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Old 01-19-2012, 07:31 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
It's frustrating trying to get y'.all to understand keeping jobs and money in north america is a good thing.
Most of them are just trolling. That's why they don't want to show their links.

The frustration will culminate in BHO's ouster in November.
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Old 01-19-2012, 07:52 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
Which is safer?

Pipelines or tankers?

When a pipe breaks you turn off a valve.

When a tanker leaks you have chaos.

Would you rather have american jobs and cheaper energy?

Or would you rather create Chinese jobs and have all that oil floating on the Pacific Ocean in Chinese Tankers?
do chinese tankers have double hulls? I don't know if their ships do, but they do have an annoying habit of doing things on the cheap that tend to fail or at least cause problems.
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Old 01-19-2012, 09:41 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by waverunner234 View Post
Told you, you need a better search engine. I didn't even know those places exist, so how could I just come up with that?
I think you made them up.
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Old 01-19-2012, 10:00 PM   #49
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I am far from a Stevie backer but

HELL, one East Texas pipeline leaked less than 10 years ago and the resulting pocket of leaked natural gas BLEW THE FUCKING SHIT out of a young couple who were minding there own business driving through the area when their car ignited the leaked natural gas.

I do remember this one when I was living in Dallas
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Old 01-19-2012, 10:09 PM   #50
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If you can find a delivery system that is 100% safe, you'll be rich. Hell, people have died when their Twinkie delivery truck crashed, but they still deliver Twinkies, and HoHos, and Snoballs, etc. Overall, the safety record of pipelines is not perfect, but it is impressive.
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Old 01-20-2012, 12:58 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
If you can find a delivery system that is 100% safe, you'll be rich. Hell, people have died when their Twinkie delivery truck crashed, but they still deliver Twinkies, and HoHos, and Snoballs, etc. Overall, the safety record of pipelines is not perfect, but it is impressive.
When it comes to water mains, sewer lines, it's not impressive, it is a complete disaster everywhere in the US. Pipe line systems a 100 years old and no money for maintenance.
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Old 01-20-2012, 06:21 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by LovingKayla View Post
Damn tree huggin hippies. Where's Cartman when you need him?
Didn't know Nebraska was a liberal state.Thanks
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Old 01-20-2012, 07:04 AM   #53
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Default you are so very right but....

Originally Posted by jhende3 View Post
Who cares about a pipeline anyway. You could build one from Saudi to Houston and gas would still be 4.00 a gallon. I say to hell with these oil companies pipe line companies these jokers rake in billions in profits every month. If you think that that pipeline would help anything but there profits your smoking. When will people understand this one simple thing. And when you can wrap your brain around this you will begin to understand why I believe what I believe

the price wont change unless and until the supply goes up (which speaks to the need for spurring domestic production) but..

what the pipeline deal would do is allow us to have a stream of oil, even if it is merely refined and resold overseas, which provides jobs by the way, and in times of stress and turmoil, be available for the united states, similar to the strategic oil reserve....

it would seem to me that the only real argument against the pipeline is some sort of misplaced idealism and utopianism....

1. oil will be used..
2. transporting oil, by any means, could be subject to accident, as transporting anything is, either by us or the canadians or chinese or anyone. mere life is a risk you know.
3. we could make money off it by transporting and refining it, providing jobs at the same time
4. we would have a supply we could use when needed
5. i would think we must have a better track record of enviromental control than the chinese

so unless you have the utopian idea the world will soon quit using oil and return to the garden of eden or you just have such an animus against business and free enterprise you have a rage unfettered by reason, or maybe its "obama is my man all the way", to not build the pipeline is just a spiteful thing to do or its frantically clinging to the same failed ideology unless you are obama and then its merely political
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Old 01-20-2012, 08:21 AM   #54
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Nevergaveitathought is exactly right. Oil (at least oil of similar qualities/grades) is a fungible commodity, and since the Canadians are going to produce the tar sands oil whether we buy it or not, the global supply/demand balance will not be significantly altered by our Keystone Pipleline decision.

But this is about far more than price. In a world where unstable areas supply so much of our energy, and since the Iranians continually threaten to stop the flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz, we need to secure all the steady supply potentially available.

I might also point out that we have a number of very valuable trade and other relationships with Canada. It's a significant export market, and that's critically important in these days of huge U.S. balance-of-payments deficits.

Sticking it to the Canadians for no good reason is ridiculously stupid.
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Old 01-20-2012, 08:29 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight View Post
Nevergaveitathought is exactly right.
i like that part the best Cap'n
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Old 01-20-2012, 08:34 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
the price wont change unless and until the supply goes up (which speaks to the need for spurring domestic production) but..

what the pipeline deal would do is allow us to have a stream of oil, even if it is merely refined and resold overseas, which provides jobs by the way, and in times of stress and turmoil, be available for the united states, similar to the strategic oil reserve....

it would seem to me that the only real argument against the pipeline is some sort of misplaced idealism and utopianism....

1. oil will be used..
2. transporting oil, by any means, could be subject to accident, as transporting anything is, either by us or the canadians or chinese or anyone. mere life is a risk you know.
3. we could make money off it by transporting and refining it, providing jobs at the same time
4. we would have a supply we could use when needed
5. i would think we must have a better track record of enviromental control than the chinese

so unless you have the utopian idea the world will soon quit using oil and return to the garden of eden or you just have such an animus against business and free enterprise you have a rage unfettered by reason, or maybe its "obama is my man all the way", to not build the pipeline is just a spiteful thing to do or its frantically clinging to the same failed ideology unless you are obama and then its merely political

I hear people talking about "Us" and "We" when they describe this propose pipeline. First of all I don't need a job from building a pipeline secondly I wont make a dime off any oil that flows thur it either. I don't like Exxon or any other of the greedy bastards. There is no reason except for them to set new profit records that gas should be this high.

I'm not going to get on here and campaign for some rich companies so they could get there way. Hell they pay lobbyist for that. I personally wish the bastards stock would tank and the price of oil too.
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Old 01-20-2012, 08:34 AM   #57
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The Canadians will sell the oil to Asia unless we do something soon. According to this article, Obama's decision may well damage our relations with Canada in other areas as well. The Canadians are starting to think we're not a reliable trading partner.

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Old 01-20-2012, 08:38 AM   #58
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Default telegraphed already or maybe im intuitive

Originally Posted by jhende3 View Post
I hear people talking about "Us" and "We" when they describe this propose pipeline. First of all I don't need a job from building a pipeline secondly I wont make a dime off any oil that flows thur it either. I don't like Exxon or any other of the greedy bastards. There is no reason except for them to set new profit records that gas should be this high.

I'm not going to get on here and campaign for some rich companies so they could get there way. Hell they pay lobbyist for that. I personally wish the bastards stock would tank and the price of oil too.
everyone has their reasonings
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Old 01-20-2012, 08:42 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by jhende3 View Post
I hear people talking about "Us" and "We" when they describe this propose pipeline. First of all I don't need a job from building a pipeline secondly I wont make a dime off any oil that flows thur it either.
This isn't about you.

It's about what's best for the U.S.

Some of us actually care about that. Maybe you don't.
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Old 01-20-2012, 02:46 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight View Post
This isn't about you.

It's about what's best for the U.S.

Some of us actually care about that. Maybe you don't.
I think a lot of people care more about scoring points against the person in the white house than the US because if you did you won't be so critical of everything the president does.

Gas actually went down in last few days since the presidents decision... Huh? What does that mean? Nothing! Because a pipeline won't mean shit in the grand sceme of things. If you really wanted to give the middle east the finger do this decrease demand. Mandate higher fuel standards, promote electric cars you can increase demand year after year and expect to get lower prices. George bush Barack Obama don't have any power in the price of oil. GW said it best "America is addicted to oil" and like a drug addict you will try and justify everything you do to get more of it. You will steal lie and kill for it. And just like a good pusher the oil companies raise the prices on you.
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