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Old 09-17-2023, 05:35 AM   #46
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Time to get back on the threads topic please
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Old 09-17-2023, 11:43 AM   #47
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Boston Herald

Howie Carr: Mitt Romney heads into RINO retirement

Sen. Willard Mitt Romney is retiring from politics due to ill health.

The voters got sick of him.

Actually I wanted to start this column with the traditional, “And so, farewell, Mitt Romney….”

But the reality is, the odds are great that “Pierre Delecto” (for that was indeed his Twitter nom de plume) is not going anywhere, at least not for a while.

You know damn well Romney still fantasizes about becoming president. And believe it or not, there are a bunch of political has-beens and never-weres who are searching desperately for a doomed candidate to run for president under the “No Labels” label.

Romney and Joe Manchin may end up flipping a coin to see who gets to be the Jill Stein of 2024.

But when it comes to bust-out candidates for president, who better than the current senator from Utah and former governor of Massachusetts, who has already failed twice, in 2008 and 2012.

Mitt made his announcement with a videotaped message saying that it was “time for a new generation.”

Then, in true Mittens fashion, excerpts were leaked from a new biography in which he denounced two of his Republican colleagues in the Senate – Josh Hawley and J.D. Vance.

Hawley is 43 years old. Vance is 39. So much for that new generation.

Mitt is often described as a RINO – a Republican in Name Only. I don’t think he even rises to that sad level. He’s a charter member of the GOP’s “Useful Idiot” wing, meaning useful to the Democrats, especially when he attacks another Republican.

But No Labels isn’t the right name for Mitt’s new party. How about “No Principles?”

Remember when he bragged that he was “severely conservative?” Or when he told his landscaper in Belmont to stop hiring illegal aliens – “I’m running for president for Pete’s sake.”

So it was totally in character that Mittens would include in his announcement a blast at Donald Trump. He truly detests the former president, mainly, I think, because they are the same age. Both were born in 1946, Mitt on March 12 and Trump on June 14.

And yet Trump is the one who became president – on his first try.

A French leader once said that the Germans are either at your throat or at your feet. Trump could say the same of Mitt Romney.

In 2012, Trump made him fly to Las Vegas.

“He was begging for my endorsement,” Trump recalled. “I could have said, ‘Mitt, drop to your knees.’ He would have dropped to his knees.”

Trump said this in 2016, when Mitt was denouncing him – he was at Trump’s throat, you might say. Then Trump won and Mitt flew to New York to beg – beg! – for a job in the new administration. At Trump’s feet, as it were.

Trump gave him the back of his hand, so Mittens decided to move to Utah and run for the Senate. You know, just like he moved back to Massachusetts in 2002 to run for governor.

After one term as governor, he got bored and decided not to run for a second term. Now after one term in the Senate, he gets bored and decides not to run for a second term.

Do you begin to detect a pattern here?

He quit as governor because he didn’t think it was improving his prospects for winning the presidency. I would suggest the same m.o. is in play here.

It’s all about Mitt’s father, George Romney, the late governor of Michigan, one of Mitt’s many home states. George ran for president in 1968, but his campaign imploded after he said on television that during a visit to Vietnam, he’d been “brainwashed.”

(Comedian Mort Sahl commented that given George Romney’s towering intellect, a brain wash seemed like overkill, and that a “light rinse” would have gotten the job done just as well.)

Mitt has always relished the fake accolades of state-run media.

I’m sure that since his announcement, he’s been eagerly searching the Internet for any positive reviews.

That was the whole rationale behind his “Pierre Delecto” alias on Twitter – he wanted to give himself big wet slobbering kisses on social media!

It was pitiful, but this pathetic craving for approval is a blind spot for all RINO’s.

Remember John McCain – when he was running as the RINO candidate in 2008, state-run media swooned, talking about his bus, the Straight Talk Express.

Once McCain won the nomination against Obama, the Democrats’ amen chorus turned on him. The comrades began calling McCain’s bus the Strait Jacket Express.

Mitt learned nothing from this. The fellow travelers loved him when he was running against real Republicans in the primary, but then they turned on him like a pack of rabid jackals!

He gave women cancer! He was a homophobe in prep school!

And worst of all, he put his dog in a crate on the top of his car and drove the beast to Michigan. One morning during the Republican convention in 2012, the New York Times ran not one, but two columns on the same op-ed page denouncing his treatment of poor Seamus, the Irish setter.

Remember, Romney didn’t kill Seamus. And he was running against a guy who’d admitted eating dogs as a boy in Indonesia.

Then during the debates, the plus-sized moderator Candy Crowley teamed up with Obama to destroy Romney. And Mitt’s response was the same as when a drunk Ted Kennedy lunged for his throat in the 1994 Senate debate at Faneuil Hall.

Mitt dropped to the floor and went into the fetal position and began whimpering for his mommy.

Trump described him perfectly back in 2016:
“Mitt is indeed a choke artist. He choked like I’ve never seen anyone choke.”

But now Mitt is retiring from politics – again. He’s denouncing the lack of civility and bipartisanship – again. He’s ripping Trump – again.

I can see the editorials in state-run media now. He’s an elder statesman. He’s grown, evolved. Why can’t we get Republicans like Mitt Romney anymore?

There are five Sunday-morning political chat shows on TV that nobody watches anymore. Trump’s already booked for Meet the Press this week. That leaves four for Mitt to beg to go on. The over-under on how many he makes is three.

I’ll take the over.
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Old 09-17-2023, 02:49 PM   #48
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Still no explanation of what a RINO is or what Romney did (outside of speak out against Trump) to earn the title. He makes some great points about us needing new and younger faces across the board. He was quite popular in Utah and as he gets closer to 80 years of age its time he enjoy what life he has left.

Not a big fan but I do appreciate some of the things Romney stands for so let me leave this hear for sensible Conservatives who understand the time has come for more Liberty in America and less persecution.

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Old 09-17-2023, 03:06 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by DNinja69 View Post
Still no explanation of what a RINO is or what Romney did (outside of speak out against Trump) to earn the title.
You won't be getting one beyond that, either. Because that's literally all it takes to be labeled a RINO by trump. You see, his ego is so fragile, lies so thick, and his cult followers are so dumb and brainwashed, that anyone who dares speak out against dear leader must be removed and ostracized. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of examples of this over the past 7 years.

Total 3rd world/banana republic shit. Just never thought we'd see it here.
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Old 09-17-2023, 11:15 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by DNinja69 View Post
Still no explanation of what a RINO is or what Romney did (outside of speak out against Trump) to earn the title.
As per usual, you clearly have not paid attention to this thread. Romney was a RINO long before Trump entered politics. Romney being a RINO has zero to do with Trump

And this thread is about RINO Romney, not anyone else
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Old 09-18-2023, 07:33 AM   #51
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I think Ninja's asking for a definition of RINO, and what Romney did to deserve the title. There's been nothing offered up by the OP, so we're left to our own assumptions.
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Old 09-18-2023, 04:49 PM   #52
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Default Pretty much...

Originally Posted by tommy156 View Post
I think Ninja's asking for a definition of RINO, and what Romney did to deserve the title. There's been nothing offered up by the OP, so we're left to our own assumptions.
I have ask a couple of times for a definition which is quite relevant to the OP as it mentioning Trump sorry Berry if the logic involved does not suit your narrative.

Fact is Romney is tired of the circus and decided to go enjoy life a little something a number of other elderly elected officials should take inspiration from.
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Old 09-18-2023, 05:15 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by DNinja69 View Post
I have ask a couple of times for a definition which is quite relevant to the OP as it mentioning Trump sorry Berry if the logic involved does not suit your narrative.

Fact is Romney is tired of the circus and decided to go enjoy life a little something a number of other elderly elected officials should take inspiration from.
And how exactly do you know this?
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Old 09-18-2023, 10:21 PM   #54
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Default Simple...

Originally Posted by bambino View Post
And how exactly do you know this?
What exactly about my comment do you see as far fetched?
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Old 09-18-2023, 10:53 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by DNinja69 View Post
Fact is Romney is tired of the circus and decided to go enjoy life

Another completely made up statement from you
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Old 09-18-2023, 11:23 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post

Another completely made up statement from you
Yet another lack of answer to direct question. My comment was spot on and makes considerably more sense than your conclusion. My opinion was not copy n pasted from some hack right wing news source sorry to disappoint.

The OP mentions RINO with zero effort to clarify what qualifies as a RINO just another empty slur hurled around as if being a Conservative while not following the Republican playbook note for note makes someone less than functional. Some of us prefer to think issues through and form opinions on our own. The Republican party needs more of that and less finger pointing and internal squabbling. For someone who blasts Biden as often as you I would think a little inclusivity amongst Conservative minded people would be a priority. Or maybe you think the current balance of power is ok we don't need to change a thing...
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Old 09-19-2023, 05:44 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by DNinja69 View Post
What exactly about my comment do you see as far fetched?
So you admitted you just pulled it out of your ass.
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Old 09-19-2023, 09:20 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by DNinja69 View Post
My opinion was not copy n pasted
So thanks for admitting it was another completely made up statement from you you tried to pass off as a fact
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Old 09-19-2023, 09:43 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by DNinja69 View Post
Yet another lack of answer to direct question. My comment was spot on and makes considerably more sense than your conclusion.
Yep. They're incapable of defining the term RINO. They likely have no idea what it means, other than "Romney bad for speaking out against dear leader".
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Old 09-19-2023, 05:54 PM   #60
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Gentleman this is a forum. Forums exist for people to post comments. If you have an issue with my comment that Romney decided it was time to retire from public service and enjoy his late twilight years you could easily respond with.. commentary.

Or you can prepare a lil cup of Ad Hominem if that suits your agenda.

His comments on the decision:

“I’ve spent my last 25 years in public service of one kind or another. At the end of another term, I’d be in my mid-80s”

“Frankly, it’s time for a new generation of leaders. They’re the ones that need to make the decisions that will shape the world they will be living in.”

Sound statements to my ears. I hope to see more elderly politicians take inspiration from his move.
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