Originally Posted by mercianna
...I am just saying that after what I went through... I guess opinions are kinda like assholes...we all have one.
There are about 27 distinct differences between opinions and assholes, m'dear, but I'll skip that.
Haven't read this whole thread but whatever else has been said, your remark there is the key:
It's gotta work for both parties, right? This is a dance not a contest! (Not even a dance contest!)
Everybody makes little concessions for their lover (eg. "This hurts my hand after 20 minutes but I can tell she's gonna cum soon.") but there comes a point where concessions just become conceding to bad sex, and who wants that?
You made a thoughtful comment on my thread, let me try to reciprocate.
You lovely anus is the low end of a factory that starts with savory bacon and eggs (or something else yummy). To strip it of nutrients in 8 hours requires the services of little bugs that are fine in the lower GI tract but can rot your fuckin arm off if they set up an infection there. Ditto the male urinary tract. (Think 98.6 to 105 in 120 minutes...been there done that.) Stick yer sweet wee-wee in the sewer and it's gonna get some germs on it. Ya oughta use a condom -- no question. That said, you don't always get sick if you don't.
Umm I don't think you get to call it "unnatural" and remain consistent. Sex at it's most natural is vaginal sex from the easiest position that affords full penetration for the express purpose of reproduction. Oral sex is unnatural by the same standard (it seems to me) and masturbation is meaningless (an obvious falsehood).
People do sex for erotic pleasure (along with bonobos, it turns out, and one other related primate I can't remember). Unless you're an amazingly good Catholic, pleasure becomes the new criterion.
Darlin, I'm here to tell ya that there are gals who get incredible pleasure from anal penetration. I'm talkin' deep and hard, from a guy with a large penis and a lot of energy. Seriously, it doesn't make sense to me either, but I shit

you not. They hit (what they would say are) their very best orgasms that way. (I can't cum with anything in my ass -- too distracting -- and if it's bigger than the index finger of a dainty woman it hurts me.)
Guys, for heaven sake, don't have anal sex with any woman who doesn't enjoy it. If she's not loving it "back there" you're paying money to miss out on precisely what can make anal sex so amazing.
Also gentlemen (ladies you can listen) anal penetration is different. You can slip your half-flaccid cock into a lubricated vagina with about 2 pounds of pressure. Pussies don't have a strong little muscle with no other goal (in it's constricted life) than to keep that pipe closed until something presses on it from
To wit, you need a really rigid penis so that you can
really control the amount of pressure you apply and the rate of penetration. There is resistance....uuuhh....then suddenly entry. If you're just shoving you're gonna scare her to death to start with (see "relaxation, importance of for her) and then hurt her. If there's an art to it, that's it. And that part is your responsibility. If your belly is big, you have to find some position where you can tell what's going on at the tip of your dick. If you need help to get really hard, swallow it.
Anal is never a deal-breaker for me. Yet I'd tell you that my Top 10 sexual experiences include 2 who (wonderful lovers in every way) had reasons to want to try anal and loved it. Lord, I could tell ya stories.
Anyway, that's my two-bits.