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Old 01-23-2012, 04:21 PM   #46
Jackie S
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Stevie, the truth is usually the most difficult thing for anybody to accept.

The truth of what the Democrat Party has done to African Americans is appalling.
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Old 01-23-2012, 04:32 PM   #47
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Little Stevie doesn't deal with truth... can't handle it... misdirection and denial is much easier...
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Old 01-23-2012, 04:44 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Stevie, the truth is usually the most difficult thing for anybody to accept.

The truth of what the Democrat Party has done to African Americans is appalling.
Here's the condensed version, complete with catchy music:



Maybe there will be a part three sometime, since no mention is made of Clinton's "A few years ago, he'd (Obama) been serving us coffee", nor Reid's pointing out that Obama could be successful because of his "light skin" and absence of "Negro dialect", and who could forget Biden's "clean" remark?

The truth hurts, but to be fair, the democrats haven't singled out blacks, they will gladly enslave anyone they consider to be a reliable voting block with government checks, that was the whole idea behind social security and enslaving the votes of the old (sort of an interesting statistical quirk that black men end up subsidizing lil' ole white ladies social security by dieing off so young). The new emphasis of course is the Hispanic community.
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Old 01-23-2012, 05:13 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Timpage, I said 'those blacks' are probably Republicans, so they have in all likelyhood reached a point to where they are not dependent on anyone but themselves.

But, for the millions who are permantly mired in housing projects in every metropolitan area, waiting for the momthly check from the government for their substance, I have no answer. Once you past 4th and 5th generations living in this existance, the odds of escape have become unsurmountable.

The Democrat answer is "vote for me, and you get more of the same".
My question simply is why does the Black Community continue to support the Democrats in overwhelming numbers when all they will get is "more of the same".
Well, Jackie, it's because they know that they won't get the sweat from Republicans' buttcracks. They never have. The Republicans have zero interest in doing anything, for anybody, except white people (who aren't poor, of course) and corporations. At least the Democrats make an effort. It is certainly flawed but, just as certainly, the solution is not to do nothing.
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Old 01-23-2012, 05:21 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Stevie, the truth is usually the most difficult thing for anybody to accept.

The truth of what the Democrat Party has done to African Americans is appalling.
Links and percentages would help your case, Jackie S, but when the other little wannabe bullies also spout off nonsense, it makes you gross generalizations even more outlandish.

Prove it up with links to your "almost 100%" claim and your assertions of Uncle Toms.

Aren't you talking about Republican Uncle Toms like J.C. Watts, Uncle Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain and the rest? Republican PACS illegally put up Cain's running money in hopes of swaying more Dems to vote against the very party exploiting 98% of the populace.

Hell, you could count the number of regular posters here on one hand that are even voting for the party that has their best interests at heart because most of the posters here are not in the top 2% of earners.

And one of the reasons they are so mad at Obama is that they are too dumb to follow the money and didn't see the recession coming because of the trickle down economics and failure to stop the tax cuts which could have funded the two wars Bush and Cheney started. Hell, the stock market hit its lowest point while BUSH was in the White House along with job losses. Except for one month, Obama has slowly turned it around.

He's not had enough time nor cooperation to finish it yet so the same idiots who voted for Bush are here wanting to go back to the principles that caused the recession.

Each of you are the very definition of insanity.

383 days since Boehner was inaugurated and the Republicans have yet to pass one single solitary jobs bill! Obama has had to veto not one single bill about jobs from the do-nothing, obstructionists yet!
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Old 01-23-2012, 05:46 PM   #51
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Het Steve and Tim. I dare you to watch LIONs first video.
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Old 01-23-2012, 08:21 PM   #52
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Old 01-23-2012, 09:46 PM   #53
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I'm sure he loves his family. It's what he is doing to this country that makes me SICK.
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Old 01-23-2012, 11:14 PM   #54
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Just what is our depression-avoiding, Bin-Laden getting, pirate capturing, North Africa freeing, GM rescuing, pollution-fighting, insurance company "pre-existing condition" disallowing, jobs rebounding, Nobel prize-winning President doing to the country, Obama-hater?
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Old 01-23-2012, 11:18 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
I'm sure he loves his family. It's what he is doing to this country that makes me SICK.

now that was pretty funny, not that I totally agree but a good one is a good one!
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Old 01-23-2012, 11:21 PM   #56
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I think the House Republicans have passed 30 or more jobs bills, but the Senate Majority Leader refuses to let them come to the floor. And let's not forget the 1000 days this country has gone without a budget. I kind of think there is enough blame for both parties. Just think of what they might do if we had a leader in the White House.
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Old 01-24-2012, 12:14 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
I think the House Republicans have passed 30 or more jobs bills, but the Senate Majority Leader refuses to let them come to the floor. And let's not forget the 1000 days this country has gone without a budget. I kind of think there is enough blame for both parties. Just think of what they might do if we had a leader in the White House.
not passing a budget in 1000 days, what is up with that?
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Old 01-24-2012, 12:19 AM   #58
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
not passing a budget in 1000 days, what is up with that?
The government's debt.
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Old 01-24-2012, 01:12 AM   #59
JD Barleycorn
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I didn't see anything racist about what Jackie s said Cinderbella. What he said was a that a group of people have voted nearly 100% for one party for almost 50 years. In those 50 years this group of people have experienced more unemployment, more trouble with families, more drug use, more divorce, more births out of wedlock, more murders, and less representation than before the 50 years started. Now you can believe Wellendowed about how this group of people have always done worse under republican presidents but that would not be the case.
I mean if you want to open up that box then the democratic party would have to hang it's head in shame. Jim Crow, the KKK, poll taxes, prison chain gangs, voter intimidation, and slavery are all creations of the democratic party.
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Old 01-28-2012, 12:07 AM   #60
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Anytime a person describes a conditional situation in terms of "the blacks, the whites, the hispanics....." It's not an albiet accurate discription of what's really wrong with the conditional situation. As humans, as a member of a specific race, culture, etc. we lose sight that there exists in everyone a human being with needs and desires. My goal in life is to look beyond the skin, culture and values to the beating heart within. This bashing of democrat, republican, white, black, whatever..... What good does it do to point and accuse someone you know so little of. I hurt when someone does it to me and I do not wish to continue the vicious cycle and engage in encouraging hate filled rhetoric. I have every right to express my opinion in a polite fashion without expressing personal resentment towards those who disagree. My nails come out when someone attacks me personally without just simply posting their view in a logical, thoughtful manner.

btw, would you donate a Christmas toy with a note attached stating, "this toy is only to go to a white baptist child"? Good lord I hope not.
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