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Old 05-04-2011, 12:21 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Mazomaniac View Post
OK. How's this for kinder and gentler:

Fuck you Wayward and all the other fucked up people who think like you.

I lost friends on 9/11. I was a couple hundred yards from the Pentagon when the plane went it and I'm sick and fucking tired of having to listen to assholes like you tell me that I can't properly grieve for those people because I hold a different political view.

My people and I just got back from a couple weeks at risk in a stinking shit hole helping the government keep your sorry ass safe from people like bin Laden. People like you make me wonder why we bother.

And since my Navy friends who gave it all on 9/11 can't be here to say it I'll say it for them:

"Go fuck yourself shithead. Those of us who made the ultimate sacrifice did so for everyone in this country regardless of their sex, race, creed, or politics. We were proud to be liberals and we died and left our families and children behind while keeping this country safe for you and your football games and your six packs and your fucked up right-wing attitude. So fuck you asswipe. Go burn in hell. We'll be watching from a higher place."


PS - And if the mods want to ban for this - and they probably will - then please do. It's a minor price to pay for telling an asshead what I think of him and doing honor to my lost friends. I'm so fucking sick of hearing shit like this on here that I doubt I'll ever be back anyway.
I'm sorry Mazo....I understand and agree with a lot of what you're saying, you and everyone else in the military have my utmost respect for what you guys do & risk for civilians...

As far as the situation with Bin Laden was carried out, I could care less if it was "politically correct". I'm glad they shot him, armed or unarmed, in a way, I think he got off too easy, shot to the head, dies instantly, no pain...And when it comes to monsters like him, I wish they would have secretly captured and tortured his ass for a while,and then killed him...Obviously I know that's not realistic, but if I had my way he would suffer for ages...

Sorry, I just can't put the words "kinder and gentler" in the same sentence as you know who.
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Old 05-04-2011, 01:08 AM   #47
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I'm not sure I even understand the question. What are you asking. Whether the killing was lawful under U.S. or international law? Clearly it was. Whether there are some liberals that opposed it for policy reasons? I know of none, nor could I imagine on what grounds they would oppose it.

Perhaps your confusing this situation with the debate on whether the President can order the extra-judicial killing of a U.S. citizen, which is a good bit more complex issue.

But I think that the views of my many liberal friends is that this is a vindication of what we have argued all along. That torture is not necessary as all the evidence shows that it was simple good detective work that led to the identification of bin Laden's hiding place, not torture. (See: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/04/us...04torture.html) That the real target of our efforts should have been al Quaida, and not Iraq. And that the war in Iraq distracted from the battle against Al Quaida and caused far more problems than it solved. We don't need to be tough, we need to be smart.
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Old 05-04-2011, 08:00 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Rudyard K View Post

Damn!! And I was so counting on an insightful vision into the master of "putting themself in another's shoes".
WTF you wanna know there Rudyard? I will be glad to help you in your quest to understand others.

What the Fuck is your question? Quit beating around the bush. If you have something to say , just ask it.

I think Mazo summed it up rather well for you neo-cons toy soldiers. You Tea Folks who want tax cuts during time of war and then cry about grandchildren being stuck with the bill.

I will gladly answer any convoluted question any of your Tea Sipping friends care to ask. Just try and spit it out in a linear fashion.

btw, I can easily put myself in you folks shoes. That is why I answered honestly. The neo-cons would be next. I know wtf you want, my liberal friends do not understand that the harm done to this country is not from someone like Osama it is from within. It is from folks that will use the military for their political gain.

So again wtf was your question?
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Old 05-04-2011, 08:26 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
What the Fuck is your question?
Nice vocabulary.
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Old 05-04-2011, 08:56 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by ninasastri View Post
Has anyone of you guys seen the movie "MUNICH". Here are similar situations discussed. At the end one guy says that if one shithead is done it does not do anything because others will grow out of the ground instead of him so its better to have one "controllable" risk than numerous unknowns.
That is my rational response to that situation.
I have seen this movie and it was well done from artistic point of view. A little moralistic but well done. Here is a follow up question.

Ever heard of Israeli citizens taken hostage or Israeli plane high-jacked since Munich?

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Old 05-04-2011, 09:25 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
WTF you wanna know there Rudyard? I will be glad to help you in your quest to understand others.

What the Fuck is your question? Quit beating around the bush. If you have something to say , just ask it.

I think Mazo summed it up rather well for you neo-cons toy soldiers. You Tea Folks who want tax cuts during time of war and then cry about grandchildren being stuck with the bill.

I will gladly answer any convoluted question any of your Tea Sipping friends care to ask. Just try and spit it out in a linear fashion.

btw, I can easily put myself in you folks shoes. That is why I answered honestly. The neo-cons would be next. I know wtf you want, my liberal friends do not understand that the harm done to this country is not from someone like Osama it is from within. It is from folks that will use the military for their political gain.

So again wtf was your question?
This ain't exactly brain surgery here WTF...albeit maybe it is to you. I asked the question whether this action was "right". "Right" can be by law. "Right" can be by morality. "Right" can be by personal opinion.

I really wasn't epecting a bunch of Rants (well, I was from you, but I've come to expect nothing else). I was expecting some of the KumBaYa crowd to give me either some legal "chapter and verse" (as is done in many other threads) or some moral justification why this was right (or perhaps a lot of right, along with a little wrong...as Sch Cat implied).

TTH, at least got it...albeit "Clearly it was" is not exactly a legal opinion. But at least he addressed it from both a legal and moral issue.

Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
I'm not sure I even understand the question. What are you asking. Whether the killing was lawful under U.S. or international law? Clearly it was. Whether there are some liberals that opposed it for policy reasons? I know of none, nor could I imagine on what grounds they would oppose it.

Perhaps your confusing this situation with the debate on whether the President can order the extra-judicial killing of a U.S. citizen, which is a good bit more complex issue..
No, I was not "confusing" anything. If we have the right to go execute a foreign citizen on foreign lands, because we think he has done us wrong...then so be it. Frankly, I'm pretty much all for that. I was just unaware of that "right"...at least from a legal sense. That's why I asked the question.

Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
But I think that the views of my many liberal friends is that this is a vindication of what we have argued all along. That torture is not necessary as all the evidence shows that it was simple good detective work that led to the identification of bin Laden's hiding place, not torture. (See: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/04/us...04torture.html) That the real target of our efforts should have been al Quaida, and not Iraq. And that the war in Iraq distracted from the battle against Al Quaida and caused far more problems than it solved. We don't need to be tough, we need to be smart.
That is a bit "gilding the lily". There was "clearly" no single methodology that was responsible for OBL's demise...NYT's rag, and the views of your liberal friends, notwithstanding.
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Old 05-04-2011, 12:07 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post

But I think that the views of my many liberal friends is that this is a vindication of what we have argued all along. That torture is not necessary as all the evidence shows that it was simple good detective work that led to the identification of bin Laden's hiding place, not torture. (See: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/04/us...04torture.html) That the real target of our efforts should have been al Quaida, and not Iraq. And that the war in Iraq distracted from the battle against Al Quaida and caused far more problems than it solved. We don't need to be tough, we need to be smart.
You are completely correct. Iraq was a red herring and warring with them shifted our focus from the people that perpetrated a horrible attack upon the United States multiple times: Al Quaida.

Hopefully we can get out of Iraq and re-focus ourselves on the enemy.
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Old 05-04-2011, 12:23 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by SR Only View Post
Nice vocabulary.
Taken in the context it was used it was rather mild compared to the OP question and follow up response to me. I'm sure RK is man enough for a little salty language, if not maybe he will quit asking questions he already knows the answer to under the guise of enlightenment.

Originally Posted by Rudyard K View Post
This ain't exactly brain surgery here WTF...albeit maybe it is to you. I asked the question whether this action was "right". "Right" can be by law. "Right" can be by morality. "Right" can be by personal opinion.

If you are foolish enough to ask if a moral question is either right or wrong then this just might be brain surgey to you.

Obviously you are still having trouble with the concept of putting yourself inside another's brain/shoes.

Originally Posted by Rudyard K View Post

That is a bit "gilding the lily". There was "clearly" no single methodology that was responsible for OBL's demise...NYT's rag, and the views of your liberal friends, notwithstanding.
Clearly to who? You and your neo-conic pals?
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Old 05-04-2011, 12:41 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Clearly to who? You and your neo-conic pals?
On RK's behalf I must protest. The neo-cons are far too liberal for RK
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Old 05-04-2011, 12:52 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Taken in the context it was used it was rather mild compared to the OP question and follow up response to me. I'm sure RK is man enough for a little salty language, if not maybe he will quit asking questions he already knows the answer to under the guise of enlightenment.
Yeah SRO...its allright. He's got no more depth than a Carnival Barker. And it's kind of amusing to wind him up and watch him bark.

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Clearly to who? You
Yes. Since you can see other's minds, I would have thought that was obvious.

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
and your neo-conic pals?
Oh, I don't know about others. Jumping into other's brains and shoes is your bag. I typically just ask folks a question if I want to know.
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Old 05-04-2011, 01:03 PM   #56
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It seems that UBL would have been a valuable source of information if taken alive.....hopefully, the story of dumping his body at sea within hours of his death isn't true and he's being water-boarded as we speak in some black-op-prison in Romania........BUT:

I don't think BHO wanted to catch UBL, but he did want to get re-elected and BHO would not be re-elected if he took a pass like Bill Clinton.....

funny how the story now is that he did not use his wife as a human shield and had no gun.....why kill him? Only answer I can come up with is that UBL was killed because BHO wants to be re-elected and would lose the election if he tried UBL in a military or civil court......funny how liberals will compromise their "beliefs" to stay in power

funny how BHO won't release the death photo.....they didn't want to rile up the Muslims who are still upset about the Crusades! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Not like the liberals had any problem releasing Abu Ghraib photos, or the photos of the soldiers posing with their kills [recently cout martialed]

I'd love to see the video of the SEALS helmet-cams......only problem is, I think they had helmet-cams to documents their actions for any future courts martial......I can't understand why BHO had one SEAL court martialed for slapping a terrorist....fortunely, he was acquitted

to me, it doesn't matter if they don't release the UBL death photo, the best picture released was of the little man in the navy blue jacket cowering in the corner of the situation room!

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Old 05-04-2011, 01:06 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Rudyard K View Post
Yeah SRO...its allright. He's got no more depth than a Carnival Barker. And it's kind of amusing to wind him up and watch him bark.
See there SRO....Rudyard was just asking a question he already knew the answer to.

You got to give Rudyard WTF he wants or he will go nillywilly on us.

Originally Posted by Rudyard K View Post

Yes. Since you can see other's minds, I would have thought that was obvious.

Damn , my bad, I thought you'd see that that was rhetorical. I musta been giving him more credit than he deserved.

Originally Posted by Rudyard K View Post
Oh, I don't know about others. Jumping into other's brains and shoes is your bag. I typically just ask folks a question if I want to know.
And then you typically twist WTF they say to fit your preception of reality.

Originally Posted by discreetgent View Post
On RK's behalf I must protest. The neo-cons are far too liberal for RK
LOL, RK is right of the neocons and if he cared to listen to anyone other than his own windpipes chirping he would see that I am to the right of him in most thing monetary.
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Old 05-04-2011, 01:20 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Marshall View Post
It seems that UBL would have been a valuable source of information if taken alive.....hopefully, the story of dumping his body at sea within hours of his death isn't true and he's being water-boarded as we speak in some black-op-prison in Romania........I suspect the 10 hard drives, computers and assorted papers probably are a pretty good substitute

I don't think BHO wanted to catch UBL, but he did want to get re-elected and BHO would not be re-elected if he took a pass like Bill Clinton.....There's real genius in that conclusion

funny how the story now is that he did not use his wife as a human shield and had no gun.....why kill him? Only answer I can come up with is that UBL was killed because BHO wants to be re-elected and would lose the election if he tried UBL in a military or civil court......funny how liberals will compromise their "beliefs" to stay in powerYour conclusion has nothing to do with anything other than being silly and name-calling. Now, don't you think it's a LITTLE ODD for the rules of engagement to be so narrow that there was probably NO MOVE OBL could have made which would have kept him from being killed? Now, there's some of dat der down home Liburralism.

funny how BHO won't release the death photo.....they didn't want to rile up the Muslims who are still upset about the Crusades! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Not like the liberals had any problem releasing Abu Ghraib photos, or the photos of the soldiers posing with their kills [recently cout martialed]Well, just seemed to me that they looked like a HS Letterman's Club initiation. Guess by the time those photos came out, the media was through being a lap dog for Dick and Down (remember "embedded journalists?)

I'd love to see the video of the SEALS helmet-cams......only problem is, I think they had helmet-cams to documents their actions for any future courts martial......I can't understand why BHO had one SEAL court martialed for slapping a terrorist....fortunely, he was acquittedHmmm, ya think!?! Could be there's always more going on than you can grasp.

to me, it doesn't matter if they don't release the UBL death photo, the best picture released was of the little man in the navy blue jacket cowering in the corner of the situation room! Your unit looks like Obama?
They must've let pre-school out early today.
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Old 05-04-2011, 01:45 PM   #59
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It seems that UBL would have been a valuable source of information if taken alive.....hopefully, the story of dumping his body at sea within hours of his death isn't true and he's being water-boarded as we speak in some black-op-prison in Romania........I suspect the 10 hard drives, computers and assorted papers probably are a pretty good substitute....nope......keeping him alive keeps him from martyrdom and keeps the location of his death from being a pilgrimage site....

I don't think BHO wanted to catch UBL, but he did want to get re-elected and BHO would not be re-elected if he took a pass like Bill Clinton.....There's real genius in that conclusion....killing UBL is so un-liberal.......

funny how the story now is that he did not use his wife as a human shield and had no gun.....why kill him? Only answer I can come up with is that UBL was killed because BHO wants to be re-elected and would lose the election if he tried UBL in a military or civil court......funny how liberals will compromise their "beliefs" to stay in powerYour conclusion has nothing to do with anything other than being silly and name-calling. no Now, don't you think it's a LITTLE ODD for the rules of engagement to be so narrow that there was probably NO MOVE OBL could have made which would have kept him from being killed? seems like the order was to kill on sight....not like Barak Osama could try him in a military tribunal because that's what W would do...can't try him in civilian court because that's just dumbNow, there's some of dat der down home Liburralism.

funny how BHO won't release the death photo.....they didn't want to rile up the Muslims who are still upset about the Crusades! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Not like the liberals had any problem releasing Abu Ghraib photos, or the photos of the soldiers posing with their kills [recently cout martialed]Well, just seemed to me that they looked like a HS Letterman's Club initiation. Guess by the time those photos came out, the media was through being a lap dog for Dick and Down (remember "embedded journalists?)don't understand what you're trying to say...the media is liberal....

I'd love to see the video of the SEALS helmet-cams......only problem is, I think they had helmet-cams to documents their actions for any future courts martial......I can't understand why BHO had one SEAL court martialed for slapping a terrorist....fortunely, he was acquittedHmmm, ya think!?! Could be there's always more going on than you can grasp.....your problem Comrade Candy is that you're grasping too much! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

to me, it doesn't matter if they don't release the UBL death photo, the best picture released was of the little man in the navy blue jacket cowering in the corner of the situation room! Your unit looks like Obama?.....liberal penis jokes again? Do your liberal masters tell you to make those kind of jokes? You makes those jokes because you can't make logical arguments...
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Old 05-04-2011, 03:29 PM   #60
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Removing all doubt....................^^^
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