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Old 09-07-2011, 10:54 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by bigryan222 View Post
Posting who it is would be a good start. I doubt you care to see her now anyway. If she just had an off day, it will show in the long run with positive reviews and comments.
Does it show with negative reviews? I haven't seen any

Originally Posted by swarmyone View Post
Fuck her. She had her chance. She stood you up. She says she doesn't "care about a fucking review", so give her one. Please tell the rest of us who she is so we won't waste our time with her. That's what this forum is for.
I hate to break the news but this ECCIE is just one small slice of the pie. For every review written about a lady in a week there are far more that could have probably been written.

Originally Posted by sasnaK View Post
Well enough said..I think her words explain everything...and explains why I used the word Cunt which I hate using.....! Its Obvious she has problems...including LE problems...!
Poor man didn't get to stick his dick somewhere now he's mad and wants to call a woman a cunt..... get over it if I had a quarter for every time I didn't score I'd be scoring all the time. Poor man is also mad that he got his ass jumped by someone who said she was in the middle of dealing with other problems. Big fucking deal! you need to quit letting your little head do all the thinking.

Also what ever happen to calling once and waiting for a response? Did you think somehow calling more than once makes you more important? I think she probably knew who it was. Call me alot of times when I'm right in the middle of something I'm going to reach right through that phone and slap you so fucking hard your kids will be born bruised..... Reminds me of people in the elevator who have to hit the floor button a shit load of times thinking that's going to make the door slam shut and the elevator rocket to the top. get over it its not alllll about YOU!

BTW whats odd is everyone is believing that he is the second coming and has never slanted a story too his favor. AMAZING!

Originally Posted by swarmyone View Post
A woman has the right to refuse an appointment. Nobody is arguing that here. Although very difficult to decifer, I didn't see anything in Nikki's rambling to indicated that. Face it...she flat out stood him up. It's high time for white knights to quit excusing inexcusable behavior.
I know its all the ladies fault and none of ours. I would hate to hear the stories about our lame asses that the ladies have. I would die laughing because most of us think were all that.... gimme a fucking break.

I'll tell you what swarmyone I'm going to white night my ass over there this weekend and grudge fuck her for sasnaK !!!! Hows that sound?

Big hug everyone :-)
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Old 09-07-2011, 11:28 PM   #47
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Simply me...what did I do to you? I have a right to complain when This type of thing happens....whats in it for you...? I called a Girl a cunt and left it at that..she exposed her self and now it appears the comment was justified..! explain what part was my fault? I did my part to connect......she did not....its obivious you have an an interest in her .......You want to run over and make her feel all better please do..!
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Old 09-07-2011, 11:28 PM   #48
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I knew I'd catch hell. Maybe I can get a free hour in the cage in Omaha! LOL and a flogging!
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Old 09-07-2011, 11:31 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Kaboom View Post
Oh christ.
Thats me, yup thats why I posted it.
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Old 09-08-2011, 12:18 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by buzzworm86 View Post
I knew I'd catch hell. Maybe I can get a free hour in the cage in Omaha! LOL and a flogging!

Now why in the hell would I want to give you a free hour? I should charge you double just for the fact you left a layer of carmex on her ass while kissing it.

The flogging I might just throw in for giggles because you need to be broke from the ass kissing.
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Old 09-08-2011, 12:23 AM   #51
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@ MsElena

Statements like this really makes me want to see you: "Should we providers be their perfect lil angel? For an hour or how ever long they hire us for, damn straight we should be. Its their fantasy world, not ours."
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Old 09-08-2011, 12:46 AM   #52
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Oh boy. Sasnak, sorry you went through all this. I'm also sorry Nikki chose to vent the way she did. Her sig line includes: nikkimonroe.sexynclassy.com. Kudos to all who speak their mind, but there are ways to do it without trashing oneself in the process. It's an art and can be learned, though it can be a hard lesson for many. Assertiveness is not the same as aggressiveness, and her responses were certainly in the latter category. And of course, aggression is often met with more of the same; like begets like. Regardless of whether the guys on ECCIE are a small piece of the pie, a provider's attitude, if poor, will eventually sink her ship until she adjusts that attitude. And the same holds for any of us, too.

As others have said, we've all driven across town (too many times and with or without a Plan B), only to have no one answer the phone. I talked with a well known provider last weekend who I've seen a bunch of times over a number of years. She was on her way home, and I was to phone her just as I was leaving my house after first giving her some time to clear the people in her room. (OK, this was a bad omen, so the result was not a huge surprise.) Hmm, no answer when I called several times over the next hour. Yes, I have many such t-shirts; most of us do. That's not the biggest problem, though. I've still never heard from her, and from past experience, I'm sure I won't. She says she never gets on here. If she doesn't communicate with those she knows well, what happens to those she doesn't?

Elena is right about not reinforcing bad behavior. If we do, the behavior remains or gets even worse. I have a closet with too many t-shirts for doing this, too, even while knowing better. The child remains in all of us till death do us part, and that child wants it, and wants it now, regardless of what "it" is, but especially when it's something as fundamental as sex. Our egos get hurt when we've been slighted, and we either sulk, go to war, or chalk it up and maybe learn from it. I've done all three...more than a few times.

As for phone bombing, I was bombed by someone last night and today, but I understand her issues, and I just ignored the phone. In this case, however, Sasnak came up temporarily empty and moved forward, while Nikki managed to defend herself, though not too successfully as she has obviously been removed from a lot of wish lists here. As so often is the case, communication can at least keep people satisfied that they are being shown courtesy. A simple phone call can stave off ill will, while a toxic post can spread it ten-fold. The weekend is nearing. I hope everyone, guys and gals, has a plan...and a Plan B. OK, I think I hear something out back....
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Old 09-08-2011, 12:52 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by FireSerpent View Post
I think he was looking for a quick session in a low cost range... Don't think you'd fit in that category...

note to self: read slowly.
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Old 09-08-2011, 12:54 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
Now why in the hell would I want to give you a free hour? I should charge you double just for the fact you left a layer of carmex on her ass while kissing it.

The flogging I might just throw in for giggles because you need to be broke from the ass kissing.
I would pay double only if you promised to beat me harder! And I don't think I can be broke. I am a willful boy. Breath play. that might work. When I was 6 my swimming teacher loved "dunkies" in the pool to learn to control breathing. WTF She must have been a domme by night. LOL
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Old 09-08-2011, 06:57 AM   #55
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You guys are entertaining!
Hugs and Kisses,
Maria of DFW
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Old 09-08-2011, 09:09 AM   #56
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i honestly think this post has ran its course both sides said what they had to say!!Now its just drama that doesn't need to be going on..She made her point even though it was not done in the greatest fashion and he made his...Both sides are angry we all gather that..Only those 2 know what really went down..No need for everyone to be casting stones at one another..We are all adults and I am seeing a lot of childish actions on here..Time to stop talking about it and move on..Now everyone get naked and have fun lol
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Old 09-08-2011, 09:20 AM   #57
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Talking What???

Originally Posted by bustycici View Post
Time to stop talking about it and move on..Now everyone get naked and have fun lol
What? You mean everyone wasn't already naked while fighting?
I am so disappointed now.
Hugs and Kisses,
Maria of DFW
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Old 09-08-2011, 09:26 AM   #58
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Default OVER IT

Couldn't have said it better myself CiCi, I think everyone should be over it by now. Plus I may have lost a few brain cells reading all this. We all get the point......NEW THREAD PLEASE!!!!!
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Old 09-08-2011, 10:25 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by buzzworm86 View Post
Please, I don't want to make anybody mad, but I think Nikki really had a bad day, and other things were going on that pobably neaded her attention. I am not speaking for her, but I am imagining my bad days when I blow up at people and I have way to often. I think when these pressures build so much we sometimes over-react to them and say things we would not have normally said. It gets posted on here and people exaserbate the problem and the perpetrator gets defensive because the others don't understand. Nikki doesn't know me. I only know her from ECCIE and P411. I think she is tough. We had a p411 email once when she came to my town and she talked a little about herself. She is trying to do a lot. I am not a povider, but I can only imagine it is hard, being a parent is hard and continuing your education is hard. All of these things can be gleened from her past posts. Is she entitled to blow up at people? Not at all. Are ECCIE members entitled to expect the providers to be our perfect little providers all of the time? No way! Are we entitled to forgivness from each other when we fuck up? I sure hope so. Someone said she has a history of this. Maybe so, but since we know this why pressure someone like this. Try to give a little space and let them cool off. I know we cant no a persons mood all of the time, but when we sense something might be wrong, maybe we should let it go and find another play date. At least can we quit hatting on her?

Again, I dont want to make any one more angry.

ps. I know I am a terrible speller, flame on me if you will.

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Old 09-08-2011, 12:03 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by bustycici View Post
i honestly think this post has ran its course both sides said what they had to say!!Now its just drama that doesn't need to be going on..She made her point even though it was not done in the greatest fashion and he made his...Both sides are angry we all gather that..Only those 2 know what really went down..No need for everyone to be casting stones at one another..We are all adults and I am seeing a lot of childish actions on here..Time to stop talking about it and move on..Now everyone get naked and have fun lol
Originally Posted by aspenp View Post
Couldn't have said it better myself CiCi, I think everyone should be over it by now. Plus I may have lost a few brain cells reading all this. We all get the point......NEW THREAD PLEASE!!!!!
Time for the lock and chain, then lose the keys.
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