergency vehicle toward where ever i am at or parrort people ( i would not be surprise if that bill with STOLEN MONEY)
DuckDick username: follows a few days later by an attemp to dzug at hongkong supermarket on scardale using the duck sauce after I purchase the duck. 6/22
btw my court date have been move back till late August. a lot of activity at court before the actual court trial date.
johnny and j
So, what new a city, county, state, and country trying to buy time to dzug erase memory, find ways to get ride of evidence and attempt to murder because they have time and money on their side. "broken city" wrong " broken country"
Let discuss my younger sister. oh shit she in the hospital again, find for a few days after comming home, went out probably dzug "break down" back in the hospital ... rider really want to get the whole story out to get at the GOP
real time tracking on my vehical, setup fruit basket at the gas station, what Valario gas station has fruit basket.
Get that FUCKING SHIT OUT of my vehical!
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06-28-2013, 05:13 PM
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what was that story you said on the radio " you are like your mother at 31 fucking parrot ", brain wash her into saying she should move out alone when she first came home. This is not a fucking sickness, trying to rewire a person brain. Her problem began during the bush presidency.
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06-28-2013, 05:38 PM
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can't handle the FACT... not one of you ASSHOLE can argue with these fact CAN YOU ... let see if you United States Supreme Court can handle this question... DID YOUR GOVERNMENT INTERFERING INTO MY LIFE ALTER MY FUTURE? what could, should, and would of happen? cause effect, altering a person course in life
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06-28-2013, 08:02 PM
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My ECCIE Reviews
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
As usual, Jesse Ventura gets it right.
Jesse Ventura is a former professional wrestler, actor, Mayor, Governor of Minnesota, and author of “Democrips and Rebloodlicans”, now out in paperback. He is also the author of “They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK”, which is slated to release in early October.
In part one of our interview, Governor Ventura discusses his book, the war on drugs, Cuba, guns, and the disturbing revelations of the NSA’s covert data mining program.
Kevin Kelly: In the introduction to “Democrips and Rebloodlicans,” you’ve praised Colorado and Washington for legalizing recreational marijuana use. Do you believe that more states will begin to push back against the federal government’s war on drugs?
Jesse Ventura: I hope so. The war on drugs has been a miserable failure. It’s resulted in thousands upon thousands of deaths. My mother even told me she lived through the prohibition of alcohol, and before she passed on she told me that the war on drugs was identical to the prohibition of alcohol, that all you do is make criminals rich and powerful. Which is all that it does do, and if you look at it from a philosophical viewpoint, all of these people who are in jail for drug usage … well, we’re supposed to be a free country, and in a free country how can you go to jail for committing a crime against yourself? I don’t understand that. How can you commit a crime against yourself?
Now, I’m not advocating drug usage; it’s stupid. It’s stupid, but the point of the matter is how can you go to jail for committing ― now if you take drugs and rob the bank, fine prosecute you for bank robbery. I don’t care what motivated you, but you should be held accountable. To me it’s ridiculous in a free country that somebody using drugs ― look how many people died from medical prescription drugs. Way more, and yet there’s no problem with the pharmaceuticals. Watch TV every day, watch in the afternoon and see how many drug advertisements there are. Then they have to name the side effects, and the side effects usually take thirty seconds of the commercial.
Here’s my final answer on the drug situation, and I’m quoting Bill Maher here. The Beatles took LSD, and all were on LSD when they wrote “Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,” which is arguably one of the greatest rock and roll albums ever written. They all admitted they were on LSD when they did it. Anna Nicole Smith took six medical prescription legal drugs, and she couldn’t even dial 911 to save her own life. Now, what does that say to you?
Kelly: Well, not only that Governor, but look at the explosion in the prison population since the war on drugs began.
Ventura: Absolutely, and here’s part of that; they’re always telling you we need to privatize more government. Not when it comes to providing services because now they’re privatizing the prisons. That’s the big thing now, private operation of these prisons. Well, once you privatize something it becomes a for profit business. Now, it’s inherent for all of our prisons to have at least eighty percent occupancy in order for these corporations to make a profit, and I don’t think we should be putting people in prison just so corporations can have a good bottom line or make profit.
Kelly: Also in the introduction of your book you discuss an appearance you made on Fox News which you speculate may have gotten you permanently kicked off the network. You were arguing about the policies of the United States towards Cuba. Could you expound upon that?
Ventura: Absolutely, what happened was I said, why should we be surprised as the United States that we would get attacked by terrorists? I said we’ve been out practicing terrorism for fifty years, and the Fox guy got all indignant with me and he said give me an example of the United States practicing terrorism. I said easy, Cuba. I said the country of Cuba has never done one thing to us. Yet we have blown up ships in their harbor, we’ve attempted to assassinate their president on multiple occasions, we’ve attempted to destroy their economy, we’ve attempted to burn their cane fields, and best of all ― I don’t know if you’re familiar with this character, I think he’s dead now, but his name was Orlando Bosch.
Kelly: He blew up a Cuban airliner and George H.W. Bush pardoned him.
Ventura: Yeah. Exactly. He blew up a Cuban airliner with like seventy three civilians on board, and George Bush Senior pardoned him. Now is that not an act of terrorism? I think it is. I laughingly say we do terrorism too, but our terrorism is called foreign policy, it sounds a lot better. Look what we’re doing now. We fly drones all over the world killing people, and we’ve even killed American citizens and not given them a trial. We’ve killed them simply because of things they have said. Well, don’t we have the First Amendment here? Now you can be put to death for what you say?
Kelly: It was recently revealed by The Guardian that the government has been operating a covert data mining program in which they forcibly extracted phone records from Verizon customers. You have a chapter in your book entitled “Is the Bill of Rights in the Shredder?” Do you believe that this is another assault on the Bill of Rights and our civil liberties?
Ventura: No doubt about it. It’s horrible. Senator Lindsey Graham defended it saying we need this to fight terrorism. Well, you know what that’s telling you and me? It means that Lindsey Graham and his ilk think that we are all potential terrorists, that every person in the United States is a threat to them. Therefore, they have to listen in to our phone conversations, they have to read our emails, and they have to keep tabs on all of us. It’s outrageous is what it is. How dare them.
The First, Second, and Fourth Amendment are gone. Now they’re attacking guns too. They want to disarm us. Well, people need to understand on that aspect, there’s been six genocides roughly committed in the last century where governments have massively killed their people around the world. Every place it’s happened, it’s happened where guns are outlawed because the people have no way to fight back.
I guess we’re to believe that the U.S. government wouldn’t do that. People need to understand that governments are made up of people, and evil bad people can get into power. If you don’t believe me, go talk to the Germans, the people that lived in Germany during the ‘30s. They can tell you they love their country, but not their government because evil people can come to power because government is only made up of people. It’s our own creation.
Kelly: On the subject of guns Governor, when people say the American citizenry would never be able to withstand the force of their government if it decided to turn against them, what about the example of Vietnam?
Ventura: Exactly. That’s the point I make all the time. Vietnam didn’t have a navy; Vietnam didn’t have an air force. Vietnam was a bunch of rice farmers with AK-47s, and we dropped more ordinances on them than World War II, and we could not defeat them. We could not defeat their will to govern, and let themselves choose what they want to be. Let’s go back to Cuba; Cuba has done nothing to us. The only thing Cuba has done, they have a government we don’t like. Isn’t that the Cuban’s people’s choice? If the Cuban people are going to rise up and overthrow Castro it’s up to them, not us.
Refreshing. Thank you, Jesse!
Read more: http://communities.washingtontimes.c...#ixzz2XI9uRz5X
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
No where in the first amendment does it say "no law respecting an establishment of religion as long as its of the one Judea/Christian god" but so it is. Bush 2 even threatened to have athiest's deported.
On abridging the freedom of speech or press; try wearing a t-shirt that says "fuck obama" to a rally and see how fast your ass gets beaten and put in jail.
And on the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, we simply need look no farther than Kent State "The Kent State shootings—also known as the May 4 massacre or the Kent State massacre—occurred at in the U.S. city of Kent, Ohio, and involved the shooting of unarmed college students by the Ohio National Guard on Monday, May 4, 1970. The guardsmen fired 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis. Some of the students who were shot had been protesting against the Cambodian Campaign, which President Richard Nixon announced in a television address on April 30. Other students who were shot had been walking nearby or observing the protest from a distance." and the Patriot act, which allows use of weapons of war against protestors felt to be a threat to the current administration.
Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
If we enable them to take our arms they will. We have to remember one thing; guns do not kill people, PEOPLE kill people. There are already too many laws regulating guns and gun ownership, so congress is already violating our 2nd amendment. I quote a bumper sticker I saw once "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
In Arizona, this amendment is violated on a daily basis. They don't even have probable cause or even a reason to search and seize or plant evidence on people to keep their prisons full and profitable. Hell they don't even mirandize people 98% of the time. And if you don't have enough money to hire a good attorney, your public defender is sure to give you a plea agreement to sign to do the least amount of prison time. I'm sure there are other states that don't bother to abide by this amendment either.
Are these amendments dead? Maybe not, but they're on their death bed grasping for straws to stay alive.
911 which I believe was an attack by our own government on the American people for reasons of war upon another country has almost put a stake in the heart of the American constitution. "Those who give up liberty for security have and deserve neither"--Ben Franklin All I can say is our government will only abuse us as long as we the people allow them to.
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06-28-2013, 10:23 PM
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I BlueFaery!
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06-29-2013, 12:41 AM
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06-29-2013, 05:00 AM
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06-29-2013, 10:01 PM
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Does anyone else think it's funny that BiSex has no idea what Imagecoast is?
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06-29-2013, 10:21 PM
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Does anyone else think it's funny that BiSex has no idea what Imagecoast is?
I know exactly what it is. It's the website that idiots rely upon to do all of their thinking for them!
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06-29-2013, 10:37 PM
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You really don't know, do you?
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06-29-2013, 10:40 PM
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You really don't know, do you?
Yes, I know that you are a fucking idiot who is incapable of thinking for himself.
Next question?
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06-30-2013, 06:30 AM
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Rider you and ib crying using government spying assistance to spy on johnny to steal this time around
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06-30-2013, 08:22 AM
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You got something specific, CJOHN. Or is this just more of your "Im not Marshall" persona?
Give it a rest. You're extremely stupid.
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06-30-2013, 08:23 AM
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BTW -- are YOU the one using your real contact info on your image coast account, Whiny?
I guess you need that in order to doctor the graphics you bombard us with, eh?
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06-30-2013, 09:55 AM
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Originally Posted by CJOHN
can't handle the FACT... not one of you ASSHOLE can argue with these fact CAN YOU ... let see if you United States Supreme Court can handle this question... DID YOUR GOVERNMENT INTERFERING INTO MY LIFE ALTER MY FUTURE? what could, should, and would of happen? cause effect, altering a person course in life
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