Originally Posted by Little Monster
"Communicate" it's impossible to communicate with narrow minded, childish individuals such as yourself.
Yet you continue to attempt to which indicates you aren't smart enough to listen to your own judgement of me. So your own opinion is worthless in your own judgement.
Originally Posted by Little Monster
I stated a fact that the Taliban is a far right regime, and your only response is to act like a child and name call.
Is it important that I agree with you? I don't. You're wrong simply because you don't understand Islam. It's not a right left political spectrum issue. Islam is a theology that purports to also be a governing philosophy. As such it's more accurately described as a theocracy which is neither right nor left, simply an entirely different sort of spectrum than what your limited knowledge accommodates. Why do you feel it's necessary that it's classified as far right? So you can equate it with Republicans? Please, you're so obvious how clever you think you are for that.. and it's really a quite unsophisticated analogy. But whatever gives your sad little life validation.
Originally Posted by Little Monster
Why cause 1. You know it's true and 2. You know that there is no defending far right extremist ideology.
No defending it? On the contrary, the Taliban feel quite confident defending their ideology. I don't share their ideology so I'm not sure why you think I need to defend it. Again, you're playing checkers while the rest of us are talking about baccarat... if it helps you feel better, most Jr. high students start out at your level too...
Originally Posted by Little Monster
And as long as you continue to post false, made up, childish bs I will continue to call you out on it.
Ah, I see. you think you're some sort of hero fighting the Man... pointing out to all of us wrong think and how you know better. Again, a very juvenile behaviour on your part... your opinion just isn't that original, insightful, or smart enough to change anyones mind here. It's cute that you think it is, but that's a forlorn hope, son.
Now run along, back to your PS5 while the adults talk.